I am 16 years old, 172 cm tall and weigh 57 kg. I measure the pressure with a 22-30 cm cuff. It often exceeds the upper limit of 130-140 and the lower limit sporadically, e.g. 145/113, 147/77, 143/85, 139/111, 132/74, 143/88. I have had a headache all the time for 4 days. I'm taking Ketonal because nothing else helps, and it doesn't work well anyway. I have had tests before, but the cardiologist said that the upper pressure of over 140 is nothing. I measure the pressure when I am resting, I do not overexert myself, etc. I do not know what to do.

All the above-mentioned pressure values ​​are incorrect and require further investigation into the cause of such pressure measurements and whether there are any other changes in the body besides the increased pressure.

I suggest you contact your GP and present your home blood pressure results. Headaches are most likely related to high blood pressure. A characteristic feature of this type of pain is its location at the back of the head, in the occipital area, and the time of its onset - usually in the morning.

In the treatment of hypertension, two methods are always used: the so-called non-pharmacological methods and the pharmacological methods. Non-pharmacological methods are obligatory for every patient with hypertension, pharmacological treatment (pills) is prescribed by a doctor after some time, when non-pharmacological methods do not lower blood pressure sufficiently or when pressure values ​​are very high.

I encourage you to use non-pharmacological methods, especially careful attention to your diet. All hypertensive patients should follow a sodium restricted diet. It should be remembered that only about 20% of the sodium ion (called natrium or sodium) is in the s alt shaker in the form of sodium chloride, and as much as 80% is in food products prepared in an industrial manner. Pizza is the greatest source of sodium in the diet of American teenagers. I think the same applies to Polish teenagers. So the first dietary advice is - give up eating pizza completely, as well as such products as: dry sausage, tomato juice, yellow cheese, stock cubes, ketchup. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruit, white cheese, and whitecooked meat.

Smoking is not recommended. Take care of a he althy body weight.

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Krystyna Knypl

Internist, hypertensiologist, editor-in-chief of "Gazeta dla Lekarzy".

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