Pollakiuria is a symptom that can have many causes. Frequent urination is usually associated with a urinary tract infection, but in some cases it can indicate serious diseases - diabetes and even cancer. Pollakiuria is a symptom of what disease?
Polakyuria(polakisuria) is asymptomthat involves frequent urination, usually in small amounts. The frequency of urination (voiding) is an individual matter and depends, among other things, on on the amount of fluids ingested, ambient temperature or bladder capacity. However, the indication for a visit to the doctor is the need to urinate more than 7 times a day. Then we talk aboutdaytime pollakiuria . In turn, nocturnal pollakiuria is the need to go to the toilet more than twice a night.
Frequent urinationis a condition that is usually accompanied by a feeling that you urgently need to urinate (the most characteristic of urinary tract infections). However, emptying the bladder does not bring any relief.
Pollakiuria should not be confused with polyuria (urination in excess of 3 l / day), because pollakiuria is usually less urine.
Pollakiuria - urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infection, which is the most common cause of frequent urinationin children and women , is manifested by painful urination and an unpleasant odor of urine. In case of infection, fever and, less frequently, confusion and pain in the side are characteristic.
Other diseases of the urinary system that manifest themselves in pollakiuria are bladder hernia, which is also characterized by:
- urinary incontinence
- feeling of fullness in the vagina
- pain
- leakage of urine during sexual intercourse
In turn, narrowing of the urethra is manifested by:
- difficulties in starting urination
- painful urge to bladder
- reduced amount of urine
- with reduced strength of the urine stream
Another ailment - urolithiasis - manifests itself with colic pains in the side or groin.
A less common cause of pollakiuria is interstitialinflammation of the kidney.
Pollakiuria may also indicate radiation cystitis, which is caused by irradiation of the lower abdomen, prostate or genitals due to cancer.
In turn, involuntary passing (leakage) of urine, especially when bending over, coughing or sneezing, indicates urinary incontinence.
Pollakiuria - prostate diseases
Frequent urination, which occurs in men over the age of 50, usually indicates one of the diseases of the prostate gland: inflammation, benign hyperplasia, or cancer.
The most characteristic symptom of of prostatitis isnocturnal pollakiuria,accompanied by sudden urge to urinate and painful urination. They may also appear:
- purulent discharge from the urethra
- fever
- chills
- lower back pain
- muscle and joint pain
- feeling of fullness in the genital area
- palpation of the prostate gland
In turn, the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer are problems with the start of urination, a weak urine stream and a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying, which are the result of pressure on the enlarged prostate gland, often cancerous, on the bladder neck.
Untreated disease can lead to complete urinary retention. Then an operation is necessary to reduce the volume of the prostate.
ImportantWhat can pollakiuria and burning mean?
Frequent urination and a strong burning sensation that causes pain are usually a sign of a bacterial infection, and hence - inflammation, which may be the result of mechanical irritation (e.g. during intercourse) and non-compliance with hygiene.
Pollakiuria - diabetes
Frequent, sweet smelling urination is one of the first symptoms of diabetes, especially type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Pollakiuria is the body's way of getting rid of the excess amount of glucose.
Pollakiuria - taking diuretics
Diuretics, which increase the volume of urine excreted, are used to treat many diseases, including:
- cardiovascular diseases
- cirrhosis of the liver
- poisoning
- urinary tract diseases
Diuretics also include some herbal preparations (e.g. containing cranberry, nettle or horsetail herb).
Diuretics, due to the caffeine content, are also coffee, black tea, chocolate drinks andcola. Alcohol is also on the list of diuretics.
Pollakiuria - pregnancy
Women from about 6 weeks of pregnancy struggle with frequent urination until their delivery. All because of the constantly growing uterus, which, by pressing on the bladder, causes pollakiuria. It is most troublesome in the first (sometimes one of the first symptoms of pregnancy) and the third trimester.
ImportantFrequent urination with blood
Frequent urination with blood may indicate urinary tract infection and urolithiasis in younger patients, and cancer in elderly patients.
Pollakiuria - venereal diseases
Painful and frequent urination in young, sexually active people may indicate a sexually transmitted disease such as chlamydia.
Pollakiuria - reactive arthritis
In reactive arthritis, apart from pollakiuria, there are: asymmetric arthritis of the knee, ankle and metatarsophalangeal joints, as well as unilateral or bilateral conjunctivitis. Another characteristic symptom are small and painless ulcers in the mouth, tongue, glans penis, palms and soles of the feet, appearing within 1-2 weeks of sexual contact.
Pollakiuria - brain or spinal cord injury
Weakness of the lower limbs, weakened contractility of the anal sphincter muscle or the lack of rectal reflex are symptoms of brain damage or spinal cord injury in addition to frequent urination.
In this type of injury, the damaged nerves that send information from the brain to the bladder can lead to frequent and sudden urination.
Pollakiuria - pituitary gland insufficiency
Frequent urination is one of the symptoms of an underactive pituitary gland. Then the accompanying symptoms are, among others:
- weakness
- sleepiness
- pale skin
- swollen eyelids
- sunken eyes