Every day you struggle to get out of bed, constantly feel tired, lack sleep and do not feel like doing anything. You promise yourself you need a good night's sleep. But chronic fatigue doesn't have to be caused by sleep deprivation. Lack of strength can be caused by very serious conditions, e.g. stress or excess caffeine, or diseases such as anemia or urinary tract infection. Read about the causes of chronic fatigue.
The causes of chronic fatiguemust be looked for in the malfunctioning of the body or in undiagnosed diseases. It is not true that every adult needs to sleep 8 hours in order to have a good rest. There are many people who only sleep 5-6 hours without complaining about fatigue. But it also happens that after a long rest we have no energy and we are lethargic.
We present 10 serious disease causes of chronic fatigue.
Cause of fatigue: stress
Fatigue caused bystressmay be related to seemingly trivial events, e.g. the behavior of the supervisor, everyday standing in traffic jams. This is because in unacceptable situations, the body releases significant amounts of cortisol - a hormone whose excess results in fatigue and even exhaustion. The rescue in such a situation will be to regulate the biological clock by lying down and getting up at the same time. It is also important to plan each day for yourself and not to worry that something has not been done.
Also worth knowing:Undesirable symptoms of long-term stress
Cause of fatigue: excess caffeine
We drink strong coffee to wake up in the morning or to energize ourselves during the day. 1-2 cups of coffee won't hurt anyone, but drinking too much coffee can have the opposite effect. When we abusecaffeine , it stops stimulating us. It becomes the cause of fatigue. To avoid such situations, you need to limit not only coffee consumption, but also strong tea and other caffeinated drinks. It is also important not to abuse drugs containing caffeine.
Also be sure to read:Caffeine overdose: 9 he alth-threatening symptoms
Cause of fatigue: latent diseaseshearts
Fatigue that accompanies simple housework, such as vacuuming the apartment, small garden work or going for a walk, may indicate serious heart disease . It also happens that after improperly treated or experienced flu, myocarditis develops, which also manifests itself in chronic fatigue. Such situations should not be taken lightly. It is necessary to see a doctor and start treatment.
Cause of fatigue: HCV infection
Hepatitis Cis transmitted through contact with the blood of a sick person. The first symptoms of infection may resemble a cold, but they subside rather quickly. When acute inflammation becomes chronic, there are no spectacular symptoms of the disease. Often, however, fatigue is difficult to explain.
Find out the causes of chronic fatigue!

Cause of Fatigue: Sleep Apnea
Sleep apneais a breathing disorder, often accompanying people who snore, makes them stop breathing for 10 or even 20 seconds. The sudden breath in awakens the sick person and interrupts the natural phases of sleep. People suffering from sleep apnea are often unaware of it, and the only symptom of ailments is constant morning fatigue. People suffering from apnea are often said to lie down and stand up tired. The diagnosis of the disease requires a visit to a specialist and special examinations. It is often necessary to change your lifestyle, lose weight and quit smoking. Untreated apnea increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.
Cause of fatigue: hypothyroidism
The most common cause of fatigue associated withhypothyroidismis an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto's disease. Its essence is that the body itself destroys the cells responsible for the production of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which are responsible for most of the processes taking place in the body, including the condition of the systems:
- nervous
- blood
- muscular
- bone
and body temperature.
When the thyroid gland is significantly damaged and the body lacks hormones, fatigue, lethargy and mood swings develop. You need to measure the level of TSH, T3, T4 hormones from the blood and, if necessary, take synthetic equivalents of the hormones. It allows you to feel better.
Cause of fatigue: lung diseases
If - such aschronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)- lead to bronchoconstriction, then there are problems withbreathing. The result of chronic hypoxia in the body is heaviness and constant fatigue. COPD is a medical condition caused by smoking, both active and passive. The only salvation is to quit the addiction.
Cause of fatigue: urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infectionsare associated with burning and the constant urge to urinate. But there are times when the only symptom of a bacterial urinary tract infection is constant fatigue. The disease can be diagnosed by analyzing the urine. After applying the appropriate treatment, fatigue usually disappears within a week.
Cause of fatigue: food intolerance
We are not always aware that we suffer fromfood intolerance , but we record the fact that we feel bad after eating, for example, fatty pork or full-fat cream. A similar situation can happen when we eat very large meals. Some of the blood that feeds and nourishes the brain then drains to the intestines to do additional work. And when the brain is partially hypoxic, fatigue and drowsiness develops. When we suspect a hidden food intolerance, it is worth doing appropriate tests and avoiding foods that are harmful to us in the future.
Cause of fatigue: anemia
Heavy periods caused by hormonal disorders, polyps or fibroids, or a recent birth all contribute to significant blood loss. This in turn manifests itself as fatigue.
At the root of constant fatigue isanemia- a deficiency in hemoglobin, an iron-rich protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body. Fatigue occurs when tissues and organs do not receive enough oxygen.
Other causes of anemia may be:
- internal bleeding, e.g. gastrointestinal bleeding
- iron deficiency
- folate deficiency
- vitamin B deficiency12
- kidney disease
Anemia, or anemia, is diagnosed after a blood test. If it is based on iron deficiency, you should enter into the menu products rich in this element (e.g. spinach, broccoli, parsley, legumes and red meat) and - if your doctor recommends - take iron supplements.
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Causes and Symptoms
- Herbs for strengthening. The 6 best herbs for immunity, colds and flu
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