White, yellow-greenish, gray, and also pink or brown vaginal discharge are vaginal discharge. The changed mucus color usually indicates one of the infections of the intimate parts, but it can also be a symptom of more serious diseases, e.g. cervical cancer. Check what the color of the vaginal discharge shows.
Vaginal discharge , often incorrectly also referred to asvaginal discharge , is a physiological symptom and is indicative of a normal menstrual cycle. Normal vaginal discharge is milky white to clear, odorless, and has the consistency of an egg white. Any deviation from the norm, i.e. a change in the color as well as the smell and texture of the mucus, indicates a vaginal discharge. So ifwhite, gray, yellow-green, brownor stained with pus or bloodvaginal dischargeappears on your underwear, you should see a gynecologist because usually indicate one of the many diseases of intimate parts.
White discharge - what do they prove?
White , resembling cottage cheese or curdled milk, and no distinct odorvaginal dischargeindicates a fungal infection. Accompanying symptoms are redness, swelling and itching of the intimate parts. They usually build up after intercourse or before your period.
Pregnant white dischargealso indicates yeast infection.
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Gray vaginal discharge - what disease is this symptom?
Watery,gray vaginal discharge , with an unpleasant, fishy smell, indicate a bacterial infection which is usually accompanied by itching and irritation, less often redness and swelling, of intimate parts.
Pus and mucus discharge - what do they show?
Purulent vaginal dischargewith the consistency of mucus may be a sign of chlamydia. In the course of the disease, abnormal vaginal discharge may be accompanied by: burning sensation during urination, pain in the lumbar region, bleeding between periods and pain during sexual intercourse.
Yellow-green vaginal discharge - a symptom of what disease?
Yellow-green , foamy, with an unpleasant pungent smellvaginal dischargeare a sign ofvaginal trichomoniasis. Soreness, redness and swelling of the vulva and vagina may also appear in the course of an infection. Pain can also appear during urination and intercourse.
Green vaginal discharge with a yellow tinge can also be a symptom of erosion. Then the smell of secreted mucus is unpleasant, burning and itching of the vulva are felt. In the advanced stage of the disease, contact bleeding, pain during intercourse, abdominal pain or intermenstrual spotting may appear.
A watery, yellowish or greenish (often blood-tinted) vaginal discharge may also indicate atrophic vaginitis, which is also manifested by itching and reddening of the labia. Women who are in the menopause or who have low estrogen levels usually struggle with the condition.
Pink vaginal discharge - what is this symptom?
Pink vaginal dischargeis a vaginal discharge slightly stained with blood. This may be due to ovulation, because when a Graaf's follicle ruptures, the surrounding blood vessels can also burst and stain the mucus.
Pink discharge can also be seen at the beginning of pregnancy - thenspottingis the result of embryo implantation. If they are not accompanied by bothersome symptoms (such as pain in the ovaries), then there is nothing to be concerned about. Otherwise, see a doctor to exclude erosions, cervical polyp or hormonal disorders.
Vaginal discharge with blood
Watery andbloody vaginal dischargewith a strong foul odor may indicate a foreign body (e.g. piece of toilet paper, tampon or vaginal insert) in the vagina. They can also be a symptom of vulvar cancer, vaginal cancer, or cervical cancer. Besidesvaginal discharge with bloodmay be evidence of the above-mentioned. atrophic vaginitis.

Brown vaginal discharge - what diseases can it indicate?
Brownorbrown vaginal dischargeis a vaginal discharge heavily stained with blood that may indicate erosion, cervical cancer, polyps and fibroids . However, if vaginal discharge occurs regularly during the period of ovulation, and is not accompanied by symptoms such as ovarian pain, burning, or vaginal and vulvar itching, there is no cause for concern.
In turnbrown vaginal discharge in pregnant womenmay be a consequence of embryo implantation, and thus one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. However, if they contain visible clots along with uterine contractions, they may be the first sign of a miscarriage.
Vaginal discharge with stool
Stool vaginal discharge suggests a fistula withgastrointestinal tract, which may be a complication after childbirth, pelvic surgery, or inflammatory bowel disease.
- Vaginal discharge - why cannot they be ignored?
- Vaginal discharge. What to do if you have a vaginal discharge?
- Vaginal discharge: common causes