Exercise for the thighs will help you get rid of fat on the thighs. Here are 10 simple thigh slimming exercises that will make your thighs slender, reduce cellulite and firm your skin. Spend just 10 minutes a day on them and you will see the results after 3 weeks! Additionally, you will strengthen your buttock muscles, which also work during thigh exercises.
Thigh slimming exercisescan give you the results you want after just three weeks, provided you are thorough and systematic. The kit includes 10 exercises that you can do in 10 minutes. If you want tolose weight and get rid of thigh fat , exercise 3-4 times a week - with such regularity your muscles will be harder and your skin firmer by the day!
Thigh slimming exercisesare extremely simple and you don't need any additional equipment to do them. Each exercise lasts one minute. Once you are comfortable with it, you will be able to move smoothly from one exercise to the next. If you want the fastest results, you can perform 2-3 training series at once.
Thigh slimming exercises 1
Half squats.Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees, pushing your hips as far back as possible. The knees must not extend in front of the toes and the back should be straight. When you squat, bring your arms together in front of you at chin level, and bring your arms backwards to straighten your legs. Remember to breathe properly - inhale when lowering your hips, exhale when rising.
Thigh slimming exercises 2
Full squats.Maintain the body position from the previous exercise. This time, lower your hips as low as possible to your feet, bending your knees completely. Look straight ahead. Keep your feet on the floor. Remember to keep your back straight and knees not in front of your toes. Breathe as in the previous exercise.
Thigh slimming exercises 3
Squats with knee lifts.Start in the same position as in exercises 1 and 2. After each straightening up from a squat, alternately lift one knee or the other in the direction of belly. Keep your palms clasped in front of you, elbows bent. The heels do not leave the ground, the back is straight.
Thigh slimming exercises 4
Squats in your stride.Make a wide stride, point your feetslightly outward, bend your knees in the direction of the toes. Lower your hips to the level of your knees. Keep your back straight with your shoulders above your hips. Put your arms together in front of you when you squat, lower your arms when you straighten up. Remember to breathe.
See how to properly perform exercises for slender thighs

To effectively get rid of thigh fat, in addition to exercising targeted at this part of the body, you should also use regular cardio training and (when you get more fit) interval training.
Cardio training speeds up fat metabolism, so you can see faster effects in weight loss. It is also a great way to oxygenate the body, increase fitness and improve overall well-being. Therefore, today, in addition to strength exercises, include running, Nordic walking, swimming or cycling in your training plan.
Interval training, on the other hand, is more intense than cardio, but it allows you to burn fat even after exercise - thanks to the accelerated metabolism, which works at its highest speed up to 24 hours after exercise.
See example workouts:
- Interval training at home (no equipment)
- Interval training by bike
- Interval training in the gym
Thigh slimming exercises 5
Lunges forward.Place your feet parallel to the width of your hips. Take a big step forward while slowly bending the knee - until the thigh and calf form a right angle. Do not go out with your knee in front of your toes! It should be straight above the foot. Return to the previous position and repeat the lunge with the other leg. You can keep your arms alongside your body or on your hips.
Check also: 13 exercises for firm buttocks and thighs
Thigh slimming exercises 6
Lunges backwards.Place your feet parallel to the width of your hips. Take a big step back and bend your knee to a right angle between the thigh and the calf. Again, notice that the knee of the front leg is above the ankle. Return to the previous position and repeat with the other leg. This exercise, apart from strengthening the thigh muscles, has a great effect on the work of the buttocks.
Thigh slimming exercises
Jump squats.After doing the half-squat (as in exercise 1), instead of returning to a standing position, jump up and then go straight to the squat. Knees must not extend in front of the toes. Breathe in as you move downward, and breathe out as you lift yourself up.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreThigh slimming exercises 8
Moving legs while kneeling.Go to kneeling supported. Lift your bent leg to the side to hip level. Remember about a tense stomach, do not bend your back. Maintain a right angle between the thigh and calf. Lift one leg for half a minute, and then work the other leg for another half a minute.
Slimming exercises for thighs 9
Raising a bent leg.Remain kneeling, lean on your forearms (arms bent at the elbows). Raise your bent leg up. The sole of the foot should point upwards. Make a "spring" movement - raise the leg a few centimeters high and lower it slightly until the thighs and torso are in line. While lifting your leg, slightly straighten your knee. The spine should be in a neutral position (it must remain straight throughout the exercise).
Thigh slimming exercises 10
Raising the legs in the support.Starting position as for a traditional push-up: hands rest on the floor, hands placed flat in front of each other shoulder-width apart, legs resting on the tips of the fingers, body forms a straight line. Lift your straightened leg up, alternately right and left.