The Centor scale allows you to determine the cause of acute pharyngitis. Depending on the number of points obtained, you can determine the likelihood of infection by bacteria-streptococci. Using the Centror scale increases the rational use of antibiotics, which are often overused.

The Centor Scaleallows you to determine what causes acute pharyngitis, i.e. strep throat - viruses or bacteria, and whether it is necessary to give the patient an antibiotic. This is important because a clear diagnosis cannot be made on the basis of the clinical picture alone, which may lead to unjustified administration of antibiotics or their late inclusion in the therapy.

Centor scale modified by McIsaac

Symptom / featureScore
body temperature>38 ° C 1
no cough1
enlarged anterior cervical lymph nodes1
tonsil exudate, swelling1
age: 3-14 years1
age: 15-44 years0
Ages over 45-1

Recommended action depending on the number of points

Total pointsRecommended action
0-1Symptomatic treatment, bacteriological diagnostics unnecessary
2-3Rapid PBHA antigen test (when not available - throat swab culture); decision to treat depending on the result

Severe symptoms - antibiotic

Mild symptoms - "quick" PBHA antigen test (when unavailable - throat swab culture); decision to treat depending on the result

Interpretation of the Centor scale

In the Centor scale, you can get a maximum of 5 points. This result proves that he has all the qualities qualifying for the administration of an antibiotic.

Please note that diagnosis using the Centor scale cannot be used for children under 3 years of age.

If there are no bacteriological tests (which can be used to determine which pathogen attacked the patient) and the symptoms worsen - the doctor should order an antibiotic active against PBHA ( Streptococcus pyogenes ).

Whenantigen tests are negative and bacterial infection has not been confirmed, symptomatic treatment is enough.

A positive result allows you to order an antibiotic.
