A child growing up in a family with alcoholism - the mother, father or both parents are alcoholics, develops certain features that facilitate adaptation to this difficult situation and emotional survival. Take the test and find out if you may have ACA (Adult Child of Alcoholics) syndrome.

The adaptation traits developed in a child of an alcoholic allow him to survive in a situation of permanent exposure to shame, fear and stress. In childhood, they are a "lifebuoy", but when transferred to adulthood, they cause many problems and conflicts, both internal and external.

Not all people growing up alongside people with alcoholism develop adaptive features. There are people who, despite the fact that they have grown up in a home where there has been a problem with alcohol, are resistant to psychological damage. Such people are able to isolate themselves from family problems and skillfully fulfill their own needs.

Remember that the test result is not the same as the diagnosis. If you grew up in the environment of someone addicted to alcohol, feel psychological discomfort and are afraid that you are ACA, be sure to seek professional support.
