Cancer, cancer - we use these words interchangeably. But there is more precision in medical terminology. Cancer is a broader concept, and cancer is one of the malignant neoplasms. Find out exactly what the difference between cancer and cancer is.

Doescancermean the same ascancer ? Not. Cancer is any change caused by uncontrolled cell growth. May bebenign tumorormalignant tumor .

What is cancer?

Cancer is a term that is often used to describe cancer. Meanwhile, cancer is one of the malignant neoplasms.

Neoplasm can be said to occur when the process of cell proliferation occurs. It is not subject to natural control mechanisms, because cells divide to form clusters which, over time, contribute to the formation of a tumor. There are benign or malignant neoplasms.

A benign tumor is not a cancer

A benign tumor (neoplasma benignum) is clearly demarcated from the surrounding tissues or is encysted. His cells cannot get into the blood. It never metastasizes, and its removal leads to complete recovery. Benign neoplasms are uterine fibroids, lipomas, fibroids, fibroadenomas, hydrocele.

Cancer is one of the malignant neoplasms

Malignant neoplasms (neoplasma malignum) are lesions that infiltrate surrounding tissues, and their cells enter the blood and lymphatic systems. They travel throughout the body, spreading the disease. There are several types of malignant tumors.

Due to the type of tissues from which malignant neoplasms originate, the following are generally distinguished:

  • cancer - is the most common malignant neoplasm. Its distinctive feature is that it comes from epithelial tissue - skin, lungs, breasts, pancreas, liver and other organs.

All cancer is cancer, but not all cancer is cancer. However, we often use these terms interchangeably, which is a mistake.

  • Sarcomas - is a type of malignant tumor that is formed from muscle tissue, adipose tissue and cartilage.
  • Lymphomas - is a malignant neoplasm formed in the lymphatic system
  • Tumors of the central nervous system - an essential groupare brain tumors originating from various cells of the nervous system. Glioblastomas multiforme are among the unfavorable prognostic factors. Surgery with complementary radiotherapy is the treatment of choice. Rarely occurring tumors of the spinal cord. Some tumors in this group are completely curable
  • Melanoma - is a malignant neoplasm originating from pigment cells (melanocytes), most often of the skin
Worth knowing

Cancer is one of the malignant neoplasms that develops from epidermal cells or epithelial cells from various organs of the body, such as the skin, gland, mucosa, lining of the digestive system, thyroid gland and pancreas.

The terms "brain cancer" and "bone cancer" are incorrect because there is no epithelial tissue in these areas.

Source: Simply Saying
