FIV, or Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus, is a feline variant of the human HIV virus. It means that the animal, like the human suffering from AIDS, has an immunodeficiency, which threatens his life and he alth.
FIV in cats(feline AIDS) - acquired immunodeficiency - is a disease that most often occurs in free-living, grouped or outgoing animals.
Little kittens under 6 months of age may have had the antibodies passed on to them from their mothers. Therefore, tests performed at this time may yield false results.
An animal can become infected with the immune deficiency virus when it comes into contact with another sick cat - becoming ill means that the cat becomes a carrier of its virus. FIV is the permanent damage to the immune system, and therefore susceptibility to secondary infections that threaten the life of your pet. The disease was first described in the late 1980s in the USA, when the virus responsible for feline immunodeficiency syndrome was isolated.
FIV in a cat - ways of becoming infected
The FIV virus is present in physiological secretions of sick cats: in their saliva, urine, blood, milk and semen. This means that it passes on to other animals through contact with these body fluids: e.g. during fighting or biting. That is why males fighting for territory in the wild are more likely to get sick than females. However, there is also a risk of contracting the virus during mating or through an intrauterine infection - so it is worth neutering sick cats to reduce the risk of transmitting the disease to kittens.
Importantly: FIV infection is only possible between cats - humans, dogs or other animals are not at risk of this disease.
Worth knowingThe presence of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is relatively easy to detect. If the doctor notices disturbing symptoms (recurrent infections, weakness, constant inflammation) that may indicate FIV, he will perform a blood diagnostic test for specific proteins. Its positive result, which we get after approx. 10 minutes, proves that the cat suffers from immunodeficiency syndrome.
Cat FIV - the course of the disease
Immunodeficiency in cats has a characteristic course that can be divided into fourphases.
The first phase of FIVbegins 6-9 weeks after the first exposure to the virus. This is when it multiplies in the blood of an infected animal and causes the typical symptoms of a viral infection. However, there may be times when a highly immune cat does not show any disturbing symptoms of the disease. The characteristic symptoms of phase one are:
- elevated temperature
- apathy
- digestive disorders
- enlarged lymph nodes
Phase two FIVis called asymptomatic - if the symptoms of the disease appeared earlier, they now disappear. This phase can last for a very long time - several months or even years. During this time, the cat becomes a carrier of the virus and contact with it may pose a risk to other cats. The next, third phase is characterized by the deterioration of the animal's he alth. The characteristic symptoms of the third phase are:
- enlarged lymph nodes
- drowsiness
- eating problems
Phase four FIVabounds in disturbing cat behavior, so it is at this stage of the disease that animals most often go to the vet. Owners report deterioration of the cat's he alth and condition. The characteristic symptoms of phase four are:
- skin infections
- dental and gum problems
- intestinal infections and vomiting
- upper respiratory tract infections
- lack of appetite and weight loss
The fifth phase of FIV means that the cat is very weak and its body is exhausted. At this stage, the cat usually dies naturally and is often put to sleep. The characteristic symptoms of phase five are:
- renal, hepatic or heart failure
- exhaustion of the body
FIV in cats - treatment
Acquired immune deficiency in cats is a disease that cannot be treated, but its complications can be treated, namely infections caused by its lack of immunity to viruses and bacteria. It is worth knowing that during treatment, however, the administration of steroids should be avoided, which help temporarily but accelerate the development of FIV.
A sick cat requires constant vet care, prophylaxis (vaccinations, deworming) and a good diet that will strengthen the pet's weakened organism. Doctors also recommend that you give your pet immune-boosting supplements: e.g. fish oil, vitamins, lysine, beta-glucan. Cat owners should remember to create the best and most peaceful living conditions for them.
According to an expertdr inż. Jacek Wilczak, nutrition expert in the Noteć Valley, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw University of Life SciencesCat diet with FIV
Dietary ingredients with a proven immunostimulatory effect are beta-glucans isolated from oats, barley, yeast and fungi. Beta-glucans have been shown to have a significant effect on increasing the immunity of animal organisms. They have a number of properties that stimulate the body's immune system, thus protecting it against bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasitic diseases.
Immunomodulatory properties rely on the activation of immune cells present both in the blood and in the lymphoid clusters of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, beta-glucans play an important role in the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, including gastritis, diarrhea, and inflammation of the large intestine.
Therefore, small amounts of beta-glucans can be a functional addition in food for adult cats, increasing their immunity.
FIV in cats - prevention
A sick pet should not have a companion at home, unless it is also sick with immunodeficiency syndrome. It is also better not to go outside and not pose a risk of infecting other cats.
- Do not let your cat out of the house, because contact with other cats may be infected
- Perform tests for each additional kitten you want to adopt
- Scorch your bowls and litter boxes frequently - the FIV virus dies at 60 ° C
- Castrate sick animals to prevent the virus from spreading to cubs

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