Obesity, the so-called abdominal can lead to serious he alth problems and significantly impair quality of life. Fat accumulating on the abdomen is much more dangerous than fat accumulating elsewhere in the body, such as the thighs or buttocks.
Abdominal obesity - what is it?
Obesity called abdominalalso calledvisceral ,central, visceralorapple typeis of all types obesity the worst, because sooner or later it leads to metabolic disorders and lipid metabolism disorders, diabetes, and hypertension, which form the metabolic syndrome. Fat tissue located on the abdomen, combined with hypertension or diabetes, significantly increases the risk of complications of cardiovascular disease, leading to heart attack and stroke.
People suffering from obesity have a harder time. They are often unaccepted by the environment, they suffer more often from other, equally serious diseases, have postural defects and emotional disorders. Meanwhile, statistics show that every year the number of people with obesity increases, and 30 percent. of them is obese, the so-called abdominal. Epidemiologists are sounding the alarm: obesity has now reached pandemic proportions. Doctors and nutritionists warn that it is easier to keep weight in check than to cure obesity, because the body defends itself against losing every kilogram. So if your stomach is too big, it is better to get rid of it as soon as possible so that you do not expose yourself to further serious diseases.
Abdominal obesity - check if you have abdominal obesity. TEST
Measure your waist size with a tape measure. If it is between 80-87 cm (and in men 90-94) - you are overweight, when it is equal to or exceeds 88 cm (in men 94) - this is the so-called obesity. abdominal.
The distribution of body fat can also be determined by dividing the circumference measured around the waist by the circumference of the hips. A WHR (wist-hip ratio) value greater than 1.0 in males and 0.85 in females indicates abdominal obesity. You need to get rid of it in time so as not to treat yourself to the diseases that make up the metabolic syndrome. It is worth knowing that the BMI index is less important in diagnosing abdominal obesity - it does not provide information about the location of adipose tissue. You may weigh too much, but your waist size should be the samestandard. It also happens that the BMI is normal, but still there is abdominal obesity.
Abdominal obesity - why is it dangerous?
In abdominal obesity, fat accumulates not only under the skin, but also in internal organs - in skeletal muscles, heart, pancreas, and liver. Fatty internal organs worsen their work. It increases the risk of colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer.
Fat tissue located in the abdomen is an active endocrine organ. An excess of free fatty acids leads to an increase in the production of insulin as well as inflammatory substances and enzymes contributing tohypertension . Belly fat helps to increase the level of sugar and triglycerides and lower the fraction of good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood.
Due to abnormal fat metabolism in the body, abdominal obesity is often accompanied bytype 2 diabetes . Cells that get their energy for life from glucose cannot get it because they don't open up with the "insulin key". To overcome this resistance, the body secretes more and more insulin. After all, the fatty pancreas is unable to produce more of it and the sugar, instead of penetrating into the cells, remains in the blood.
Disturbed lipid metabolism increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Coronary heart disease develops and / or reduces brain efficiency as a result of cholesterol build-up in the blood vessels. When the atherosclerotic plaque seals one or more vessels in the heart, a heart attack occurs. An obstruction in one of the arteries that supply the brain leads to a stroke. Atherosclerotic changes can take place throughout the body, leading, for example, to damage to the retina of the eye.
Excess body fat in the internal organs, atherosclerotic changes in the arteries - all this hinders blood circulation. More water must flow through the vessels under greater pressure (the risk of hypertension in obese women is four times greater). Belly fat increases blood clotting and the formation ofblood clots . As weight increases, the body's need for oxygen increases, so the volume of blood pumped by the heart increases, leading to left ventricular hypertrophy. Fatness of the heart additionally impairs its work.
Abdominal obesity - causes
1. Gender and hormonesMen are more susceptible to abdominal obesity for natural reasons - it is determined by hormones and the structure and distribution of adipose tissue. In men, adipose tissue usually covers the abdominal and chest bands. It is different herethan in the rest of the body: it has more blood vessels, more cells and more receptors. Therefore, it grows faster.
On the other hand, estrogens, or female hormones, promote obesity of the "pear" type - in women, fat is usually deposited on the hips, buttocks and thighs (it is an energy store and a protective layer for the fetus).
2. Hormonal disorders in womenSex hormones contribute to abdominal obesity in women, namely disturbed estrogen-progesterone proportions. Sex hormones control the proper distribution of adipose tissue, and when it is disturbed, the fat is deposited on the belly. Hormonal balance can be disturbed by birth control pills. It's a good idea to monitor your blood hormone levels so that you can change your medication or method if necessary.
3. MenopauseIn women, abdominal obesity usually develops only after the menopause. Then the female hormones are extinguished, and at the same time the secretion of male hormones is stimulated. This is what causes changes in the breakdown of body fat.
Then almost all ladies gain weight to a greater or lesser extent, regardless of whether they were slim or fuller. The reason is that the levels of both estrogen and progesterone are reduced. Low estrogen levels disturb sugar metabolism. As a result, they accumulate in the form of fat in those parts where there are large reserves of adipose tissue. In women, e.g. on the stomach.
The decrease in estrogen also causes the central nervous system to produce less serotonin. As a result of deteriorating mood, the body tries to save itself by a greater appetite for sweets. Due to the low level of estrogens, the desire for fatty and caloric foods, e.g. alcohol, also increases. Postmenopausal weight gain is also promoted by higher levels of androgens (male hormones), which are responsible for abdominal obesity.
4. StressDuring chronic stress, more of the neuropeptide Y (the hormone responsible for the accumulation of fat in cells), which is active only in the brain, is released. Together with cortisol, it triggers abdominal obesity not only because of greater appetite. The adipose tissue around the abdomen has the most cortisol-sensitive receptors, which "opens" fat cells, allowing them to accumulate stores. In stressful situations, the production of leptin - a hormone produced in adipose tissue that has an opposite effect to neuropeptide Y (gives a feeling of satiety) decreases, so we are still hungry and eat.
Stressful situations are accompanied by increased production of norepinephrine - the hormone to which we "owe" our uncontrolled appetite forcarbohydrates, especially sweets. And because carbohydrates are involved in the production of the happiness hormone serotonin, which improves mood, many people eat snacks and cookies for calories. Stressed people often have trouble sleeping. And because they have a disturbed production of leptin, which is normally secreted in greater amounts at night, these people are often hungry and snack at night.
5. Some medicationsSteroids used in the treatment of bronchial asthma or rheumatic diseases promote the deposition of fat on the abdomen. It is important that when taking hormonal drugs, you must follow a proper diet and move more.
Do you know that…It may be hard to believe, but by eating only 100 kcal more during the day (1 tablespoon of oil or 1 slice of bread with butter) than the body can burn, you can increase your body weight by as much as 5 per year kilograms.
Abdominal obesity - how to reduce belly fat?
- Eat wisely . Choose white meat, poultry meats, replace lard with oil, white bread - wholemeal. Give up fried or breaded dishes, because they are soaked with fat. Don't buy s alty sticks, nuts, chips, bars, or burgers. Include sea fish in your diet - they contain omega-3 fatty acids, which lower total cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Eat 5 times a day, but not much. You will not feel hungry and your body will get used to the cyclical production of digestive juices.
- Practice . People with obesity should, however, carefully dose their physical activity so as not to overload the joints and not to discourage exercise. When you have a chronic disease, e.g. hypertension, diabetes, consult your doctor about the type of activity. In order for the exercises to be effective, you need to do them: systematically - min. 3 times a week, on the same days; for at least 40 minutes, because only after 30 minutes the body starts to burn fat effectively (it's best to exercise at the same time); intense - in the absence of contraindications, the heart rate should be 110-115 / min at the age of 20-40, and 100-105 / min at the age of 41-60; at an equal pace that can be increased as you progress. The best physical activities for people with abdominal obesity are: walking, light jogging, cycling, swimming, Nordic walking, stepper walking, but it is worth moving at every opportunity.
- Overcome stress . Maintain a balance between work and private life. When organizing your day, stick to your priority list and don't overburden yourself too much. Find at least half an hour to yourself every day. Then do what you dorelaxes you. Yoga, relaxation music and meditation are recommended. It's a good idea to do a simple exercise at the end of a hard day. Sit on the floor on your heels, fold your arms in front of you so that your palms and fingers are pressed tightly together. Close your eyes and relax. Inhale and let it out slowly. When you relax, think about something pleasant.

Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreAbdominal obesity - pharmacotherapy
When a person with abdominal obesity develops metabolic syndrome, diet and exercise may not be enough. Then, depending on what is wrong with the patient, he will also have to take appropriate medications, e.g. to lower blood pressure or to regulate blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a blood lipid-lowering medication. To support weight reduction, your doctor may also prescribe prescription medications to help treat obesity. However, you have to be aware that there is no drug that the manufacturer would not recommend using a diet and increased physical activity at the same time.
Abdominal obesity - the effects of untreated abdominal obesity
- Degenerative changes of the spine, deformities and related ailments: pain, swelling, limitation of mobility in the joints. The spine twists and a discopathy develops.
- Reduced appetite for sex - this is the effect of sugar metabolism disorders, blood flow in the vessels, hormonal imbalance and psychological blockages.
- Tired legs, swollen ankles, the appearance of spider veins or varicose veins - as a result of disturbed free blood flow. The development of venous disease promotes the formation of blood clots and dangerous thrombophlebitis, which may result in pulmonary embolism.
- Fatigue quickly due to lower lung capacity. Fatness of the chest walls forces the body to work harder while inhaling. A thick layer of belly fat puts pressure on the liver, pushing it upwards and reducing the space in the chest area. This disrupts the gas exchange in the lungs, impairing the oxygenation of the body. People suffering from obesity snore more often, sleep worse, and often have night apnea.
- Diseases of the gallbladder - high cholesterol in bile and lowbile acids increase the propensity to form stones. As a result of excess fatty tissue on the abdomen, fatty deposits may occur and the work of the liver and gastrointestinal tract may be disrupted. Eating too much fat and lack of exercise also leads to constipation.
- Women's ailments: disorders of the menstrual cycle, prolonged bleeding.
Poradnikzdrowie.pl supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.