Infectious diseases 2025, March

Sepsis, or systemic infection of the body, is a life-threatening condition. Sepsis can be caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi, most often meningococci and pneumococci. How to protect yourself from sepsis?…

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Dysentery, also known as the disease of dirty hands, is an infectious disease. Its symptoms include diarrhea with an admixture of blood, fever, and, less frequently, vomiting. Untreated ...…

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Mononucleosis, called the kissing disease, is sometimes confused with the flu, and a sore throat during mononucleosis is similar to that experienced with angina. Mononucleosis is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus transmitted by saliva. Infectious mononucleosis most often affects children and adolescents. What are the symptoms of mononucleosis, what tests help diagnose it, how is mononucleosis treated?…

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Flu - an acute infectious disease caused by influenza viruses. The symptoms are similar to a cold, and complications from the flu can be serious.…

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The word "sepsis" causes many of us fear bordering on panic. Should we really be afraid of sepsis? What is really under that name? Find out what the symptoms of sepsis are, how is it treated and who is most at risk. - Sepsis causes a lot of confusion, many people still wonder is sepsis contagious - emphasizes prof.…

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Meningococcus can be very dangerous. For meningococcal infection to occur, contact with the patient's saliva is necessary. These bacteria are transmitted through contact with ...…

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Rubella is an infectious viral disease that usually affects children between 5 and 15 years of age. What are the symptoms and how serious can the complications be?…

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What is the difference between a cold and the flu? This is just an apparently difficult question. Although both diseases are caused by viruses, both are dangerous due to the possibility of ...…

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