When you have tonsillitis, you know what's wrong with you and how to fight the disease. It happens, however, that you feel unwell and visits to other specialists do not explain the reasons for your malaise. Check what unusual symptoms of common diseases can be.
The reason for the difficulties in the correct diagnosis of the disease areunusual symptomsthat sometimes accompany them. It is difficult to combine dry eyes with rheumatism or cavities in teeth with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Unfortunately, it may be so. The most difficult to diagnose are diseases that have unusual symptoms or that may suggest many diseases.
People who have unusual symptoms often undergo a lot of unnecessary tests, visit more specialists, but this does not explain their he alth problems. It also happens that they are treated for conditions that they do not have at all. This can result in uncontrolled development of the underlying disease.
Unusual symptoms of neurosis and depression
We associate sleep disorders, bad mood with stress, fatigue or depression. But when our heart pounds, our arms or legs go numb, we get tired easily, we feel short of breath - we look for other reasons. If we urinate frequently, we seek help from a urologist because we are convinced that we have cystitis. We often even undertake treatment that does not bring improvement. Meanwhile, frequent urination may be associated with severe depression or neurosis.
Why? Well, when we are nervous, the heart contracts more often, and the blood flows faster throughout the body, including the kidneys. The result is frequent urination. General weakness, weight loss or weight gain, dizziness and headaches, tinnitus, nausea, itching of the skin may indicate a developing mental illness.
Unusual symptoms of rheumatic diseases
In addition to joint pain and stiffness, rheumatic diseases often manifest themselves as lesions that are difficult to link directly to them. It also happens that these unusual symptoms precede proper diagnosis. With rheumatoid arthritis (RA), you may experience drenching sweats.
A symptom that prompts you to seek help from a dermatologist is severe erythema on the large and small withers of the hand, skin rashes, brown discoloration or spots resembling typicalvitiligo.
Sometimes RA is manifested by skin hyperemia or significantly dilated veins. Sjögren's syndrome (an autoimmune disease) develops dry eyes, mouth, dry vulva, and severe itching of the skin. The skin may be covered with hives or haemorrhagic lesions.
Atypical symptoms of Hashimoto's disease
Hashimoto's disease is classified as an autoimmune disease and, contrary to appearances, its diagnosis, especially at an early stage, is not easy. This is because before symptoms of hypothyroidism appear, you may suffer from muscle and joint pain, excessively dry and itchy skin and mucous membranes.
Digestive problems, nausea and vomiting, and even anemia may occur. The patient is susceptible to infections (viral, bacterial, fungal, yeast) and has a changeable mood. Correct diagnosis of the disease is made difficult by the fact that atypical symptoms may appear individually or together.
The disease has an individual course and sometimes does not cause any symptoms. It is sometimes discovered accidentally after many years of its duration.
Unusual symptoms of acid reflux disease
An unusual symptom is chest and abdominal pain (dull, radiating to the back, shoulder or neck), which are often mistaken for coronary pain. They are caused by the irritation of the nerve endings of the esophagus as it stretches, or by irritation of the stomach acid. If you feel pain behind your breastbone, this usually indicates that your acid reflux disease has inflamed your esophagus or has developed another medical condition (including cancer).
The so-called pulmonary symptoms - gastric contents thrown into the esophagus enters the larynx and bronchi, which may result in bronchial asthma, bronchitis, chronic cough and recurrent pneumonia. Untreated reflux disease also causes symptoms such as damage to the enamel of the teeth, gingivitis, and often irritation of the larynx and throat. People suffering from acid reflux also have a feeling of choking in their throats, they grunt and cough frequently.
Unusual symptoms of cancer
Some neoplastic diseases are manifested by skin changes. In 20 percent. in gastric cancer cases, these changes are ahead of diagnosis. Such changes includedark malignant keratosis . These are dark brown lesions composed of many small lumps, which most often appear on the nape of the neck, around the armpits and inguinal folds. They're usually itchy too.
If the underlying disease is not treated, keratosis will also appear around the mouth and eyes, and on the oral mucosa. Scholars think for showing upThe growth factors (substances that help to grow) the tumor itself correspond to the characteristic changes in the skin.
When the primary cause of skin lesions, i.e. the tumor, is removed, the dark brown discoloration disappears over time. It happens, although very rarely, that similar discolorations on the skin accompany other, non-cancerous diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Back pain: unusual symptoms of back diseases
- Atypical symptoms of celiac disease in adults
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