Rotavirus is one of the causes of diarrhea and vomiting, leading to dehydration in infants and young children. The youngest between 6 months and 2 years of age are particularly vulnerable to rotavirus attacks. Symptoms of infection in children are particularly turbulent. How long is the hatching period of rotaviruses and how to fight them?

Rotavirusis one of the most common causes of diarrhea and vomiting, leading to dehydration in both adults and children. The frequency of rotavirus infections, estimated by Polish epidemiologists taking into account the data of the National He alth Fund and GIS, amounts to approximately 200,000 cases per year.

Rotaviruses are one of the most common etiological factors of all nosocomial infections. In 2022, 32,995 cases of rotavirus were registered, while in 2022 - 23,263 cases. Most infections occurred in children under 4 years of age.

Rotaviruses - symptoms of infection

Most often, children between 6 months and 2 years of age suffer from rotavirus infections and their course is the most severe. Adults over 65 are also susceptible to infection.

The course of rotavirus infection in an adult may be completely asymptomatic, while little patients suffer very violently.

The symptoms cannot be ignored, because although the disease hatches about 2 days and begins inconspicuously, in a relatively short time the unpleasant ailments intensify.

- Rotaviruses locate and multiply in the epithelial cells of the small intestine, damaging them. For this reason, the absorption of s alt and water is reduced, which results in their excessive excretion from the body and diarrhea. The stool may then be donated from a few to even several times a day, it is characteristic that it is watery, plentiful and gushing - explains the pediatrician Dr. Monika Lech. This is not the only thing faced by a sick child - apart from diarrhea, he also experiences vomiting and fever (even up to 38.5 ° C).

In 20-40 percent in cases of illnesses, there are symptoms suggesting an infection of the upper respiratory tract .²

The disease usually lasts from 4-10 days, occasionally it may extend to several weeks.Virus shedding lasts for 8-30 days, sometimes longer .²

Rotaviruses - how can you getinfect, how long is the hatching period?

Rotavirus-induced gastroenteritis in children can be called dirty hands disease. - The infection occurs primarily through the so-called fecal-oral route, i.e. through the transfer of faeces to the mouth - explains Dr. Monika Lech, a pediatrician from Medicover Hospital. -

The hatching period is 36 to 48 hours , and virus shedding persists for two to five days (sometimes even longer) after diarrhea has resolved. However, direct contact with the sick person is not even necessary to get sick. It can also happen as a result of contact with contaminated objects or surfaces - rotaviruses can remain on them for up to several weeks - he adds.

It is worth knowing that rotaviruses are characterized by high stability in the external environment.Temperature of 60 degrees Celsius destroys them only after 30 minutes.On inanimate surfaces they can survive for about 2 months. The infectious properties of rotaviruses reduce, among others, preparations containing chlorine compounds.

Rotaviruses - how long does the infected person infect? ​​

An infected person begins to excrete large amounts of virus particles in the stool two days before the onset of the first symptoms of the disease.Most virions in the stool appear about three days after the onset of the first symptoms . At that time, he is highly contagious!


Rotaviruses - treatment

Unfortunately, there are no causal drugs for rotavirus infection. Probiotics are recommended, which slightly shorten its duration, in the case of pain and fever, painkillers and antipyretics should also be administered.

The most important thing, however, is to do everything possible to prevent dehydration during the illness. Oral irrigation is not easy, because the symptoms may persist for up to several days, and the sick child loses not only a lot of water in a relatively short time, but also electrolytes, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. For this reason, so-called oral rehydration fluids are recommended, which, however, due to their specific taste, are not accepted by many children. Therefore, if the disease affects a small child, and diarrhea and vomiting are very intense and prevent effective oral rehydration, do not wait to see a doctor.

- A small patient with suspected rotavirus infection must be examined, the degree of dehydration should be assessed, and sometimes laboratory tests should be performed that allow us to confirm the initial diagnosis and assess fluid and electrolyte deficiencies. Then we take the appropriate steps aimed atpreventing their further loss and supplementing their deficiency, as well as accelerating recovery - explains Dr. Monika Lech, a pediatrician at Medicover Hospital. If necessary, we irrigate the child intravenously by administering a fluid with the appropriate composition in the form of a drip - she adds.

Dr. Monika Lech, pediatrician from Medicover Hospital - rotaviruses are still dangerous


Rotaviruses - how to prevent infection?

Children very often transfer these microorganisms to their gastrointestinal tract on hands that have previously been in contact with an "infected" door handle, toy or toilet seat. That is why, as part of prevention, it is so important above all:

  • proper hygiene and teaching her children from an early age , paying special attention to thoroughly washing hands not only before meals, but after using the toilet, returning from the yard or playing with pet
  • if we know that someone around us is infected with rotavirus, let's also try to minimize contact with this person
  • it is also necessarysystematic disinfection of surfaces contaminated with virus
  • essentialgood food preparation hygiene(as the virus is transmitted through contaminated food and water)

Following these recommendations will reduce the risk of infection, but you must be aware that unfortunately it does not give 100 percent. guarantees to avoid it.

Rotaviruses - vaccine

The best protection for children is the rotavirus vaccine. It is given orally in three doses between 6 and 24 weeks of age. It is well tolerated by children, for at most 1-2 days they have a lower appetite and a worse mood.

The downside of the vaccine is its price and the fact thatthe National He alth Fund does not refund it . The vaccine, however, is of great benefit on a massive scale. Firstly, the number of cases in children is falling. Secondly, American research has shown that adults are also less likely to become infected with rotaviruses.

Worth knowing

Rotaviruses - some are immune

It is surprising that we do not all suffer from gastric (intestinal) flu caused by rotaviruses, several times a year. Well - getting the intestinal flu caused by one of the strains of the virus gives us immunity to this microbe.

We usually acquire immunity to other strains when we are sick in childhood. If we get stomach flu in adulthood, it is likely that we were attacked by a strain we did not encounter or by another virus causing similar symptoms - adenovirus or norovirus.It is estimated that norovirus may be the second most common cause of viral diarrhea in young children (after rotavirus) and the most common cause in older children and adults. In addition, we are exposed to rotavirus infections when our immunity decreases, e.g. as a result of other diseases, fatigue or stress.


1. press materials of the Medicover Hospital

