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After 50 you have to keep your body under control, which is not always easy. The drop in hormone levels is making you feel, and other ailments may arise. Remember, regular preventive examinations will ensure your life longer! What tests should a woman over 50 do?

You are a mature woman. You have a stable professional position, raised children. You can lead an active professional and social life and devote yourself to your passions. You are suffering from ailments caused by a decrease inhormonesin your body. These are natural and inevitable changes, but make sure that they do not adversely affect your he alth.

Prophylactic examinations for women over 50

  • Performblood and urine tests every 2 years. Check your blood glucose and cholesterol levels once a year. Measure your blood pressure every 3 months.
  • If you have tightness in your chest, you are out of breath after slight exertion, see your cardiologist. Perform an EKG once a year as a preventive measure.
  • Visit the gynecologist once a year, get a cytology and a transvaginal ultrasound.
  • On the same day of each month, do your breasts self-examination. Report tomammographyevery year (ultrasound is done in indicated cases).
  • Perform a chest X-ray every 2 years (if you smoke, every year).
  • Perform an ultrasound of the abdomen every 3-5 years (it detects, among others, problems with the liver, intestines or pancreas).
  • Have your stool tested for occult blood every 1-2 years (even with a pharmacy test).
  • After fifty, do a colonoscopy - examination of the large intestine. If everything is fine, just repeat it every 10 years.
  • Every 2 years go to an ophthalmologist for visual acuity test and pressure measurement in the eyeball. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, visit him once a year.
  • Visit an ENT specialist every 2-3 years to have your hearing checked.
  • If you haven't done so already, do densitometry - a test to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Repeat them as advised by your doctor.
  • Do not neglect the visits to the dentist (1-2 times a year). Fill in the missing teeth - it is not only about your appearance, but also about maintaining the correct bite, which affects the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • If you experience aches and stiffness in your joints for a long time, see a rheumatologist.
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