Rheumatic diseases are a group of diseases that attack the locomotor system, which leads to the patient's progressive disability. Rheumatic diseases most often affect the joints, but they can also affect internal organs and contribute to serious multi-organ complications, even leading to death. What are the types of rheumatic diseases? What are the causes and symptoms? What is the treatment?
- Rheumatic diseases - causes
- Rheumatic diseases - types and symptoms
- Systemic connective tissue diseases
- Spondyloartropatie
- Osteoarthritis
- Arthritis, tendon sheath and bursitis accompanying infection
- Metabolic and endocrine diseases accompanied by joint diseases
- Nowotwory
- Neurovascular disorders
- Bone and cartilage diseases
- Inflammatory changes within soft tissues
- Various disorders accompanied by joint symptoms
- Rheumatic diseases - research
- Rheumatic diseases - treatment
Rheumatic diseasesis a group of diseases that damage the locomotor system. If not diagnosed in time, they can lead to progressive disability of the patient, and sometimes (when they involve internal organs) even to death.
Therefore, treatment of rheumatic diseases should be started as soon as possible, preferably within 6-12 weeks after the first symptoms appear (this is the so-called therapeutic window).
Then there are the best chances of achieving remission, i.e. the disappearance of disease symptoms. Treatment of rheumatic diseases includes medications, rehabilitation, sometimes surgery, as well as patient education and psychotherapy.
Rheumatic diseases - causes
Rheumatic diseases are a group of autoimmune diseases. This means that the immune system attacks its own tissues, leading to chronic inflammation. It is not known what is causing this. It is believed that the development of rheumatic diseases may be influenced by genetic factors, infections, and in some cases even medications.
GOOD TO KNOW:AUTOIMMUNOLOGICAL DISEASES: when the system attacks usimmune
Rheumatic diseases - types and symptoms
Classification of rheumatic diseases according to ARA (American College of Rheumatology)
Systemic diseases of connective tissue
- rheumatoid arthritis - pain and swelling in the small joints of the hands and feet, less often the so-called large joints, e.g. shoulder and elbow joints. Pain symptoms occur in the same joints on both sides of the body. Morning stiffness in the joints, lasting at least one hour, is characteristic
- juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) - is any arthritis that occurs before the age of 16. The first symptom is inflammation of one joint (usually the knee), which is manifested by knee pain, swelling and limited mobility
- systemic lupus erythematosus - butterfly-shaped erythema on the face (redness of the cheeks and nose) is characteristic. Common symptoms include joint pain and swelling, muscle aches and erosions in the mouth
Inflammatory diseases of the joints (including rheumatoid arthritis and spondyloarthritis) are particularly dangerous to he alth.
- scleroderma - causes hardening of the skin. Systemic scleroderma first affects the arms and chest area, and then spreads throughout the skin. The onset of the disease is usually preceded by Raynaud's phenomenon.
- polymyositis and dermatomyositis - in the case of polymyositis, muscle weakness appears (especially around the shoulder, hip, neck and back joints), which is manifested, among others, by Difficulty walking up the stairs, getting up from a chair, lifting heavier objects. In the case of dermatomyositis, skin lesions also appear - mainly erythema
- necrotizing vasculitis and other vasculopathies - is inflammation of the wall of blood vessels that leads to impaired blood flow and ischemia of tissues and organs. This includes, inter alia, Takayasu syndrome, polyarteritis nodosa, Kawasaki disease
- Sjögren's syndrome (dryness syndrome) - include: dryness, a feeling of burning and scratching eyes, dry mouth, problems with chewing and swallowing food
- overlap syndromes, including: undifferentiated and mixed connective tissue disease with Raynaud's phenomenon, finger ulcers, hardening of the skin (most often of the face), painful joint changes - usually in the hands and feet, muscle pain
- other (including: polymyalgia rheumatic, recurrent cartilage inflammation, erythema nodosum and others)
- ankylosing spondylitis - dull painthe sacroiliac spine that radiates to the buttocks, back of the thighs, and knees. It occurs at night, in the morning and disappears not during rest, but during exercise, e.g. gymnastics, etc.
- reactive arthritis (Reiter's syndrome) - appears, inter alia, in arthritis - single-joint or asymmetric multi-joint inflammation (usually of the knee and ankle joints or wrists and interphalangeal joints of the hands), which is manifested by pain in the affected joint. In addition, tendonitis is observed (symptoms include heel pain) and spine inflammation - lower back pain (low back pain), spine stiffness, buttock pain appear
- psoriatic arthritis - is a type of JIA. Symptoms of the disease include: joint pain, redness and swelling of the joints (caused by fluid accumulation), stiffness of the joints, psoriasis of the skin and nails
- arthritis associated with chronic inflammatory bowel disease
Rheumatic diseases also affect young people
See what problems young people suffering from rheumatism have to deal with.
- primary
- secondary
Osteoarthritis is manifested by twitching, crackling, grinding in the joints, as well as severe pain when loaded, e.g. when climbing stairs, getting up from a chair, while standing.
The most common rheumatic disease is osteoarthritis.
Arthritis, tendon sheath and synovial bursitis accompanying infection
Metabolic and endocrine diseases accompanied by joint diseases
- gout - there is a sudden, sharp pain in the joint, usually at night or early in the morning. It grows in waves and is getting more and more painful every day. The diseased joint is tender, swollen and red
- amyloidosis (amyloidosis) - swelling of the legs and ankles, general weakness and weight loss, diarrhea or constipation, shortness of breath, numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, various skin changes
- diabetes
Including: primary, metastatic malignant, myeloma, leukemias, lymphomas, and more.
Neurovascular disorders
- neuropathic joint diseases (Charcot joints, neurogenic arthropathy) - is a complication of diabetes. Degenerative changes occur within the foot and lead to deformation, ulceration, usually resulting in amputation
- carpal tunnel syndromes - pain and numbness of the fingers appear (thumb, index,middle and part of the cordial), usually several times a night. Pain radiates to the forearm and even the shoulder
Bone and cartilage diseases
- osteoporosis - the first symptom of osteoporosis are fractures (caused by minor trauma), which indicate the advancement of the disease
Rheumatic diseases also contribute to multi-organ complications that often lead to death.
- hypertrophic osteoarthritis - develops arthritis that causes pain, changes in the shape of the fingers or toes (club-shaped), periostitis in the distal sections of long bones
- Paget's disease of the bone - pain and deformity of the affected bone appear, bone fractures, most often in the area of long bones, pain in the joints (located in the vicinity of the affected bones)
Inflammatory changes within soft tissues
- fibromyalgia - a characteristic symptom is extensive pain (bone and muscle) and general fatigue and sleep problems
- tendinitis - tendon pain that increases with movement, swelling, reduced range of motion, warming of the area, weakness, tenderness
- changes in intervertebral discs
Various disorders accompanied by joint symptoms
- familial Mediterranean fever - manifested by bouts of fever accompanied by abdominal pain, which usually lasts up to 3 days. Symptoms resolve spontaneously and do not appear until the next disease flare-up. Arthritis is also observed, most often knee, ankle or wrist inflammation. There may also appear erythematous changes on the skin
- sarcoidosis - it has no typical symptoms, it can cause flu-like symptoms, such as: increased body temperature, cough, joint pain
- dialysis support team
Rheumatic diseases - research
The tests that are performed when rheumatic diseases are suspected are:
- rheumatoid factor - this is an antibody that contributes to the destruction of tissue, which is the essence of rheumatic disease
- uric acid is a product of the metabolism of purine bases. The uric acid level is tested, among others, by when gout is suspected
- C-reactive protein (CRP) - its increased level indicates inflammation in the body
- OB (Biernacki's reaction) - similar to CPR
- Antistreptolysin (ASO) - the test is performed to diagnose complications such as rheumatic disease after infection with streptococcus A
- Anti-CCP (against cyclic citrullinated peptide) antibodies are recognized as a specific marker (detector) for rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
GOOD TO KNOW:RHEUMATIC PROFILE - tests for rheumatic diseases. Standards
Rheumatic diseases - treatment
The degenerative changes that have occurred are irreversible, it is only possible to slow down the progress of the disease and alleviate its symptoms.
In order to relieve pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are administered orally or topically (ointments, gels or patches). Those in the local form will work well for pain limited to a small area. Oral tablets will be required if pain is generalized.
Other painkillers used in rheumatic diseases are analgesics.
Rehabilitation is also important. It should include physical therapy, kinesiotherapy (therapeutic gymnastics), and manual therapy.
In advanced conditions, surgery may be necessary.
Kwiatkowska B., Raciborski F., Maślińska M., Kłak A., Gryglewicz J., Samel-Kowalik P.,Early diagnosis of rheumatic diseases - assessment of the current situation and recommendations for changes, Institute of Rheumatology in Warsaw, Warsaw 2014
Myths about rheumatism
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