Bodies joined in a passionate embrace, tender caresses, longing glances … Kamasutra knows what lovers need. Here are 9 intimacy sex positions that will ignite your senses.
See the list of sexual positions that allow you to unite your partners not only physically but also spiritually. Looking straight into the eyes, whispering sweet words in the ear and sensual caresses - such gestures strengthen the love bond and deepen the experience of both parties.
Lotus flower
The position is ideal for couples who value intimacy during intercourse. In this system, the man has sex while sitting, so his range of motion is very limited. He must submit to the will of his partner, who sets the pace and rhythm of the rapprochement herself.
The lotus flower enables very deep penetration as the penis reaches the vaginal arch. Lovers can also watch each other's reactions, kiss and hug each other. The partner can also caress the woman's breast with kisses.
The position of the Lotus Flower is as follows: the man sits cross-legged, the partner sits on his thighs and wraps her legs around his hips. The woman may make up and down movements or sliding movements. When the partner is close to orgasm, she should slow down the pace of intercourse or withdraw the penis from the vagina for a while and start kissing. If you are tired, you can easily switch to another position, such as riding or missionary.
Classic position
The woman is lying on her back with her legs slightly spread, the man is lying on her, supporting his torso on straightened arms.
This simple, well-known system has several basic advantages: it gives partners closeness, allows eye contact, kisses and whispering affectionate words in each other's ear, and makes it easier for the partner to enter into a partner. In this configuration, the woman has wide parted thighs and a well-exposed vaginal opening.
See also: Missionary (classical) position in 5 ways
A position for strong men and petite women. The man stands upright and lifts the woman on his arms, she wraps her legs around the waist, hugs his neck and hugs him tightly.
The position of the Sloth allows lovers one hundred percent bonding and deep penetration. She is extremely sensual and romantic. Couples succeed most, vwhose partner is tall and well built, and whose partner is small and light. Unfortunately, it involves the effort of lifting the partner's body and slow penetration, but for partners reaching orgasm too quickly, it is an ideal system. To relieve your muscles a little, your partner can lean his partner against a wall or a high table.
Jin Jang
The position is similar to the Lotus Flower, but the partners have intercourse in a squatting position. The partner kneels and sits on his calves. The woman straddles his thighs but does not fold the legs around his hips as in the Lotus Flower Pose.
The position guarantees deep penetration and close contact. It is perfect for couples where the partner is much smaller than the partner. During intercourse, the partner is dominant - she determines the pace and depth of thrusts.
See also: Penis exercises to deepen your sex experience
Wild climber
A position where your senses are crazy! It is best to go into it from a missionary position. The entwined lovers turn to the side. The woman tightly hugs her partner's body, hugging him. The man lies between her legs with the knees bent, creating a horizontal "seat" for his partner. The relationship is lazy but full of passion and passion. Lovers can caress their bodies, look each other in the eyes and kiss each other.
The enormous erotic load of this position makes lovers ignore its disadvantages, incl. uncomfortable position of the woman (crushed thigh), shallow penetration, slow pace of intercourse, no possibility of stimulating the clitoris.
Rose bud
You can go to her from the Jin Jang position, it is enough for the woman to rest her legs on the partner's shoulders. The setup is difficult and requires gymnastic skills from a woman. Both men and women have very limited movements, so intercourse is slow and quite tiring. Your partner may pull your partner's body towards you, which in turn may be able to gently rock your pelvis.
The position is perfect for tantric sex, in which the spiritual experience is the most important. To make intercourse more attractive, the partner should constantly work with Kegel muscles - rhythmically tighten them around the member with varying strength and frequency.
The position is very simple: the man sits down with straight legs, the woman astride him and also straightens his legs. The intercourse is swaying once towards the partner once towards the partner.
The wheelbarrow position is tiring and difficult to perform, but it effectively delays the orgasm of both partners. The partner has the ability to deeply penetrate and it is himis the dominant side during intercourse. The difficulty is that he has to bear the weight of his partner, whose torso hangs in the air. The man stands on slightly bent legs, the woman stands on all fours in front of him. The partner grabs her by the thighs and lifts her high, she rests her straightened arms on the ground. The layout resembles a gardener pushing a wheelbarrow.
The woman lies on her side with her legs tucked in while the man hugs her back, fitting the shape of her body perfectly. Then they both look like two teaspoons arranged neatly in the cutlery drawer. In this position, the male begins a slow and gentle penetration. At the same time, he caresses his lover and whispers tender words in her ear. The angle at which the bodies come together doesn't generally allow you to thrust too deeply, but the constant rubbing of your thighs and touching your buttocks provides extra pleasure.