Injury to the shoulder joint is when the head of the humerus slides out of the acetabulum and moves above or next to the joint. Symptoms include severe pain and restriction of shoulder mobility, significant swelling, and bruising due to internal bleeding. The joint deforms and a large, lumpy structure protrudes from the shoulder.

How a shoulder joint injury occurs

Shoulder joint injurymay be the result of a strong impact, a fall on an outstretched arm. In people with weak tendons and ligaments, it can develop during sleep. Sports conducive to such injuries are downhill skiing, hockey, volleyball and football.


Did you know that warming compresses immediately after an injury can aggravate the pain and increase swelling? For this reason, no warming patches are applied and no ointments are used. They can be used only after the injury has partially healed. Then they will expand the small vessels and more nutrients will reach the damaged tissues.

Treatment methods for shoulder injuries

The greatest relief is brought by a cold compress. The deformedof the shoulder jointmust not be adjusted by yourself. The injured should be taken to the doctor who will do it after the X-ray is done.

During transportshouldermust be immobilized - it can be gently bent at the elbow, pressed against the chest and wrapped with a bandage along with the body.

To ease the pain, give a drug containing acetaminophen or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. You can also use topical painkillers, e.g. in the form of a spray or gel.

Convalescence usually takes 3-6 weeks. After this time, exercises to stretch the muscles of the arms and shoulders are recommended.

After a series of such exercises, when the joint is fully functional, you can return to sport - but only in clothes with shoulder pads so that in the event of a fall they will protect the shoulder from bruising.

Regularly stretch your arm muscles to keep your arm muscles flexible and less prone to damage.

100 questions about he alth - what to do in order not to hurt your joints