Varicose veins of the lower extremities are one of the most common diseases of the circulatory system, especially in women. Varicose veins are accompanied by persistent ailments, and if left untreated, they can lead to serious consequences. Most often, we inherit the tendency to varicose veins along with our genes. However, can they be avoided?
Varicose veins are problems with the veins that most often affect the lower limbs. It is the lengthening and widening of the veins, as a result of which they acquire a winding course. Varicose veins, although most often have a genetic basis, can also arise from bad habits. Find out what to do to avoid them.
Symptoms of varicose veins
Varicose veins are visible in the form of bluish protrusions along the course of the veins. They are often accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, leg pain and swelling that intensifies at the end of the day.
Strong muscle cramps may occur occasionally (especially at night). There is itching of the skin, tingling and numbness of the lower limbs. In women, these discomforts may worsen during menstruation.
Advanced varicose veins increase the tendency to inflammation of the surface veins, which is manifested by hard and palpable thickenings, reddening of the skin and severe pain. In very advanced venous insufficiency, ulcers appear.
It is worth adding that in some people venous disease does not cause any symptoms apart from a cosmetic defect.
Varicose veins of the lower extremities - causes
The cause of varicose veins is multifactorial. According to scientists, the main cause lies in genetically determined abnormalities of the venous valves or disorders of the venous wall. Thus, if the parents suffered from varicose veins, there is a high probability that their child will also struggle with them.
Gender is also important - venous disease affects women more than men. In addition, during pregnancy, the risk of exacerbation of existing varicose veins increases, while the risk of their occurrence increases with each subsequent delivery.
Environmental factors are also extremely important, which often accelerate the formation of varicose veins. Prolonged standing, sitting or working in a high position have a negative effecttemperature.
Lack of activity causes blood stagnation in the veins in the lower extremities, which promotes the formation of varicose veins. Overweight and obesity are also a risk factor. Previous leg injuries and operations as well as age are also important - the risk of varicose veins increases over the years.
What should you know about varicose veins?

How to avoid varicose veins? 8 practical tips
Although the formation of varicose veins is often genetically determined, it is worth following a few rules that may help to avoid problems with the veins. Here are 8 practical tips:
1. Avoid standing for long
The occurrence of varicose veins is associated with blood stagnation in the surface veins of the lower extremities. When standing or sitting in one position for a long time, the speed of blood flow slows down and the blood circulation in the legs slows down.
People who are forced to stand for long periods at work should shift their weight from one leg to the other, climb on their toes or, if possible, perform a few squats from time to time.
2. Avoid sitting for long
Long-term sitting in one position, e.g. while working at a computer, also has a negative effect on our veins. Therefore, also in this case, it is worth doing leg exercises from time to time - straightening, bending, circulation.
In addition, it is inadvisable to put one leg on the leg. People who have a sedentary job should choose a comfortable chair, the height of which should be adjusted to the height of the desk. It's worth getting a footrest.
3. Take care of physical activity
Physical activity involves the work of the legs, and moving the legs sets the muscle pump in motion. The contracting muscles push the blood towards the heart against the force of the circulation. Movement not only improves circulation, but also strengthens the muscles.
It is especially recommended to walk with a brisk step, Nordic walking, swimming or cycling. It is important that the exercises are performed regularly, preferably 3-4 times a week. Occasional physical activity may not bring the desired result.
4. Take care of the proper body weight
Overweight and obesity favor the development of venous disease. The greatest danger is abdominal obesity, because excess fat in the waist area hinders the blood flow from the lower limbs towards the heart.
Extra kilos put a strain on the circulatory system, joints and muscles. An improper diet favors the appearance of excess weight, so you should give up consuming highly processed foods, lard, butter, fatty cream, sweetened drinks and sugar.
For everyday usethe menu should include large amounts of fruit, vegetables, he althy fish, groats, wholemeal bread and pasta.
5. Keep your legs resting
To reduce the risk of varicose veins, you should develop a few correct habits. It's important to let your legs rest whenever possible.
Lying down with your legs elevated, preferably above the line of your heart, facilitates blood flow. You can put your legs on pillows, on the back of a sofa or against a wall.
6. Avoid hot baths
Long, hot baths contribute to the widening of the veins and thus the development of varicose veins - they should be avoided. The soothing and relaxing for the legs is a bath in cool water, which promotes vasoconstriction and faster blood flow.
Once a week you should prepare a bath in water with sea s alt, which reduces swelling and relaxes.
7. Wear comfortable shoes
Long-term walking in high heels adversely affects the legs and may contribute to the development of varicose veins. That is why we only wear high-heeled shoes on holidays. Everyday footwear should be flat, comfortable and well contoured.
8. Avoid tight pants
Wearing tight, slimming clothes hinders the free flow of blood towards the heart. Avoid tight socks, tight knee-length socks, and tight-fitting pants.
There are special tights and stockings on the market for women who struggle with tired and swollen legs or are genetically burdened with varicose veins.