Low levels of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) can cause weight gain in pregnant women. This is the conclusion of a study by scientists from the University of Warwick Medical School in Great Britain.
British specialists compared fat cells from laboratory cultures with samples taken from pregnant women.
The analysis showed that the increased production of these cells occurs when there is too little vitamin B12 in the pregnant woman's body. This information suggests that low vitamin B12 levels may predispose pregnant women to obesity.
- The results of our study show that low levels of vitamin B12 impair the metabolism of fat cells, which can lead to increased fat accumulation, deterioration of its processing and inflammatory damage. All these factors predispose to weight gain - comments the researcher Jinous Samavat, emphasizing the important role of vitamin B12 supplementation, the so-called red vitamin during pregnancy.
Based on: PAP, gynecology.esculap.com
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