When the temperature rises, the appetite decreases. Then you should carefully compose the menu so that it is a source of energy, valuable nutrients and at the same time gives a little refreshment. Check what to eat in hot weather.
What to eat on hot days?
One way to cope with heat is through your diet. Thanks to it, you can support the thermoregulation mechanism, reduce the intensity of sweat secretion, and even change its smell to make it less perceptible.
For this on hot days, be sure to:
- ensure adequate hydration,
- eat vegetables and fruits,
- avoid sugary drinks,
- give up very spicy and hard-to-digest dishes,
- remember about dairy,
- use protein-rich plant products more often.
Cooling diet: quench your thirst
With sweat, water and minerals are removed from your body, so regardless of whether you are thirsty or not, drink a minimum of 2 liters of fluid a day. Otherwise, you risk exhaustion, anxiety, lack of appetite, nausea, and muscle cramps.
Ideally they should be mineral waters, herbal or fruit teas. You can also add coffee and tea to the pool of drinks - it has been proven that if the infusions are not too strong and their amount is moderate (up to 800 ml), they hydrate just as well as water.
However, you have to be careful about ready-made iced coffees or teas, which often contain sugar syrups or whipped cream, and, like sweet sodas, significantly increase the caloric value of the diet without offering any nutritional benefits.
Diet to cool down: eat fruit and vegetables
When composing your summer menu, try to make a large part of your plate full of vegetables. Greenhouse and canned food, which we reach in winter, are not so valuable, while fresh, in the high season, they contain the maximum dose of vitamins and minerals.
The middle of summer is the best time to:
- tomatoes,
- courgettes,
- eggplants,
- spinach,
- cabbage,
- broccoli,
- Brussels sprouts.
Lemon, orange and lime slices are a great addition to water: they will improve its taste and give it an attractive appearance. Another summer hero that can help you stay hydrated is watermelon, which is 92%consists of water, it also contains minerals such as potassium and calcium, therefore it not only quickly quenches thirst, but also replenishes the deficiency of electrolytes in the body.
On hot days, eat seasonal fruit with a high water content more often - such as strawberries, cherries, peaches and blueberries - which are also a great source of antioxidants that increase sun protection.
Be careful with alcoholWhen the air temperature is around 30 ° C, you shouldn't drink alcohol. On hot days, we lose our head faster, it is easier to faint or dizzy. Alcohol also dehydrates the body quickly, it can even accelerate the appearance of sunstroke.
Dilation of blood vessels (under the influence of temperature and alcohol) affects pressure fluctuations and may also cause cardiac arrhythmias.
Diet to cool down: reach for dairy
In addition to plant products and plenty of fluids, in summer it is worth reaching for dairy products, in particular fermented dairy products such as yogurt, kefir or buttermilk.
They perfectly quench thirst and provide probiotics that improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Slightly chilled yoghurt-based cocktails should appear in the summer diet as often as possible. They are a good alternative to sweet and very caloric ice cream.
Diet to cool down: don't forget about protein
In summer, we should eat as much plant-derived products as possible, limiting the amount of meat (beef and pork). After hard-to-digest dishes, such as fatty pork neck, sausages or pork chops, we usually do not feel comfortable, and this is even more noticeable when the body is busy struggling with high temperatures.
A much better source of protein on hot days will therefore be plant products, lean poultry and fish (especially fatty sea fish).
Check what plant products are rich in protein

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