Salmonella likes chicken meat, eggs, slightly thawed ice cream, or other dishes that are poorly prepared. As a result, you may fall victim to food poisoning. How can I avoid food poisoning caused by salmonella? If you do get salmonella poisoning, learn what to do.
Salmonella , or actually bacteria from the groupSalmonella enterica , otherwiseparadour , cause gastrointestinal complaints, poisoning . They are dangerous because they can even lead to infection of internal organs and joint diseases.
Salmonella - food poisoning symptoms
Salmonella likes products of animal origin: eggs, meat, milk and its products. Rodents and flies can also transmit it - so if you do not protect your food from them, you will increase the risk of infection. The first symptoms of poisoning may appear as early as 8 hours after eating a contaminated meal:
- stomach ache
- headache
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- elevated temperature
However, most often the disease manifests itself 18-24 hours after infection.
8 products that are the easiest way to poison yourself with salmonella

Food poisoning with salmonella - treatment
Treatment of salmonella poisoning is usually limited to the proper hydration of the body and the use of an appropriate diet.
Usually, a diet for several days is sufficient, taking medicinal charcoal (10-12 tablets dissolved in 1/2 glass of boiled warm water, and then 6 dissolved tablets every 4 hours until symptoms disappear) or a drug containing the active substance diosmectite (1- 2 sachets dissolved in water 3 times a day).
If symptoms persist for 2-3 days, your doctor may recommend an antibiotic. In more severe cases, there will be a hospital.
Salmonella is especially dangerous for children - they can become dehydrated quickly, so whenever you notice any disturbing symptoms, contact your doctor immediately!
In the event of the infection spreading and in immunocompromised children and adults (after transplants, surgeries or long-term illnesses), patients are treated in hospital withantibiotics. Otherwise, they may face complications in the form of toxic symptoms, water and electrolyte disturbances or sepsis, i.e. sepsis.
In the hospital, the patient's feces are collected and the so-called culture to see if it was Salmonella that caused the acute diarrhea and other symptoms. Another culture is performed after the treatment to see if the cure has been completely cured (if there are still bacteria in the stool - the patient may continue to infect).
How to protect yourself from food poisoning with salmonella?
- Store raw meat, poultry, fish and eggs in the refrigerator away from ready-to-eat foods.
- After defrosting, do not freeze the food again.
- Do not eat ice cream or cream that has not been well chilled, especially thawed and re-frozen products.
- Scald the eggshells in boiling water for 10 seconds before putting them in the fridge.
- Avoid tartare and other raw meat dishes.
- Do not eat uncooked or undercooked food - high temperatures during frying, stewing and baking destroy microorganisms.
- Don't buy meat of unknown origin.
- Wash your hands after using the toilet and before preparing meals, and be sure to make such a habit in children.