Leukocytes in the urine in excess of the norm, in medical terminology, leukocyturia. The presence of white blood cells in the urine usually means inflammation of the urinary system, although it can also indicate problems with the reproductive system and abdominal organs. What do urine leukocytes mean?
Leukocyturia - what does it mean?
Leukocytes in urine (leukocyturia ) in a he althy person are present in numbers only 1-3, and are normally excreted with urine. When there are more than 5 leukocytes in the field of view in the non-centrifuged urine sediment, leukocyturia is diagnosed.
The presence of an excessive number ofleukocytes in the urineis usually the result of inflammation. The number of white blood cells in the urine is increased during an infection, as they are essential for fighting a variety of pathogens (bacteria, fungi, viruses). However, their presence may also indicate many other diseases, including for cardiovascular failure.
Leukocyturiais often equated with pyuria, but it occurs when the urine contains leukocytes in an amount that causes color change, turbidity, and a specific urine odor. Pyuria is usually accompanied by bacteriuria. If the diagnosis of pyuria is without the so-called bacteriuria, we are talking about the so-called sterile pyuria.
Leukocyturia - acute and chronic urinary tract infections
The most common causes of urinary tract infections are bacteria, much less viruses, fungi, parasites, mycobacteria and chlamydia. Then there are the so-called dysuria symptoms, i.e. pain and burning when urinating, frequent urination, painful pressure on the bladder and pain in the lower abdomen after filling the bladder.
There is also a sudden pressure on the bladder and difficulties in holding urine. Occasionally, there may be pain above the pubic bone or in the lumbar region. People with upper urinary tract infections may develop fever, nausea and vomiting.
Leukocytes in urine - kidney problems
- Interstitial nephritis is manifested by fever, dull pains in the lumbar region, skin rashes in various locations, and joint pains. In turn, urine may be red in color (haematuria) and its volume may decrease.
- Glomerulonephritis - the chronic form of the disease is manifested by weakness, anemia,disturbances of calcium and phosphate metabolism, and even symptoms of ischemic heart disease. In turn, in the acute form, symptoms of nephritic syndrome (hematuria, proteinuria, arterial hypertension) appear, and sometimes symptoms of acute renal failure. The characteristic symptom is foaming urine, which is discolored (pink, reddish or brown).
- Pyelonephritis usually manifests as pain in the lumbar region of varying severity. It can be unilateral or bilateral and radiate to the groin. Usually, there is also a fever or a low-grade fever, which is associated with a general malaise. There may also be abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, as well as the so-called symptoms on duty.
- Nephrolithiasis is characterized by colic (intermittent) pain in the lumbar region, sometimes radiating to the groin, labia, or testes, as well as nausea or vomiting, abdominal discomfort, hematuria, and dysuria. In addition, general symptoms appear, such as increased body temperature, weakness. It is worth knowing that the first symptom of nephrolithiasis is often renal colic.
Read also: A symptom of what disease can be an unusual smell of urine?
Leukocytes in urine - bladder cancer
Cancer of the bladder is manifested by painful urination, often accompanied by a burning sensation in the urethra, frequent urination, and pain in the suprapubic and lumbar region. However, the first symptom of the disease that is an indication for a doctor's appointment is blood in the urine. A bladder tumor most often develops in the elderly.
Leukocytes in urine - adnexitis
Inflammation of the appendages, or ovaries and fallopian tubes, is manifested by sudden cramping pain on both sides of the lower abdomen, which intensifies during intercourse, and sometimes radiates to the groin and thighs. It is accompanied by weakness, fever or low-grade fever. Sometimes there are also nausea, vomiting (due to irritation of the peritoneum), diarrhea.
IMPORTANT! When assessingleukocyturiain women, one should take into account the possibility of urine contamination with purulent vaginal discharge, especially in the presence of vaginal discharge!
Leukocytes in urine - appendicitis
Appendicitis manifests as pain in the navel area, accompanied by nausea and (rarely) vomiting. The pain travels down to the area of the right iliac fossa and usually worsens with movements and coughing, so the patient lies still with his legs tucked in or on his right side.
Appearslow-grade fever, but the body temperature does not exceed 37.5-38 degrees C. pressure on the bladder, frequent urination.
Leukocytes in urine - drug reaction result
The number of leukocytes in the urine can be increased by some drugs, including:
- angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (drugs used in high blood pressure and heart disease),
- aminoglycosides,
- cephalosporins and sulfonamides (a group of bactericidal antibiotics with a broad spectrum of activity),
- tuberculostats (anti-tuberculosis drugs),
- diuretics (diuretics),
- cyclophosphamide (anti-cancer drug),
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
- phenacetin,
- lithium s alts,
- azathioprine (an immunosuppressive drug used mainly after transplants).
Leukocytes in urine - other causes
- Strenuous physical exertion,
- Feverish states,
- Dehydration,
- Presence of foreign bodies, e.g. a catheter inserted into the bladder,
- Chronic heart failure,
- Any inflammatory changes in organs adjacent to the urinary system.

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