Mondor's disease, which some people also talk about, inflammation of the veins with the appearance of iron threads is a rare thrombophlebitis of the superficial walls of the chest or abdomen. What are the causes of Mondor's disease? How is this type of superficial thrombophlebitis treated?
Mondor's disease(Mondor's disease) is a thrombotic inflammation of the superficial veins of the chest or abdomen wall, rarely the upper limb or penis, without the accompanying condition flammable.
Mondor's disease and superficial vein thrombosis
The dominant symptom of superficial thrombophlebitis is a hard, painful thickening in the subcutaneous tissue. The shape of the thickening depends on the location of the disease.
This disease most often affects veins with varicose veins, but it can also affect unchanged veins. Along the vein you can see reddened skin layers and hard, very painful lesions.
There is a risk of inflammation passing into the deep vein system, which results in the development of thrombosis.
Mondor's disease - symptoms
Mondor's disease is a special form of superficial vein thrombosis. The disease usually affects the superficial veins of the chest. Mostly middle-aged women suffer from it.
There is initially a painful thickening in the course of the chest veins, especially visible when the upper limb is elevated. You can also observe swelling, redness of the skin and local pain.
Mondor's disease - causes
There are many possible causes of Mondor's disease. Mondor's disease can:
- develop on an idiopathic basis
- related to inflammation in the breast or armpit area
- result from oncological diseases
- involve mammary gland surgery or infection of the area
- occur due to bandaging, too tight clothing
Mondor's disease - study
In the examination, the vein is tense and visible, it is often fused with the skin. Due to the fact that lumps may appear on the breast, they should always be differentiated from neoplastic changes. In case of doubt, it is recommended to perform a histopathological examination.
Confirmation of Mondor's disease is obtained after performing such tests as:
- Doppler ultrasound of the venous system - allows for the diagnosis of not only the altered venous system, but also the assessment of the surrounding tissues
- MRI - auxiliary examination, rarely used due to the high cost
Mondor's disease - treatment
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of oral, intramuscular, ointments, gels
- use of ointments containing heparin, salicylates, glucocorticosteroids
- low molecular weight heparin therapy for 6 to 12 days, considered helpful by some doctors
- surgical treatment - miniphlebectomy with removal of a thrombus from the vessel lumen or local excision of an inflamed vein