Chills, feeling cold and sneezing are some of the first symptoms of the disease. And although colds cannot be cured in one afternoon, it is worth doing everything to deal with them in a few days. What to do to speed up your recovery over the weekend?
Although a cold is not a serious disease, it should not be taken lightly. If ignored, it may weaken the body and lead to serious complications, e.g. pneumonia. A cold caused by viruses most often develops in fall and winter, although it can also appear in spring and summer. How to cure an infection over the weekend and recover?
Keep your body hydrated
Adequate hydration is essential in the fight against colds. It soothes unpleasant symptoms and helps the body recover faster.
Water with honey and lemon, herbal infusions or just warm water will moisturize the throat and nasal mucosa.
Fever, which often accompanies an infection, causes excessive sweating, and the constant replenishment of fluids supports the body in maintaining an appropriate balance.
Ginger, honey, lemon
A runny nose, sore throat and fever are the most common ailments that have to be faced during an illness. As soon as the first one appears, it is worth preparing a homemade syrup that will effectively and quickly help you fight infection.
Ginger root has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is a source of vitamins A, B, C and E. The healing properties of honey have been known for a long time. Honey has an expectorant effect, and thus relieves persistent cough, increases the body's resistance and protects against the development of infections. It has a bactericidal effect, supports the treatment of infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract and accelerates the regeneration of the body.
In turn, lemon, which is a source of vitamin C, strengthens the body's immunity. Honey, ginger and lemon syrup is an easy-to-prepare home remedy that helps fight colds and speeds recovery.
Garlic and onion
In order to quickly cure an infection, it is worth reaching for a syrup made of onion and garlic, which is considered a natural antibiotic. It has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and bactericidal properties.
Onions and garlic will help you deal with cough, sore throat, runny nose and fever. To break the characteristic taste of the syrup, you can add a spoonful of honey and a few drops of lemon to it.
Fresh air
When in bed, it is worth ensuring that the room has fresh and properly moistened air, which has an impact on the condition of the respiratory tract. You do not need a special humidifier. It is enough to hang a wet towel on the radiator or put a bowl of water. It is worth remembering to ventilate the apartment - after all, all bacteria and viruses accumulate in a closed room.
In the quick fight against colds, inhalations will help to clear the nose, moisturize and bring relief to the dry throat mucosa. Just add a few drops of essential oil to a pot of hot water with antiseptic, expectorant and refreshing properties. Mint drops or tea tree oil are perfect.
Pain and dry throat are some of the more common and troublesome symptoms of a cold. Therefore, as soon as they appear, you should start acting. Rinses made of warm water and s alt or chamomile will bring relief. A drink made of linseed will be helpful in the fight against dry cough.
Take a fever
If your body temperature is above 38 ° C, start fighting a fever. You can support yourself with drugs containing paracetamol or ibuprofen or prepare a cool compress for the forehead and the most hot areas. If your body temperature rises anyway, consult your doctor.
Stay home
Avoid physical exertion during infection. If you go outside when you catch a cold, get tired and sweat, you will recover longer. When a runny nose, cough and sore throat hit you on the weekend, be sure to spend it in bed. Concentrate fully on fighting the infection. Warm yourself up, rest and use home remedies to speed up your recovery.