Exercises for breast enlargement will not change its size, but by strengthening the muscles of the chest, the breasts will rise and look fuller. Here are 7 examples of exercises that, if performed regularly, will increase your firmness and prevent sagging.
Exercises for breast enlargementare designed to strengthen the muscles of the chest. They won't change the size of your cup, as your breasts are made up mostly of fat, not muscle. The only way to permanently enlarge them is plastic surgery. However, if you do not want to resort to such radical methods, try this set of exercises. Well-trained pectoral muscles support the bust better, thanks to which the breasts take on a nice, springy shape.
Also remember that the bust always looks better when your figure is straight, not hunched over. To this end, strengthen the muscles of the back and spine, which are responsible for maintaining a proper posture.
See also: Spine - exercises for the back muscles
Exercises for breast enlargement and firming
In order to obtain a beautiful, firm breasts thanks to the exercises, perform them regularly 2-3 times a week, about 10 repetitions. Over time, you can increase the intensity of your exercise, but two workouts a week are a minimum to keep your muscles gradually stronger.
Some exercises require dumbbells. If you don't have them at home, you can use half-liter or liter water bottles.
1. Exercise for breast augmentation: dumbbell press
Lie on your back, slightly bend your legs. Ideally, your elbows should drop below your torso line, so you can do this exercise while lying on a gym ball. The ball additionally strengthens the deep muscles, making the training even more effective. Hold the dumbbells on either side of your arms at chest level. Lift the weights up by straightening your arms (exhale at the same time), and then return to the starting position (inhale).
2. Exercise for breast enlargement: butterfly
Keep the straightened arm position from the previous exercise. Turn the palms with the dumbbells toward you with the inside out. Lower the dumbbells by bending your elbows and swinging your arms to the sides (keep the angle between your arms open). Go back to the previous item. This exercise is called a butterfly orwingspan. When doing it, remember to breathe in properly (inhale when lowering, exhale when lifting dumbbells).
3. Exercise for breast enlargement: spin doctor
Stand straight while slightly straddling. Stretch out straight arms in front of you. Try to stretch your hands as far as possible - as if you wanted to touch a distant point in the distance. At the same time, slowly bring your palms closer to each other to bring them together in the last phase of the movement. You should feel your chest tense while exercising.
4. Exercise for breast enlargement: tightening
Sit on a gym ball (or, if you don't have one, on a chair) and straighten your back. To maintain stability, keep your legs slightly apart. Put your hands together in front of you as if in prayer. Bring your elbows sideways so that your forearms are parallel to the floor. Press your hand against your hand with all your might to feel the tension in your chest. Do 10 repetitions ( alternately contracting and relaxing your muscles).
Read also: Exercises for the tire: a set of 8 effective exercises for the stomach
5. Exercise for breast augmentation: opening and closing
Maintain the sitting position from the previous exercise. This time you don't have to hold dumbbells in your hands. Bend your elbows in front of you at chest level with the insides of your forearms facing up in such a way that your forearms block your view. The hands are to be bent at right angles. Then separate your hands by "opening" them like a book, so that the hands are on both sides of the body. Push your chest forward when you turn your arms to the sides. Do 15 repetitions. Each time, remember to bring your elbows together and keep your hands on.
See also: Exercises for sexy buttocks: dumbbell training
6. Exercise for breast enlargement: traveling push-ups
Go to the push-up position: place your arms shoulder-width apart, point your fingers forward, rest your knees on the floor - the greater the angle between the thighs and the torso, the more difficult the exercise. Keep your body in line. Slowly lower your elbows (inhale) until your chest is between your hands. Then return to your previous position by straightening your elbows (exhale).
After performing one or two push-ups, lift your knees off the floor and lean on your toes only (position like a classic push-up). Move your leg first, then your arm to the side and in this position, move a few dozen centimeters. Do another push-up and move to the other side.
Check: Women's push-ups - how to make them to firm the bust and shoulders?
7. Exercise onbreast augmentation: plank push-ups
Assume the plank position. Straighten one arm and then the other, transforming into a plank on straight arms. Then bend your elbows one by one to return to the plank position on your forearms. Repeat alternately.
This will be useful to youWays to enlarge your breasts
To optically enlarge the bust, in addition to exercise, also use beauty treatments:
- during the daily shower, pour alternating warm and cold water over the breasts - this will firm the bust and raise it slightly;
- after a shower, massage your breasts with oil or a special serum that improves the appearance of the bust (massage with circular movements, slightly pressing the breasts for at least 2 minutes);
- peel the skin with coarse sea s alt once a week - not only will it help to exfoliate dead epidermis, but also stimulate blood circulation, thanks to which the breasts will be slightly swollen and firmer;
- Always wear a properly selected bra, and wear a soft sports bra at night and during training - this will prevent skin stretching and bust sagging.