Lice - how to get rid of them? How To Remove Lice? This question is usually asked by parents of children aged 3-12, because they are most often attacked by lice. Fighting lice is a real problem, because the disease, associated with poverty, appears even in reputable schools. The problem of translations should not be underestimated, as head lice spreads very quickly. Find out how to get rid of head lice.
Lice - how do I get rid of them?How do I get rid of lice? This question is usually asked by parents of children aged 3-12, because they are most often attacked by lice.Fighting liceis necessary not only for the sick person, but also for their family.
Lice - how to get rid of them? Fighting head lice
Consult a pharmacist and use over-the-counter lice control products available at any pharmacy at every stage of their development. They are in the form of a shampoo, lotion, spray or foam. Read the package leaflet carefully and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.
Not all preparations fight both the adult form of lice, as well as eggs, then in the case of some preparations, mechanically removing nits should be additionally used. You should then rinse your hair with a solution of warm water with vinegar (a tablespoon of vinegar for 500 ml of water), brush the nits with a thick comb (now you can also buy electronic combs to facilitate this operation), and thoroughly clean the comb afterwards (freezing or alcohol -1 g or boil or wash with very hot water and detergent).
When using this type of preparations for lice, it is recommended to repeat the treatment 7 days after the first use to get rid of the newly hatched forms (the time of the next treatment depends on the drug used). Sometimes this activity has to be repeated several times to be sure that the head lice will not recur.
Don't delay treatment as head lice spread very quickly.
Important!Rinsing hair with vinegar solution is the so-called home remedies, and its operation has not been confirmed in studies. You should also remember that rinsing the scalp irritated by scratching with vinegar can be painful (especially for children).

At the same time, used brushes and combs should be disinfected - soak them for 15 minutes inhot soapy water. You also have to wash the towels, bedding and stuffed animals with which the child sleeps at high temperature, recently worn clothes, and keep the things that cannot be washed in a plastic package for 2-3 weeks. Clothes, bedding - wash it in a temperature of at least 60 degrees C or dry it, iron with steam (200 degrees C), especially at the seams.
Blankets and pillows should be sealed for 14 days in a plastic bag, and the floor, furniture, car seat and upholstery in the car should be vacuumed.

Important!Remember that if one family member has lice, all family members should undergo treatment at the same time. It is almost certain that parents and siblings also become infected by using the same equipment and hugging their children.
An appointment with a doctor, including a dermatologist, should be booked when the child, despite the home treatment, still has symptoms of the parasite and if additional symptoms, including a rash, appear.
Child lice - how to recognize?
You must do itIf the child has lice, it is necessary to inform the kindergarten or school about it. Without it, the treatment does not make sense, because the child will be in a peer group with head lice and will continue to get infected.
Dermatologist Michał Rogowski-Tylman - how to fight head lice?
Source:ń Dobry TVN
Lice - how to prevent it?
To prevent head lice:
- systematically check the child's hair (parents, possibly, with their consent, the school nurse / hygienist)
- make sure your child doesn't borrow hats, clips, combs, brushes
- pin up or braid your child's long hair
- use prophylactic drugs against head lice (toxicity, resistance development)
- shave the patient's head
- use in humans preparations against head lice intended for animals (concentrations of the active substance dangerous for humans)
- stigmatize people with head lice and their families - head lice can occur despite a good level of personal hygiene
Spokesman for the Warsaw Sanepid Joanna Narożniak: Prevention is the most important thing
Source:ń Dobry TVN
Worth knowingCan the nurse examine the student's hair for lice without the parent's consent?
Nurses used to check the cleanliness of heads in schools twice a year, after summer and winter holidays, i.e. after the children hadcontact with another environment of peers. This was the recommendation of the Institute of Mother and Child, and it was also regulated by the ordinance of the Ministry of He alth. Now nurses can only do this with written parental consent. Some schools offer parents to sign such consent not when cases of head lice have already been diagnosed, but once a year, after the summer holidays, or even for the entire period of stay at school. This procedure is recommended by the Institute of Mother and Child.
Lice - how to get rid of them? Fighting pubic lice
There are special topical preparations in the form of ointments, gels, lotions or shampoos. The preparation should be used in several cycles, for example every 7-10 days. This is to kill the parasites at different stages of development. An inseparable element of the therapy must be:
- pubic hair removal
- change of bed linen and linen and wash them in high temperature
- periodically refraining from sexual contact,
Lice - how to get rid of them? Fighting clothing lice
Fighting this type of head lice requires a special sanitary regime, i.e.
- bathing a sick person
- changes of underwear and clothes
- application of a special powder
- washing / cooking clothes in at least 60 degrees
- hot ironing
It is also necessary not to use lice for 4-5 weeks - this causes the parasite to die.