Heimlich's grip is a pre-medical aid technique used in choking, often life-saving. It consists in firmly pressing the diaphragm in order to push out a foreign body stuck in the respiratory tract of the injured person. Learn how to perform a Heimlich grip on an adult, a child, and even yourself.
Heimlich grab , also known asmaneuverorHeilmlich maneuver , should be able to perform every man. This is one of the basic ways to restore breath to a person who has choked on an object.
In adults, this usually occurs while eating, while children may choke on any tiny element they put in their mouth. Accidents in toddlers are particularly common because the airways of a small child are approx. 7 mm wide. Heimlich's grab is often the only life saving option, as if not responded otherwise, the victim may die of asphyxiation within 5 minutes of choking.
Heimlich grab - what is it?
The Heimlich maneuver involves applying pressure to the diaphragm of a choking person in order to push out a foreign body stuck there by compressing the air in the respiratory tract. The Heimlich grip can be performed on both adults and children.
Worth knowingThe name of the Heimlich maneuver comes from the name of the American physician Henry Heimlich, head of the surgery department of a Cincinnati hospital. He developed the method in 1974. In a 2014 interview, he said that he was motivated to work on it by thousands of reports of fatal choking victims. Heimlich died in December 2016 at the age of 96 - He was a great man who saved many people. His death is a loss not only to his family but to all mankind, ”said his son, Phil. It is worth adding that 3 years ago, Heimlich's handicap was used by Clint Eastwood himself - thus he saved a party participant in California, who choked on cheese.
Heimlich grip - how to do it for an adult?
The rescuer stands behind the patient and hugs him at waist level. He clenches both his hands into a fist (one on top of the other) above his navel, and bends the person being rescued slightly forward. Now he presses the diaphragm with a vigorous movement towards himself and up.You can also make a Heilmlich grab yourself. For this purpose, you need to use, for example, the edge of the table or the backrest of a chair.
Heimlich grab - how to do it for a child?
Small children, over 1 year old, and also older ones - in preschool and school age, press the diaphragm with one fist and hold them behind their back with the other hand. You can also, depending on the child's height, lift them up to stand on straight legs, throw them over the knee or kneel behind him and then press the abdomen with an upward movement.
The Heimlich maneuver should be used intermittently until a foreign body has escaped from the respiratory tract or until the victim is unconscious. In the latter case, we put the baby on the floor and make two rescue breaths. If the foreign body still has not escaped from the trachea, we perform the Heimlich grip again, lying down. The upper abdomen is compressed with one fist for a younger child, or two for an older child.
ImportantThe Heimlich grip must not be used in infants under the age of 1, because its internal organs and bones are not yet developed enough to exert pressure on the diaphragm. If such a small child chokes, we put it on our lap on the tummy, tilted head down. Support the head with your hand, placing your thumb and one or two fingers on the lower jaw. With the other hand, we make 5 quick strokes between the shoulder blades, checking after each if the foreign body has fallen out of the trachea. If so, we stop, if no chest compressions are needed. We turn the child on his back, still with his head down. Press the sternum with straightened fingers - the index and thumb. We use compressions alternately with blows to the back. When the child is still not breathing, start lung ventilation (five chest compressions, one inhalation, and again five compressions) and call an ambulance at the same time (tel. 112).
Heimlich grab - complications
Since it is a sudden and severe abdominal pressure, it can damage internal organs. Consult your physician after any choking or Heimlich Grip application. It is especially important in the case of children, because their internal organs are still fragile and it is not difficult to damage them, especially when such an intensive rescue operation is performed.