Degeneration of the spine (degenerative disease of the spine) - cervical, thoracic, lumbar - is the most common cause of pain in the spine. What are the causes and symptoms of spine degeneration? What is the treatment? How to deal with spine pain?
Degeneration of the spine( Osteoarthritis of the spine ) is a chronic and progressive disease of premature wear and degeneration of the tissues that make up the functional joints of the vertebrae in the spine. There is a degeneration of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a rheumatic disease, it is a process of body wear.
Spine degeneration - causes
If there is not enough synovial fluid (due to age or lack of exercise), the articular cartilage becomes thinner and thinner, with scratches and unevenness. When it is completely gone, the bone rubs against the bone, causing severe pain when trying to make any movement. Bone rubbing can also occur as a result of flattening of the discs. Sometimes osteophytes form on worn vertebrae - cartilage and bone growths that distort the joint. By pressing on the nerves, they cause pain when moving. Pain makes us try to move as little as possible and assume an unnatural posture. And this leads to muscle weakness and overload.
Degeneration of the spine occurs most often in older people, but it can also start in young people.
Spine degenerationfavor:
- age (most common in older people, but may also start in young people)
- lack of physical activity, sedentary lifestyle
- overweight, obesity
- trauma, e.g. communication or a fall on the back
- bad posture
- overload caused by overexploitation of the body (e.g. physical work, competitive sports)
- bending down and lifting heavy things on straight legs
- autoimmune diseases, e.g. ankylosing spondylitis - AS
- osteoporosis
- hormonal changes
- weakening of the abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor (especially the transverse abdomen) - in degeneration of the lumbar spine
Spine degeneration - symptoms
The primary symptom of the disease is back pain, which:
- has a root character, i.e. it radiates along the innervation of the root (i.e. to the shoulder, hand, buttock, thigh, calf, foot, etc.)
- occurs after prolonged forced body posture
- is revealed with some movements, e.g. leaning to the side or back
- can also occur after increased effort, work
- may be accompanied by pain in the paraspinal muscles
In addition, there is a feeling of stiffness after getting up in the morning - the patient must initially move in order to be able to function during the day.

Spine degeneration - treatment
Degenerative changes can neither be undone nor inhibited. All you can do is reduce the rate at which the disease progresses. Treatment depends on the cause of the disease, e.g. if the cause is overweight or obese, you should aim to lose weight.
Take active rest - you will strengthen your muscles and bones and relax. Also, avoid mistakes in everyday life that accelerate the development of the disease.
Physical rehabilitation is also helpful, as well as typical analgesic physical therapy (diathermy, therapy, warming up, solux, laser therapy, magnetronic, cryotherapy, underwater massage, etc.).
The doctor may also decide to use orthoses - lumbar laces, extensive (straightening) chest corsets, cervical collars).
Degeneration of the spine - operation
If the above-mentioned methods do not help (the patient continues to suffer from pain) or there is pressure on the nerve structures in the spinal canal (confirmed by MRI or CT), surgery may be necessary. It mainly consists in decompressing the pressed elements, stabilizing the vertebral structures and blocking the spine.
Degeneration of the spine - surgical pain treatment
When surgery is contraindicated, minimally invasive pain treatments can be performed, such as thermolesion and spine blockage.
Thermolesion, or thermocoagulation of sensory nerve endings, is an innovative method to combat chronic pain within two adjacent nerve endings. For this purpose, electric current with radio frequency is used.
In turn, the blockage of the spine consists in administering steroid drugs with a strong anti-inflammatory effect locally to the epidural space, where they act only locally, without causing general reactions. With a slight but noticeable remission of symptoms, it can be performed again in about two weeks, but not more often than 2-3times a year.
How to sit for a he althy spine?
Source:ń Dobry TVN