Depending on your ailments, you can count on various types of rehabilitation: cardiological, neurological, systemic, in inpatient wards and in outpatient conditions. If your he alth requires it, take advantage of physiotherapy treatments. Check what rehabilitation treatments you are en titled to under the National He alth Fund and who can give you a referral.
Referral for rehabilitation procedures under the National He alth Fundcan be issued by a doctor he alth insurance, i.e. by any doctor or dentist who has signed a contract with the National Fund He alth or works in an institution that has concluded such a contract.
Types of rehabilitation
Depending on the type and severity of the disease, you are en titled to rehabilitation:
- on an outpatient basis,
- in day ward conditions,
- at home,
- systemic in inpatient conditions,
- neurological in a stationary ward,
- cardiology in an inpatient department and on an outpatient basis,
- pulmonary in the conditions of a stationary ward,
- specialist rehabilitation, not separately classified.
Outpatient rehabilitation
It consists of:
- follow-up rehabilitation advice - includes a medical examination without additional diagnostics, evaluation of the results of additional tests, issuing prescriptions, applications for orthopedic supplies, issuing therapeutic recommendations.
- specialist rehabilitation advice - the first medical advice in the treatment cycle provided by an authorized physician or follow-up rehabilitation advice, which additionally requires additional diagnostics to be ordered by a physician. This diagnostics does not include specialist tests separately financed by the National He alth Fund or the Ministry of He alth.
If it is necessary to perform computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), electrophysiological tests of the neuromuscular system and other tests financed by the National He alth Fund on a co-financing basis, the doctor of the rehabilitation clinic cooperates with doctors from other specialist clinics.
Rehabilitation at home
This is rehabilitation provided in your place of residence orstay. You are en titled to rehabilitation and you cannot reach outpatient clinics because of your disability. Rehabilitation time: from 3 to 10 weeks.
ImportantThe National He alth Fund does not finance corrective and compensatory gymnastics, recreational services, therapeutic massage ordered for reasons other than documented medical indications, and other services, the financing of which is specified in separate regulations.
Systemic rehabilitation in day ward conditions
You are en titled to a full-day he alth benefit in a center or day ward when you cannot benefit from outpatient rehabilitation. It consists of:
- at least 2 medical advice,
- exercise,
- treatments.
It includes rehabilitation of motor organs, including rehabilitation for orthopedic (post-traumatic, surgical, chronic diseases), rheumatological and other indications. Rehabilitation time: up to 6 weeks, includes min. 5 treatments a day.
Systemic rehabilitation in an inpatient ward
This is a 24/7 ward he alth service that includes diagnostic tests, exercise / treatment, hotel costs and meals. You are en titled to it when outpatient treatment results cannot be achieved and you require professional 24/7 supervision. The scope of services includes rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system, including orthopedic (post-traumatic, surgical, chronic diseases), neurological, rheumatological and other indications. A referral for systemic rehabilitation is issued by doctors - specialists of individual departments. Rehabilitation time: from 3 to 6 weeks, includes min. 5 treatments a day, 6 days a week.
Neurological rehabilitation in an inpatient ward
It takes place in the stationary conditions of the neurological rehabilitation department. The beginning of rehabilitation must take place in the department where you have been diagnosed with and treatment of disorders of the central nervous system has started.
The National He alth Fund finances neurological rehabilitation within 3 months from the occurrence of an acute cerebral incident or trauma to the central nervous system, or surgery on the central nervous system. Referrals for neurological rehabilitation are provided by doctors from neurological, neurosurgical, trauma-orthopedic, intensive care, internal and - in exceptional cases - from neurological clinics. Duration of rehabilitation: from 3 to 6 weeks.
Cardiac rehabilitation in the ward conditionslandline
The National He alth Fund only finances rehabilitation up to 30 days from the onset of an acute episode (in the case of cardiac surgery up to 42 days, and in clinically justified situations up to 60 days) and other cardiovascular diseases requiring cardiac rehabilitation, especially in cases immediately after treatment You are directed to cardiac rehabilitation in inpatient conditions by a doctor from the hospital ward, if you do not have postoperative complications or when they have already subsided.
Outpatient cardiac rehabilitation
You are en titled to it for up to 12 weeks - in particular after leaving the cardiology department after a myocardial infarction, coronary artery plastic surgery, and cardiac surgery. You have the right to it if, after leaving the hospital, you cannot take advantage of rehabilitation in an inpatient facility due to lack of vacancies, due to family circumstances or other reasons that make it impossible for you.
Pulmonary rehabilitation in the conditions of a stationary ward
Its aim is to heal or inhibit the disease and prevent the development of respiratory failure (e.g. in chronic bronchitis, emphysema and pneumoconiosis, bronchial asthma, etc.). You are referred to it if, due to the continuation of treatment, you require comprehensive rehabilitation, and you cannot use it on an outpatient basis. Duration of rehabilitation: up to 3 weeks.
Specialist rehabilitation not separately classified
This is rehabilitation:
- visually impaired and blind people,
- hearing and speech organs,
- hand,
- children with craniofacial defects,
- children with impaired psychomotor development,
- newborns and infants,
- mastectomy women
- and others.
This rehabilitation is granted in situations when the patient's he alth condition requires comprehensive assistance, and he cannot use the services on an outpatient basis. The National He alth Fund finances only the therapeutic program for a given rehabilitation. If the patient intends to use the accommodation and meals, he / she pays the fee based on the costs provided by the he althcare institution.
Specialist rehabilitation not classified separately requires a detailed rehabilitation program, positively assessed by the provincial consultant for therapeutic rehabilitation.
Physiotherapeutic treatments
Can be performed at home, outpatient or inpatient. They are often part of different typesrehabilitation mentioned above.
These include:
- kinesitherapy
- massage
- electrotherapy
- treatment with electromagnetic field
- hydrotherapy
- cryotherapy
- balneotherapy
In the case of referral to physiotherapy by a doctor other than a doctor with specialization in medical rehabilitation, balneoclimatology and physical medicine, orthopedics, general surgery, rheumatology; MA in rehabilitation / physiotherapy or MA in physical education, second degree motor rehabilitation specialist, carries out a functional examination of the musculoskeletal system and sets up a rehabilitation program consistent with the patient's referral and he alth condition. Referral for physiotherapeutic procedures related to motor organ dysfunction caused by posture defects is issued only by a doctor of the rehabilitation and orthopedic clinic, and the rehabilitation program is developed by a physiotherapist.