Massage of the perineum often avoids incision of the perineum during labor. Therefore, it is worth devoting some time to him during pregnancy. Find out when and how to massage your perineum to get the best results and increase your chances of avoiding an episiotomy.

Massage of the perineum during pregnancy , thanks to which you canavoid incision of the perineumduring labor, is becoming more and more popular. Its task is to make the tissues more flexible and stretch and relax the vaginal area. Massage of the perineum will make it easier for you to ignore the feeling of stretching during labor and you will feel less pain. Remember to consult your doctor before starting the massage and ask if he has any contraindications.

Perineal massage: when is the best time to start?

Whether the perineal massage will bring the desired results depends on your persistence and regularity. You should start massaging the perineum daily for 5-10 minutes from 30-34 weeks of pregnancy, preferably after an evening bath.

Instruction: how to massage the perineum?

  • relax your muscles
  • warm a small amount of the oil in your hands and apply to the vaginal area and labia
  • Use your finger to make circular movements in a clockwise direction (from 3 to 9) around and inside the vagina (up to a depth of 2 cm)
  • insert your fingertip into the vagina and press the bottom edge of it towards the anus until you feel a burning sensation
  • once the burning is over, restart perineal massage

You can also "pinch" the vaginal tissue around the mouth and inside it. After a few days of massage, you can attach a second finger, and then another one, and over time, you can massage with four fingers, which will allow the perineum to stretch up to 2/3 of the baby's head circumference.

Massage of the perineum with natural oils

Use natural oils to massage the perineum: avocado, wheat germ, olives or almonds. Oils facilitate massaging and make the tissues more elastic. You can add a few drops of vitamin E liquid, available at a pharmacy, to the oil.

Perineal massage: in what position?

The most comfortable massage positions are either kneeling on one knee with the other leg slightly out to the side and resting your foot on the floor, or standing position with your legleaning higher, e.g. against a chair. You can also sit cross-legged or lean back, bend your legs and rest your whole feet on the floor.
