I have my period, I do not have my period, I am late - women repeat it for many years, on average from 12 to 50 years of age. The period is much less commonly called menstruation or menstruation. Regardless of what name we use, the questions and concerns about the period remain the same.
Periodthat ismenstruation , which, like clockwork, does not happen very often today - many women have irregular cyclesor complains ofmenstrual disorders . We have shorter or longer cycles, many women experience some perturbations with menstruation at least once a year .Let's check what is normal and when to talk about the period with the gynecologist.
Why I don't have my period?
The first answer is: You are pregnant, or: It's menopause. But there are many more reasons for stopping a period. If your period is not two weeks past your due date and you are having sex, do a pregnancy test. When two lines do not appear, the cause of the menstrual stoppage may be severe stress or emotional trauma, or a drastic diet that caused rapid weight loss. Menstruation also stops due to very intense physical exertion - this problem is experienced by many professionally practicing sports. The period may also come to a h alt under the influence of antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications and some antihypertensives. If all of these are unlikely to apply to you, see your doctor to see if it is too high in prolactin or thyroid problems. Non-ovulatory cycles can also stop periods.
What can I do to get rid of the pain during my period?
Pain during menstruation is usually caused by the intense secretion of prostaglandins, hormones that cause the uterus to contract. On an ad hoc basis, you can help yourself by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, paracetamol) or diastolic drugs (No-Spa). Pains and tension are also relieved by herbal teas of lemon balm, calendula, yarrow and valerian, as well as avoiding in the diet, at least during menstruation, hard-to-digest products, bloating and caffeine (strong coffee, strong tea, cola). Often, acupuncture can trigger painful contractions in the long run. However, it is worth talking to your doctor about painful periods, because they can bea consequence of anatomical defects: uterine anterior or retrograde flexion and inflammation of the appendages, as well as endometriosis and fibroids.
What does it mean: too heavy periods?
We talk about abundant menstruation when we have to use more than four tampons or 6 pads a day and when the period lasts 7 or more days. If you have this menstruation occasionally, don't be alarmed. You just need to raise your iron levels by eating egg yolks, red meat, liver, fish, green leafy vegetables, and parsley. After the end of menstruation, it is also worth drinking nettle infusion. If we have heavy menstruation constantly - consult a gynecologist, because they may be a symptom of hormonal disorders, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, polyps, and even a cancer of the endometrium.
Why is my cycle irregular?
If you have recently started menstruating - this is the norm. The body generally takes two years to normalize the menstrual cycle. Most women who have regular periods at least once a year have a delayed or accelerated period, for many of us the difference of 2-3 days between cycles is normal. The more that the regularity of periods can be disturbed by many factors: stress, travel and climate change, fatigue, late nights, irregular lifestyle, diseases (even a common cold) or weight loss. However, if the cycles differ significantly or are shorter than 23 days or longer than 35 days - it is worth going to the doctor. Irregularities can be caused by endometrial hyperplasia, elevated prolactin levels, or an underactive or overactive thyroid gland. Very short cycles may indicate endometriosis, long (even 50-70 days) cycles may indicate polycystic ovary syndrome.
When is your period tight?
If the period lasts 1-2 days, or the amount of blood is so small that it looks more like spotting longer than menstruation - then we say it is tight. It is worth showing yourself to the doctor then. Such minimal bleeding is often a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease. They may also indicate the existence of scars in the endometrium resulting from frequent inflammation. Scanty menstruation is normal after uterine curettage and when we have a contraceptive device with the hormones - levonorgestrel.
What is spotting?
A small amount of blood that leaks from the uterus and stains your underwear. Physiological factors may appear during ovulation and after the embryo is implanted in the uterus, usually one week after conception (implantation spotting). However, if after such staining it does not turn out thatwe are pregnant, you have to tell the gynecologist about it. Spotting outside of the menstrual period (unless the immediately preceding period) requires consultation with a doctor. They can be a symptom of hormonal disorders, endometriosis, fibroids, polyps of the mucosa or cervix, as well as erosions, and even cancer.
During my period, is it better not to dye my hair and do not perm?
It turned out that this view repeated by women and hairdressers is true. During menstruation, the sebaceous glands on the head work more intensively, the hair becomes more greasy and takes up paint less easily. On the other hand, the decrease in the level of progesterone during the period makes the processes of changing the sulphide bridges between the keratin chains, which affect curling of the hair, worse.

Source: youtube.com/ Simply Saying