Sexually transmitted diseases can cause dangerous complications and can even be fatal. Even so, many people say that they are not affected by this problem. Is it right? We talked about it with the gynecologist Dr. Tadeusz Oleszczuk.
Patrycja Pupiec: What sexually transmitted diseases do Poles suffer from most often?
Tadeusz Oleszczuk:Mycosis is definitely the most popular sexually transmitted disease. Further examples are very common bacterial and viral infections.
It is these diseases that often cause visits of patients to gynecological offices?
This happens because the problem cannot be cured without seeing a specialist. A woman tries on pathogens on her own, buys various kinds of remedies at a pharmacy, but they are usually not effective and when she shows up at the office, she often has a chronic problem. It should be listed here bacterial infections, which in 80 percent. are asymptomatic. Sometimes, of course, something stings, hurts, there is a problem with urination, but these are very ambiguous symptoms.
Men tend to get infections asymptomatically, right?
Yeah, so they don't even know they can spread it further. During mycosis, it is advisable to treat both partners. Chlamydia is also an example of a disease that proceeds without symptoms and then it turns out that the fallopian tubes have developed adhesions. Unfortunately, this is a very common cause of ectopic pregnancy, although adhesions leading to obstruction of the fallopian tubes are most often detected when a woman is trying to conceive.
After research, it turns out that the fallopian tubes are blocked. Sometimes it is enough to give an antibiotic to get pregnant with such a patient, and sometimes it is more complicated. Likewise, this infection in masters can lead to reduced sperm quality.
We get sick without knowing it and, what's worse, infecting others …
Unfortunately, this is what happens. The aforementioned chlamydia is sensitive only to some antibiotics and even sometimes completely by accident, due to other ailments, we can heal ourselves without even knowing aboutthat there was any problem.
A large proportion of the symptoms of an infection depend on our immunity. When we live under stress, eat a lot of sweets, or move little, the symptoms can be more turbulent. If the immune system is working properly, it can fight mycosis on its own.
Where is the limit of action - when does the gynecologist end the treatment, and when does the venereologist start?
There are diseases such as syphilis, where I immediately refer the patient to a venereologist who has to conduct his own medical interview with her. Ask about contacts and circumstances of the infection. In terms of the difficulties with treatment by a gynecologist and related cases of referral to a venereologist, these are rare phenomena.
Syphilis. A few years ago there was a large increase in the incidence of this disease. Why?
The reason for this increase is the migration of people. Trips to different countries and lack of adequate security during sexual contacts. Syphilis is a contagious disease and is very easy to "catch" through oral-genital contact.
There is a lot of talk about sexually transmitted diseases these days, and certainly more than before. Despite this, specialists indicate some familiarization with this problem. Still many people say this doesn't apply to them.
I don't think that's the case, because the Internet appeared several decades ago, and with its development, the number of sexually transmitted diseases has inevitably decreased. Unfortunately, on the other hand, I have to agree, because sexual education, especially in Poland, is very neglected. Even students sometimes do not know the basic information, and ignorance is conducive to risky behavior.
Education is the basis, not everything can be read on the Internet, although you also have to pay attention to the sources - not on forums, but preferably on medical portals, choosing expert content.
Research conducted some time ago shows that Poles are not as sexually active as they used to be, but there are more diagnoses of sexually transmitted diseases. What's responsible for this?
On the one hand, this is what the internet is responsible for, which I have already mentioned. Activity has shifted from physical contact to virtual contact, for example via webcams, but on the other hand, online contacts promote contacts outside of it. Moreover, the borders have opened, and traveling the world has become easy and cheap, so activity may decrease domestically, but people from traveling can bring infections in addition to souvenirs, but this is rather a logarithmic increase.
People misunderstand the term risky behavior,referring only to the fact that risky means a lot and with many sexual partners, but actually risky means without adequate protection, right?
Exactly, because people equate the number of sexual partners with risk, with a dangerous behavior for he alth. Of course, this is a risk factor, but if we protect ourselves properly, we reduce the chance of getting infected. The problem is when we have unprotected sex with an insecure partner. Then we always take a risk.
A condom is a cheap and almost 100% effective means of protecting against sexually transmitted infections.
But it's not 100 percent. an effective method of protection, because even condoms do not provide it, even when used correctly.
If we use them correctly, the chances of getting infected are really slim. There are cases where the virus spreads from the skin of the perineum or the scrotum, for example, but this transmission is fractions of a percent. So far, there is no fully effective method, but in the case of condoms, there is really little chance that this ineffectiveness will appear. Of course, if we use them correctly.
Will this fully effective method ever be created?
The effectiveness of the condoms is very high, rather it touches the limits of statistical error.
People aged 16-24 suffer from sexually transmitted diseases most often, so sexual education for young people is particularly important. In the case of girls, it is so much easier that mom can bring her daughter to a gynecologist who will explain everything to her, but who should be responsible for sexual education - parent or school?
Unfortunately, the lack of education and some backwardness mean that parents do not know how to talk to their children. In my opinion, there should be real sex education classes at school first of all. Even 20 years ago, I conducted such lessons myself at the invitation of one of the high schools.
Such classes conducted by a specialist systematize knowledge, which is often misrepresented in the media or on the Internet. What is happening is regretted. Teenagers are not told that there are diseases that can be very dangerous, and you have to be careful because they are easily infected.
After all, a teenager will be an adult one day, unfortunately with a knowledge gap on this subject. After that, often a young man is afraid to even ask for a condom. Stress and anxiety arise from ignorance. This could be avoided if there was education in schools by competent people.
So it would be best if such classes were conducted by professionals.
Of course. In the maze of so many mixed information, a young person gets lost, and skilful education from scratch, explanation by a competent person should be provided by a given educational institution. Even the very basics, because primary school children should already know that girls have menstruation, understand what it is, when it should appear, how to look and why it occurs.
Will this backwardness, the lack of proper sexual education lead to more cases of sexually transmitted diseases in the future?
Young people educate on their own, mainly through the exchange of information with each other, and they learn best when someone in their environment becomes ill. The problem is multifaceted, because on the one hand, the lack of education at school, and on the other, the fact that many infections can be asymptomatic, especially when living he althy, these symptoms are subtle or absent at all. It is easy to get infected, for example, in the swimming pool, in the sauna.
That is why it is so important to remember about security.
This is a wise approach and, above all, effective, but the burden itself is mostly on the woman's side. After all, unprotected sex is not only a risk of infection, but also of pregnancy, so there is a pressure that if you do not want to become a mother, you have to run for emergency contraception.
Complications of sexually transmitted diseases can be very dangerous.
There are a lot of traps and dead ends in this thread. Cervical cancer caused by HPV infection can be detected through prophylaxis, but chlamydia, for example, can cause vas inflammation and, consequently, male infertility. Infections can cause obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
The mycosis, in turn, may not only affect the vagina, but attack the entire body, e.g. contribute to urethritis, and treated with antibiotics may increase in size and contribute to further ailments.
How should you take care of your and your partner's safety?
If you only have one partner and you are sure he is faithful then of course it is normal to skip condoms, but if you are not sure it is the condoms that are the basis for every intercourse. If there are many partners, it is worth doing some research once in a while.
Of course, regular pap smear is necessary, but besides, it would be good to exclude inflammation and absolutely visit the gynecologist at least once a year.The doctor will find the cause of the disorder and help you get rid of the problem, but you also need to take care of your he alth on your own.
Physical activity, eating mainly organic products, reducing sugar in the diet, using linen made of natural fibers, less stress, adequate quality and length of sleep - this will definitely have a positive effect on immunity.
So resistance also ensures security.
Yes, the immune system recognizes viruses, pathogens, and even cancer cells. The poor immunity of the body makes us sick more often, so it is necessary to stick to certain rules, take care of rest and, of course, remember about safeguards. However, most STIs can only be cured by visiting a specialist and applying adequate diagnosis and treatment. It is very good if both partners are treated.

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Read other articles from the StrefaKobiety series:
- First visit to the gynecologist: what can you expect?
- Ignorance or maybe ignorance? Why do women die of cancer?
- 20 percent couples deal with infertility. Mostly not the fault of the woman
- Last menstruation and menopause. How to prepare for it?
- A woman must be he althy before starting contraception
- How to take care of intimate hygiene to avoid infections?
- Allergies - where do they come from? Allergy to semen and condoms
- Gynecologist banning abortion: Let's not condemn women to suffering at risk of losing he alth and life
- Pain in the intimate areas. Is it normal to feel pain?
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), or when the body and mind suffer
- Gynecological visit during a pandemic. What has changed?
- Breasts. What about their appearance should worry us?
- Are you pregnant and afraid to vaccinate against COVID-19? Expert explains why it is worth doing this
- Why is it so long to be diagnosed with endometriosis?
- Endometrial cancer, i.e. a cancer in which lifestyle is important
- Why are uterine fibroids mostly only monitored?
- Gynecologist: People are afraid to name the basic elements of the reproductive system, let alone know what the physiology of the cycle looks like