Lead poisoning is a risk not only to people who have professional contact with this metal, but also to children. Lead can be found in some ...…
Read MoreHe alth 2025, March
Cretinism is not only an insult, but also a disease entity distinguished in medicine. The symptoms of cretinism include intellectual disturbances, but also numerous soma problems ...…
Read MoreThyroxine (Tetraiodothyronine, T4) is one of the hormones produced by the follicular cells of the thyroid gland. Excess thyroxine leads to hyperthyroidism, ...…
Read MoreDHA acid - belonging to the group of omega-3 fatty acids - has unique he alth properties. The right dose can protect against Alzheimer's disease, with ...…
Read MoreFree radicals and antioxidants, also known as antioxidants or antioxidants, are constantly circulating through the body. If there is a balance between them, ...…
Read MoreIntubation is primarily intended to allow patients who are unable to breathe on their own to breathe. It involves the introduction of a plastic r ...…
Read MoreProstaglandins are hormones that are involved in many physiological processes. This includes they are responsible for the symptoms of inflammation: swelling, redness ...…
Read MoreDiuretics, or diuretics or natriuretics, affect the amount of urine produced and the work of the kidneys. They are used primarily ...…
Read MoreCardiopulmonary resuscitation, properly carried out until the arrival of the ambulance, may increase the patient's chance of survival even tenfold. Remembers ...…
Read MoreA thyroid crisis is a rare, but most dangerous, and life-threatening complication that can develop in the course of hyperthyroidism. Then the necessary ...…
Read MoreCarbon monoxide poisoning (CO), commonly known as carbon monoxide poisoning, is a common type of poisoning, usually caused by blocked chimneys, ...…
Read MoreDisturbances in the sense of smell, such as loss of smell or loss of smell, may indicate one of many diseases. The reasons for the impairment of the sense of smell include: nież ...…
Read MoreRopniak is a reservoir of pus that is located in the cavities of the body. It can be located in the pleural cavity and then we are dealing with a pleural empyema, also ...…
Read MoreBiological treatment inhibits the overreaction of the immune system. Biological drugs work quickly and this is their greatest advantage. A feature of biological medicines is the fact that natural substances are used in the process of their development.…
Read MoreSodium bicarbonate, commonly known as baking soda, is widely used in medicine. How does it work and how to dose sodium bicarbonate?…
Read MoreStomach pain can be sharp, stinging, dull, last for several minutes, or be chronic. Pain in the dimple may appear after eating or on an empty stomach. Stomach pain may be in ...…
Read MoreCopper is a chemical element that protects the human body against osteoporosis, increases immunity, promotes good brain function, and even inhibits the growth of bacteria ...…
Read MoreCalcitonin is a hormone produced by the C cells of the thyroid gland, which affects the body's calcium balance, and more precisely, reduces the concentration of calcium ...…
Read MoreParathyroid hormone (PTH) is a hormone produced by the parathyroid glands. It primarily affects the calcium and phosphate metabolism: parathyroid hormone leads to an increase ...…
Read MoreThe adrenal glands are essential for life - they secrete important hormones into the bloodstream. They perform important functions for the body. Diseases of the adrenal glands disrupt the economy in ...…
Read MoreHyperparathyroidism is a disease that, even in a young person, can lead to osteoporosis and bone fractures, muscle weakness, and kidney failure ...…
Read MoreSunstroke, also known as heatstroke, heat or sunstroke, occurs in high direct sunlight - mainly in the head and neck. It is dangerous to he alth and life, especially for the elderly and children. What are the symptoms of sunstroke and how do I provide first aid to a person with symptoms of sunstroke?…
Read MoreThe feeling of heat is usually associated with the menopause, but not always with it. Check what diseases can manifest as a constant feeling of heat.…
Read MoreChlorine is an element that has a huge impact on he alth, because it has many important functions in the body - it regulates the water and electrolyte balance and is responsible for ...…
Read MoreThe smell of sweat may suggest various diseases, including diabetes, kidney failure, liver failure and even cancer. Then the smell of sweat is changed and may resemble a smell ...…
Read MoreAntipsychotics (neuroleptics) are used not only in the treatment of various psychoses. They can also be administered to patients suffering from some forms of depression ...…
Read MoreHyperandrogenism means an excess of androgens, i.e. male sex hormones. The symptoms of hyperandrogenism may appear not only in men, but also in women ...…
Read MoreA delicate, almost invisible fluff under a woman's nose is no problem. But when there is excessive hair on the chin, abdomen or breasts, it can be ...…
Read MoreIf you tell a man that without the female hormones - estrogens - he would not be a man, he will tapping his head. And the truth is that when they are missing, gentlemen are very ...…
Read MoreSt. John's wort, also known as St. John's wort, is a perennial that grows on meadows, clearings, bright thickets, slopes, edges of forests. St. John's Wort is one of the most popular ...…
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