The causes of cancer are very different. Most of them are independent of us, but there are also some that we can eliminate from our lives. Doctors who deal with the prevention of neoplastic diseases keep saying - it is easier to prevent than to cure. So let's recall what provokes the development of neoplasms. Find out where tumors come from?
WonderingWhere do tumors come from ?The causes of cancerare very diverse. Nearly 70 percent cancer is caused by the influence of harmful environmental factors and our inappropriate habits. So a lot depends on ourselves.
Smoking as a cause of cancer
It ranks first as the cause of cancer. Tobacco smoke contains about 4,000 substances, of which over 40 are carcinogenic. Smoking is directly related to 90 percent. lung cancer cases, 80-90 percent cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx and esophagus. It is also responsible for 30 percent. bladder and pancreatic cancers. It is worth remembering that lung cancer is no longer a male speci alty. More and more women are among the sick. Therefore, it is always worth giving up the addiction. After two years, the risk of getting sick is significantly reduced, and after 15-20 it is the same as in people who have never smoked.
Improper diet can affect cancer development
According to scientists, it is the cause of at least 30 percent. neoplastic diseases. The culprits on the list of culprits include fats, especially fried and rancid fats, table s alt, alcohol, saccharin, certain ingredients in coffee, black tea, edible mushrooms and beer. Some food additives marked with the E symbol also have a carcinogenic potential. But the origin of food products is also important in the prevention of cancer. Food produced in ecologically polluted areas may contain nitrosamines (they accumulate in vegetables), which contribute to the development of gastrointestinal and urinary cancer. Fruit and vegetables harvested from roadside fields and orchards are stuffed with heavy metals (e.g. cadmium, lead, cesium) and can provoke cancers of the genitourinary system. Benzopyrene is equally dangerous (it causes stomach and intestine cancer), which is produced during grilling and smoking, as well as from burnt and repeatedly used fat.Nuts and grain products contain aflatoxin, which may cause stomach and liver cancer. The sweeteners (saccharin, cyclamate) used by people who are slimming are accused of cancer of the urinary system.
Over 150,000 Poles suffer from cancer every year. However, there is still no comprehensive oncological care
Alcohol and cancer development
Regardless of its power, it can cause cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, larynx, stomach and liver. When combined with nicotine, it increases the risk of developing breast cancer.
Viral infections are linked to cancer
Their relationship with some cancers is incontrovertible. Hepatitis B and C viruses take the biggest toll, which can cause liver cancer. The first one was tamed with a vaccine. The second, unfortunately, still goes unpunished. Cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva and anus can be provoked by the genital herpes virus (herpes type II, HSP) and the human papillomavirus (HPV). Epstein-Barr virus (EPV) allows for the development of Hodgkin's disease, lymphomas, cancers of the throat and nose. In the fight against most of these viruses, immunization is the most effective. Bacteria, such as Helicobacter pylori, are also dangerous - the culprit of ulcers and stomach cancer.
Too much sun can cause cancer
Ultraviolet radiation, i.e. UVB and UVA radiation, is (in excess) a serious threat to our skin. Cancer, including melanoma, is becoming more common, and we can protect ourselves against it by limiting exposure to radiation. If a 20-year-old loves to lie in the sun and has burned himself repeatedly, then in his 50s he may expect cancer. What's more - sunburn that occurs before the age of 12 increases the likelihood of melanoma (up to two times). Ionizing radiation can also be dangerous, because it can cause lung cancer, cancer of the lymphatic system and bone marrow.
Contaminated air causes cancer development
Dangerous to the lungs is not only the air contaminated with exhaust fumes and tobacco smoke. It is also deadly to inhale asbestos dust, vapors of mineral oils, coal tar products, oil and gasoline, soot. And although cigarettes have been mentioned before, passive smokers, including children of their parents who smoke, are at risk of cancer attack.
Plastic packaging is carcinogenic
The risk list includes vinyl chloride and acrylnitrile, both of which contribute to various types of cancer.
Genetic causes of cancer
About geneticpredisposition to the development of cancer can be said when the same type of cancer occurs in more than one family. It mainly concerns breast, ovarian and gastrointestinal cancer. Such persons should more often than others report to genetic clinics for preventive examinations (they are available at all oncology centers), and sometimes even decide to undergo surgery, e.g. mastectomy, removal of appendages or colon, to protect themselves against cancer.
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