Tick-borne diseases are not only Lyme disease or tick-borne encephalitis. The list of tick-borne diseases is much longer. Check what diseases ticks transmit.
Tick-borne diseasesis a group of diseases that are transmitted by ticks. The best known are Lyme disease, Babesiosis, Bartonellosis, Ehrlichiosis. However, the list of tick-borne diseases is much longer. Most of them are found worldwide, but some are diagnosed only in certain countries, such as the United States.
Tick-borne diseases: Lyme disease
Lyme disease (Lyme borreliosos, Lyme disease) is a spirochete disease of the genusBorrelia burgdorferi ,afzeliiigariniitransmitted by ticksIxodes . Infection can occur not only from a tick bite, but also by rubbing the tick's feces on the wounded area or by crushing the tick and rubbing its contents into the wounded skin.
Tick-borne diseases: bartonella
Bartonellosis is caused by two pathogens -Bartonella henselaeandBartonella quintana.You can catch it not only after a tick bite, but also other blood-sucking arthropods.
Tick-borne diseases: granulocytic anaplasmosis
Granulocytic anaplasmosis (formerly Ehrlichiosis) is caused by the pathogenAnaplasma phagocytophilum.The disease is transmitted especially by ticks of the genus Amblyomma and Ixodes. The most common vector of infection is nymphs, less often adult ticks. Human infection occurs through the skin when ticks are feeding.
Tick-borne diseases: babesiosis
Babesia (piroplasmosis) is caused by bacteriaBabesia divergensandBabesia microt.A significant percentage of people suffering from babesiosis live in areas where cows are intensively farmed. The infection occurs as a result of the bite of an infected tick. Babesiosis may coexist with other tick-borne diseases. Due to the similarity of the symptoms of the severe form of the disease to malaria, it is called "northern malaria".
Tick-borne diseases: tick-borne encephalitis
Tick-borne encephalitis (tick-borne encephalitis) is a syndromeneurological complications following infection with tick-borne flaviviruses.
The infection can occur as a result of bite by an infected tick (adult, nymph, almost invisible larva) or contact with infected body fluids. The disease is also transmitted through the ingestion as a result of consuming unpasteurized milk from an infected animal.
Tick-borne diseases - tularemia
PathogenFrancisella tularensisis responsible for tularemia. In Central Europe, the carriers of this bacterium are ticks of the genusDermacentor reticulatusandIxodes ricinus . The germ reservoirs are small rodents, mice, rats, squirrels, hares, rabbits, foxes, domestic animals and blood-sucking arthropods.
A person can become infected by stinging infected arthropods, e.g. ticks, through direct contact (skin, mucous membranes), through the alimentary and inhalation route.
Tick-borne diseases - Q fever
Q fever is an infectious and contagious disease of sheep and cattle, caused by the bacteriumCoxiella burnetti.Human infection may occur not only as a result of a tick bite, but also through the alimentary and respiratory tract (inhalation of aerosols containing contaminated particles of animal faeces, urine or milk). Infection, although rarely, can also occur as a result of contact with a sick person.
People at risk of contracting the disease are cattle, sheep and goat breeders, veterinary and microbiological laboratory staff, slaughterhouse workers, dairy workers, meat processing plants, tannery workers, and leather trade.
Ticks - how to avoid being bitten?
Neoerlichiosis - new tick-borne disease
In recent years, a new tick-borne pathogen has been identified in several European countries, e.g. in Sweden, Germany and Russia -Ixodes ricinus Candidatuswhat it is Neoehrlichia mikurensis , which causes a disease called neoehrlichiosis.
The first description of developing neoerlichiosis was published in 2010. So far, 23 cases have been described worldwide, 16 of which in Europe. According to scientists from the Sahlgrenska Academy, this bacterium is a threat mainly to patients who take immunosuppressive drugs. It is worth knowing that ticksIxodes ricinusare also common in Poland.
Other tick-borne diseases
There is a group of tick-borne diseases that are transmitted by ticks found mainly in North America (especially the USA) and Asia, less often in Europe.
- Rocky Mountain spotted fever- the cause is a bacterium Rickettsia ricketsii , transmitted by wood, canine and other ticks. Mainly found in the USA
- relapsing fever- the disease is caused by the bacteriumBorrelia recurrentis , which is transmitted by ticks and clothing lice
- Colorado tick fever- is a disease mainly found in the United States, caused byColitvirusand transmitted by a wood tick
- Lyme disease tests - what they look like and the price of Lyme disease tests
- Dangerous tick-borne diseases
- How to protect yourself from ticks? Effective ways
- How to remove a tick step by step