Parasites can live and reproduce in many organs of the human body. They attack, among others stomach, cecum and colon, liver, lungs, even penetrate the brain. Unfortunately, doctors too rarely take them into account when looking for the causes of our ailments. Interview with Dr. n. med. Wojciech Ozimek, a pediatrician specializing in the treatment of parasitic diseases.
Parasitic infectionsis a neglected problem. Meanwhile, more and more attention is being paid in the world to the fact that parasites and the toxins they emit are the cause of many ailments that, if misdiagnosed, are difficult to treat. We talk to Dr. n. med. Wojciech Ozimek, a pediatrician specializing in the treatment of parasitic diseases.
- What is the scale of parasitic infections in Poland?
Wojciech Ozimek : Huge. As Sigmund Freud used to say - there are no he althy people, they are only undiagnosed.
Parasitoses are diseases caused by parasites that have entered the human body, and parasitology is the science that deals with parasites and parasitism in nature. These names are derived from the Greek word parásitos, which means "the one who eats at the table of another," and it perfectly describes the relationship of living at the expense of the host.
It also works for parasitic diseases. Parasites have accompanied man since the dawn of time. Infection with them is often mediocre, so we don't always treat them. We go to the doctor when the symptoms of infection become bothersome. Every doctor follows two rules: first - do not harm, and second - treatment should not be worse than the disease itself. Therefore, when I see that the presence of parasites negatively affects the development of a child or the functioning of an adult, I order specific tests and, after receiving the results, try to help. It is important to realize that chronic parasitic infections can cause allergies, asthma, and neurological disorders that are not effectively treated based on symptoms. Then it is necessary to deworm. If the intercourse of the patient with parasites does not lead to negative events - deworming is not necessary.
- Why is it not always necessary to wage war on parasites?
W.O .: There are several theories about this. One of them -Hygienic theory - says that in African, Asian and South American countries, children infected with human roundworm and hookworm rarely develop allergic and autoimmune diseases, e.g. asthma, atopic dermatitis. The authors of these concepts believe that substances secreted by parasites have an immunosuppressive effect, i.e. inhibit the production of antibodies. Of course, the parasite is not about not getting sick. The substances they secrete are supposed to create well-being for them, but it turns out that they also protect us against autoimmune diseases. Nevertheless, in my practice, I did more than 20,000. people, I have not encountered any autoimmune disease after the elimination of parasites. My observations are different - after deworming, the symptoms of asthma, atopic dermatitis and many other diseases usually disappear. Going back to the supporters of the hygiene theory, in the United States, one of the doctors conducts experimental treatment of people with Crohn's disease. Treatment consists of infecting patients with porcine whipworm. The ailments go away, but the problem is that you have to drink a cocktail with this parasite's eggs every month.
W.O .: I am aware of that, but the pig whipworm lives in our body for only two months and does not reproduce, it does not leave any offspring. It is difficult to persuade patients to such therapy, but when the symptoms subside and they can function normally, they break down. The Austrian pharmaceutical company isolates proteins from parasites and is working on the creation of tablets, the taking of which will be friendlier to the patient's psyche.
W.O .: It's hard to say. Much depends on the human body, its immunity. Pinworms do not pose a particular threat to us, but they can cause infections of the genital tract, bladder and urethra. A child who has pinworms may have symptoms that worry the parents. There are early childhood onanism, symptoms diagnosed as ADHD, Asperger's syndrome or even symptoms found in mildly severe autism. Ascaris human has an even stronger effect on the body as dizziness, increased nervous excitability, skin changes, diarrhea or constipation occur. It also strongly influences the psyche of people, especially children. Toxoplasmosis can lead to bipolar disorder and even schizophrenia. Women with toxoplasmosis are mild, open-minded, men tend to be closed and aggressive. The research carried out in the Czech Republic shows that a significant proportion of the perpetrators of road accidents caused by excessivespeed was infected with roundworm. A dangerous parasite is the roundworm and the roundworm of cats. Their larvae - toxocars can lead to blindness. About 70 such cases are reported annually in the USA.
Worth knowingBlood, body fluids, and stool tests are available. We detect antibodies, antigens, but in the average laboratory, even when three stool samples are tested, the result is usually false negative, i.e. not true. There are few laboratories that specialize in parasitological research, have experience, and know what to look for. But there are laboratories that specialize in detecting parasites, e.g. lamblia, human roundworm, flukes.
W.O .: That's right. I experience it. I think that such attitudes are related to the lack of knowledge, because in medical studies little time is devoted to these issues. I do not blame the doctors, but rather the way he althcare is organized, which dictates to operate within prescribed frameworks. In modern medicine, there is little room for an in-depth analysis of the causes of ailments. Usually we focus on the symptoms and treat them. And only when symptomatic treatment is ineffective, we look for the causes. In the case of parasitic infections, symptoms are not specific.
W.O .: There are various stories about this. But these drugs are only absorbed by a small percentage. For example, albendazole is only absorbed in an amount of 0.5%. Therefore, it works on a contact principle, like an avalanche that sweeps through the digestive tract, and is almost completely excreted in the faeces.
W.O .: Oh no! Herbs, especially when wrongly chosen, can be very toxic. Wormwood, tansy, and oman are powerful poisons. No cow or pig will eat such a herb because it knows instinctively that it is poison. And people drink such infusions in liters because they believe that they are he althier than chemicals. Unfortunately, herbs can be very dangerous. Few people also know that herbs can be used to destroy bugs properly, but it is difficult to get rid of them completely. Over-the-counter parasite-fighting herbs in higher doses can be toxic. They can damage the kidneys, liver and brain. And one more thing. When we bombard parasites with toxic herbs, they can escape the digestive tract. This is what it does, for exampletapeworm. Its larvae leave the digestive system and move where no one is harassing them, for example to the muscles, eye or brain. I had patients who treated tapeworms on their own with increasing doses of herbs. They had serious neurological problems, and after an MRI scan they had tapeworm larvae in their brain. It is worth adding that 50% of cases of such ailments are asymptomatic.
W.O .: Maybe. Unfortunately, these are facts, not fiction. Many doctors try to treat parasitic diseases, but few are involved in clinical parasitology. I am one of the few medical practitioners who is a member of the parasitology society.
W.O .: It happens. Usually when children of famous doctors come to me. They accuse me of recommending drugs to combat parasites without stool examination. Then I ask if in their practice, when they see pus in a child's throat, they always make a swab. They answer no, because the clinical symptoms are obvious. For me, the symptoms that are directly related to the presence of parasites are obvious. The problem is to disregard parasitic diseases. If a child comes to me with severe asthma symptoms, and I am convinced that the dyspnea is parasitic, and it will be confirmed by a stool test - I recommend medication. When the symptoms have completely disappeared after a while, it is clear that you have not had asthma because my medications do not cure it, they only kill the worms. The resistance to treatment also comes from the belief that parasitic diseases are the domain of marginalized people who neglect hygiene. And that's not true. Oatmeal is very common and an infected person does not always have to scratch their bottom. Symptoms of infection may include insomnia or constant tiredness. Malabsorption syndrome is often diagnosed in people with lamblia. Meanwhile, the parasite lives in the duodenum and captures the most valuable ingredients from the food. Food continues to pass without nutrients, so the body has nothing to absorb any more. I'm not saying that every disease is caused by parasites. However, I know that their presence gives and intensifies various symptoms. I have patients who have recovered from antiparasitic treatment and those who have not been able to recover from pinworm or ascariasis, and I don't know why. The most important thing is to want to focus on the patient, his problems and not place everything in a rigid framework of standards of conduct.
ImportantWhat are the symptoms of a parasite infection?
Parental attentionshould return unnatural pale skin, dark circles under the eyes, weak hair and nails, iron deficiency anemia, frequent diarrhea or constipation. If your child is treated for anemia and the anemia recurs, it is worth checking for parasites. If a child sleeps restlessly or sleeps with the bottom up, he scratches around the anus, grinds his teeth, has itchy skin, trouble breathing, hypertrophy of the so-called the third tonsil or even asthma or atopic dermatitis - we should examine the child's feces. In young women who have trouble getting pregnant, there are flukes that impair the process of egg implantation in the uterus. Trichomoniasis can feed on sperm. In Poland, you can get infected with flukemia by eating sushi made from Asian fish. Besides, our fish, which we eat raw more and more often, are also not free from parasites. By eating raw domestic freshwater fish, we can become infected with cat fluke and tapeworm - the broad-necked fluke.
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