In the 6th week of pregnancy, the embryo is about the size of a poppy seed. If you could measure the length of his body from the crown to the end of his torso (the baby is curled up in the embryonic position), it would be 2 to 4 mm. You, on the other hand, begin to feel the first changes in your body.


  1. 6. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?
  2. 6. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
  3. 6. week of pregnancy: the most important recommendations

6. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?

Next to the embryo, there is an amniotic cavity in the gestational sac. Around the 6th week of pregnancy, it is filled with fluid, which at this stage is formed from the plasma and body fluids of the woman.

From now on, the amniotic fluid will not only reduce the risk of possible injuries, but will also provide him with warmth and protection against bacteria.

6. The week of pregnancy is also the moment when the neural tube closes (a process that usually ends on the 28th-30th day after conception), which means that there is no risk of developing its defects that can lead to spina bifida or hydrocephalus.

  • Neural tube defects: what are they and how to prevent them?

It does not mean that the threat of other defects also ceased to exist. Unfortunately, the period of organogenesis, i.e. the formation of all organs and systems in the body, which lasts from the 4th to the 12th week of pregnancy, is the most dangerous.

During this time, newly formed organs are exposed to external factors such as drugs, chemicals, and more. That is why it is so important to avoid all stimulants and other dangerous activities at this crucial time for development.

  • Drugs during pregnancy: what drugs are safe to take during pregnancy?

Organ development is not the only change that occurs in the 6th week of pregnancy. At the moment, the embryo looks no longer like a bean, but a tadpole, as it is like a tail, but it will fade away soon (this is evidence of the presence of genes from other mammals in human DNA).

  • the child already has the most important organ for humans - the brain, which develops from the neural tube,
  • also has a heart that beats, but its noise is yet to be picked up. It is not yet fully developed, however, as is the liver.kidneys or other organs. However, it works so efficiently that it pumps blood into the bloodstream that is just being formed
  • at this time the nuclei of the digestive system (the pancreas starts to work) and the spine, as well as the projections from which the baby's limbs will develop,
  • bronchi appear - primary respiratory tract

6. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?

You are already beginning to feel the first signs of your condition. The pregnancy test showed two lines, which means that the pregnancy hormones have started to keep the embryo alive, but also to ensure its proper development in your body.

  • How do hormones influence the behavior of a pregnant woman?

Hormones will unfortunately also be responsible for most of the pregnancy symptoms - not always pleasant. The first may be breast tenderness, which you start to feel as early as 6 weeks pregnant. It is the fault of the stimulation of the mammary glands.

You are now 6 weeks pregnant, i.e. in the 2nd month of pregnancy

Breasts become not only sensitive to touch and even painful, but also slightly change their appearance - the nipples become darker (due to increased blood supply) and enlarged.

  • Breast care during pregnancy

Since your baby is still tiny, you obviously can't feel any changes in your appearance. However, if you went to the gynecologist now, the doctor could find a loosening of the uterus, which indicates the presence of an embryo in it.

What are the early pregnancy symptoms? [TOWIDEO]

6. week of pregnancy: the most important recommendations

Even though the urethra has already closed, it doesn't mean you can stop taking folic acid. Although its greatest advantage is the prevention of cerebrospinal hernia, its effect is much wider.

  • Folic acid important before and during pregnancy

Folic acid is involved in the formation of DNA, regulates cell growth and prevents anemia by participating in the formation of red blood cells.

  • Anemia (anemia) - problems with iron during pregnancy

Take special care of your he alth now. The period of pregnancy means a decrease in immunity. The immune system of a woman changes the principles of operation during 9 months - all in order not to treat the fetus as a foreign body and not to try to destroy it.

  • IMMUNITY IN PREGNANCY: what to eat in order not to get sick during pregnancy?

It is less "sensitive" which means it is more susceptible to viruses and bacteria. So avoid the opportunity togetting sick - not even in crowded places, eat well and dress appropriately for the weather. Each disease in pregnancy has a negative impact on the child - the infection itself is harmful, but also the medications that must be taken at that time.

  • First trimester of pregnancy
  • 5. week of pregnancy
  • 7. week of pregnancy
  • 8. week of pregnancy
