The invasion of scabies in dogs and cats is caused by arachnid mites, which live on the skin and pass their entire life cycle on the host. From the point of view of our pets' he alth, these are: Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis, which causes canine scabies, Notoedres Cati, which causes symptoms of scabies in cats, and Otodectes cynotis, which causes ear scabies in both dogs and cats. What is the difference between ear mites and ear mites?
Scabies in dogs and cats , just like in humans, is a non-seasonal, highly infectious parasitic skin disease with persistent itching. Its name derives from itching as the main symptom. Well, scabies used to be defined as an unpleasant feeling of itching on the skin.
- Scabies in a dog
- Scabies in the dog - symptoms
- Scabies in the dog - diagnosis
- Dog scabies - treatment
- Is it possible to catch scabies from a dog?
- Hollowing scabies in the cat
- Scabies in the cat - symptoms
- Scabies in the cat - diagnosis
- Cat scabies - treatment
- Is it possible to get infected with scabies from a cat?
- Ear scabies in dogs or cats
- Treatment of scabies - home remedies
Scabies in a dog - sarcoptosis
The disease occurs in all dogs, regardless of age. It happens more often in neglected dogs, staying in large groups, but it also happens in individuals functioning in good living conditions. Dogs become infected only through direct contact with sick individuals. Foxes are an important reservoir of the parasite, therefore contact with the fox is considered a significant risk factor. Clinical symptoms appear 2-6 weeks after contact with an infected animal.
Świerzbowce are small size mites. 0.4mm, which parasitize the upper layer of the epidermis, digging corridors in it. Adults copulate on the surface of the skin, then the female opens channels in the skin. In such tunnels, it lays eggs, from which, after 3-5 days, the larvae hatch and feed on the epidermis and tissue fluid. The time of development of the parasite from the moment of laying the eggsuntil adulthood is approximately 3 weeks.
Severe itching of the skin is caused both by mechanical irritation and as a result of a hypersensitivity reaction of the host's immune system to allergenic substances produced by mites.
Scabies in a dog - symptoms
The skin lesions are initially reddened and papules covered with gray-yellow crusts. The longer the disease lasts, the more persistent the itching becomes and is felt practically all the time. Scratching causes secondary changes such as: alopecia, abrasions, and abrasions. By scratching, the animal introduces bacteria into damaged skin, leading to secondary infections and bacterial complications.
In some cases, with a long and extensive process, enlargement of the lymph nodes can be observed. The lesions are initially located in characteristic places: on the edges of the auricles, on the elbows, ankles and wrists. Later, the changes may gradually spread to the chest and abdomen, and then to the entire body.
Scabies in a dog - diagnosis
Often the very location of lesions and the intensity of itching, as well as the lack of response to antipruritic drugs, may indicate the diagnosis. Scabies in a dog is also the only skin disease that can be confirmed by a positive response to treatment. This means that when this disease is suspected, it is recommended to introduce therapy against scabies, despite the lack of confirmation of the presence of the parasite in additional tests.
The limo-ear reflex is quite a characteristic symptom of scabies. How to check its presence? When rubbing the finger on the tip / edge of the auricle, the dog should start scratching the hind limb.
An indirect confirmation may be a positive result of the limo-ear reflex test.
The diagnosis should be supported by direct examination of deep skin scrapings, in which the characteristic adult forms of scabies or their eggs are looked for. Unfortunately, finding parasites in the scrapings is difficult. It is estimated that only 20% of infected canine patients manage to find scabies in the scrap.
There is still serological diagnostics (a method with much greater sensitivity and specificity than scrape - on the order of 90%), which consists in detecting the presence of antibodies against Sarcoptes scabiei. However, it has one drawback - the time it takes for the body to produce antibodies in the body can be up to 5 weeks, so performing the test too early may result in a false negative.
ImportantCan a person get infected with scabies from a dog?
Psi scabies (Sarcoptes scabiei var.canis) is a zoonosis. In people who are in close contact with a dog, especially in immunocompromised people, itchy skin lesions in the form of a rash and papules, most often on the hands, abdomen, and chest, may occur. In such cases, a visit to a dermatologist is recommended.
Scabies in a dog - treatment
An important aspect of the therapy is the appropriate preparation of the patient's skin for treatment - cutting / shaving the hair in the affected areas and shampooing. Baths in medicated shampoos are designed to expose scabs and remove dead epidermis, which is a breeding ground for scabies and hinders proper drug penetration. This aspect of the treatment can be performed by the owner himself, of course, after selecting the appropriate therapeutic shampoo by a veterinarian.
Parasite-fighting drugs are available in several forms:
- spot-on preparations (dotted on the nape of the neck), or
- subcutaneous injection, or
- tablets taken orally.
The selection of drugs is made by a veterinarian, taking into account the severity of symptoms and the best and easiest route of drug administration. In addition to the above acaricidal preparations, severe itching requires a short-term administration of antipruritic drugs (glucocorticosteroids or antihistamines) to eliminate itching and thus reduce the risk of further skin self-harm. In the case of secondary bacterial infections, antibiotic therapy should be introduced. Due to the occurrence of a hypersensitivity reaction, it may take up to 6 weeks to get rid of the symptoms of itching.
Preventing the spread of scabies in dogs
As the disease is highly contagious and is spread through direct contact, sick animals should be isolated and all dogs around who are sick should be treated. Scabies usually die quickly, but they can survive for up to 3 weeks in the environment, so decontamination of the environment is very important for the treatment to be fully effective. You should thoroughly clean and disinfect beddings, bowls, grooming equipment, as well as floors, carpets, sofas, etc.
Worth knowingFoxes are an important reservoir of the parasite. Infestation with scabies in the fox population is very common, which is also the cause of their mortality. Therefore, the dog's contact with foxes or their hair is a significant risk factor. This is especially true of hunting dogs and those living in suburban areas, surrounded by forests.
Scabies in cats (notohedral scabies, notoedrosis)
Scabies in cats is caused by the Notoedres cati mite.As with dog scabies, it is characterized by persistent itching and self-harm associated with scratching. The life cycle of the parasite is very similar to that of Sarcoptes scabiei, the parasite lives on the skin of the host, females dig holes in the skin and lay their eggs in hollow tunnels.
The infection occurs mainly through direct contact, less often through lairs or brushes. The disease can spread rapidly in clusters of cats.
Scabies in a cat - symptoms
Early symptoms include local alopecia and reddening of the skin, which later turn into grayish-yellow dry scabs, the skin peels and becomes excessively keratinized. At first, the lesions are limited to the tips and outer parts of the auricles, as well as the head and neck. Later, the lesions can spread throughout the body as a result of licking themselves.
Scabies in a cat - diagnosis
Diagnosis of scabies in cats is easier than with scabies in dogs. This is due to the simpler and more frequent detection of parasites in microscopic examination and the specific nature of skin lesions and their location.
Scabies in a cat - treatment
The procedure is similar to that of scabies in dogs. It is very important to treat all animals that are with a sick cat. It is also advisable to remove the lairs and disinfect the animal's habitat.
ImportantCan a person get infected with scabies from a cat?
Scabies in a cat (notoedrosis) is not a zoonosis. Cases of human infection are unique and self-limiting, they only affect people with reduced immunity.
Ear scabies (otodectosis) in dogs or cats
Ear scabies are caused by the mite Otodectes cynotis. These are parasites that live in the ear canal. Unlike hollow scabies, these parasites do not penetrate the skin, but stay on the surface of the skin, feeding on the exfoliated epidermis.
Dogs and cats suffer from scabies, mostly young animals, more often kittens than puppies.
Animals become infected from each other through direct contact.
Ear scabies - symptoms
Symptoms of scabies include head shaking and ear scratching. There is a profuse brown-black dry wax discharge in the ears, which sometimes falls out of the ears when scratching in the form of clumped fragments. The discharge should be odorless. The smell appears with bacterial and fungal infections. Scratching causes abrasions and scabs on the auricles and neck.
Sometimes the owners notice scabs on their skin, and then it turns out that the problem isis located deeper - in the ear canal. In advanced cases, the animal tilts its head to the side, its hearing is impaired, or it may even lose its hearing, and it may have neurological symptoms.
Ear scabies - diagnosis
The diagnosis is made on the basis of: microscopic examination (ear swabs show mites and their eggs) and otoscopy (tiny, bright, moving points - scabies are noticeable.)
Ear scabies treatment
Treatment of ear mites is based on the use of acaricides in the form of ointments or drops applied to the ear canal.
You can also use spot-on preparations. In the treatment process, it is very important to clean the ear of any residual secretions.
This will be useful to youHome treatment of scabies
Home remedies are not effective in treating scabies. However, if you cannot come to the veterinary clinic at the moment, you can help your pet by cleaning the ear canal of residual secretions. The evacuation of parasites and accumulated earwax will bring your pet at least a temporary relief, and will also be a good preparation for the use of acaricides recommended by a veterinarian.
Remember that not all substances can be safely poured into the ear. We should clean our ears with preparations intended for this purpose. As a result of severe inflammation, the eardrum may perforate, which we are not able to check at home without specialized equipment. In this case, introducing substances not intended for this purpose into the ear may cause damage to the hearing organ!
About the authorEwa Korycka-Grzegorczyk, a veterinarianA graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. She has experience in the treatment of companion animals, with particular emphasis on dermatology, cytology and infectious diseases. She gained professional experience in clinics in Lublin and Łódź. He is currently working at a veterinary clinic in Pabianice. He constantly deepens his skills by participating in courses and conferences.
Privately, a cat lover and owner of a beautiful, red Maine-Coon named Felin.
In preparing this article, I used:
- R. G. Harvey, P. J. McKeever,Diseases of the skin of dogs and cats. A problem-oriented approach to diagnosis and treatment , Łódź 2006.
- L. Medleau, H. Keith,Dermatology of small animals, colorful atlas and therapeutic guide , Wrocław 2014.
- L. N. Gotthelf,Diseases of small earsanimals , Wrocław 2008.
- Fighting parasitic mites in dogs and cats. ESCCAP (European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites) Guide 04 - December 2009.