A heart attack is a great shock for the body and psyche. Man begins to wonder how he will continue to function. Relax! After a heart attack, you can return to normal life, you just need to change some habits. It is important to overcome fear, avoid sports and sex, monitor your he alth, and follow a proper diet.

Every year a heart attack puts 100,000 people in cardiology departments. Poles. Saving their lives is a great success for doctors. In order that history does not repeat itself and that we do not find ourselves among the sick again, it is necessary to change our lifestyle. How big? It depends on the strength with which the disease has hit, i.e. the extent of the heart attack, complications and the body's response to the treatment. Summer is a difficult time for fresh heart attackers. Heat, pressure fluctuations are not conducive to well-being. You can function well, but you have to follow certain rules. Here they are.

  • Listen to your body - but don't exaggerate. When the pain you know starts in the chest, stop the class. Please rest and try again. If the pain continues, see your doctor. Don't be afraid of the sharp, piercing pain as it usually comes from nerves and muscles. Don't avoid traffic as it hurts your heart.
  • Control your fear - the hardest part is after leaving the hospital. Fear of having another heart attack can cause low mood and even depression. A good way to control your anxiety is to share your fears and feelings with your loved ones. But don't put your family's patience to the test. A heart attack does not have to be a disability. How quickly you get back in shape is mostly up to you.
  • Regain strength - in the hospital, under the supervision of a physiotherapist, you learn to breathe properly and exercise. Repeat this at home afterwards. Do small housework too, but in slow motion, rest more than work. Do not hold your breath while exerting yourself. Start cycling or going to the swimming pool when the doctor allows. Get enough sleep, 6-7 hours of sleep will get you back on your feet. The more regulated life you lead, the faster you will regain your strength.
  • Take your medications regularly - stick to the prescribed medication times. Do not stop the treatment when you feel better. If you forget your medication, don't panic, because modern pharmaceuticals work for many hours.Don't put them off without your doctor knowing.
  • Control pressure and pps - pressure should not exceed 140/90 mm Hg, and pps should remain at 60-70 during rest, and 90-100 beats per minute during exercise. After the stress test, your doctor will tell you what effort is acceptable for you. Record the results. This will allow you to gauge how quickly you recover.
  • Use the powerdiet- your plate should contain foods rich in vitamins (beta-carotene, C, E and B group) and minerals (selenium, magnesium, zinc, potassium). Magnesium is important as it gives the heart the energy it needs to contract rhythmically. You will find it in cereal sprouts, bran, buckwheat, peas, beans, nuts, bananas, cocoa and chocolate. Summer is the time of grilling. Forget about pork neck, but you can enjoy chicken breast, fish or grilled vegetables. In principle, you can eat anything but with common sense. It won't hurt you a little black dress or a glass of alcohol. However, limit yourself to 1-2 glasses of wine. Alcohol should not be drunk by people taking anticoagulants.
  • Do not smoke - 100% after a recent heart attack smokers quit smoking addiction. A month later, 80 percent returns to it. people. This is the easiest way to get another heart attack.
  • Wise rest - give up the tropics or high mountains this year. It's best to rest on the plains. Do not rush into cold water as this will result in dangerous vasoconstriction. You may even pass out. Do not sunbathe while lying on the cake, but take a walk. Cover your head. Some cardiac medications in combination with the sun can cause rashes. In hot weather, you need to drink a lot so as not to dehydrate your body. When you sweat, you lose sodium and potassium, a deficiency of which causes a drop in blood pressure and arrhythmias.
  • Take care of pleasure - you can do whatever you want. Meet your friends, friends, do not give up on trips and love. Sex is a good form of rehabilitation, it promotes recovery, relieves tension and emotions. After leaving the hospital, limit yourself to caressing, but after a few weeks you may try more. The emotions of a sexual intercourse may feel like a heart attack, but don't worry. Gentlemen should not use potency enhancers on their own.
  • Live without stress - a bad mood can turn into depression, and this can trigger another heart attack. The more optimism the better. If you are nervous, learn to relax. Live actively, it favors the heart.

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