The causes of testicular pain are usually serious diseases that can lead to infertility. However, there are even more dangerous causes of testicular pain - rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm and testicular tumors, which pose a threat to a man's life. What does testicular pain mean?
Testicular pain , or "factory" of sperm, can occur at any age - from neonatal to old age. The most commoncause ofpain is torsion of the testicle, and one of the most dangerous is rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm. Another cause of testicular pain, threatening the he alth and life of a man, is the tumor of this organ. However, unlike the other two conditions, it does not present with sudden pain. The cancer of the male reproductive gland usually causes pain only when the testicles are touched, and is even painless, which delays the patient's visit to the doctor and gives a poor prognosis.
Testicular pain - causes. Testicular diseases
- testicular cancer -testicular pain is not a characteristic symptom of cancer (it occurs only in 10-15% of cases). The testicle can only be painful to touch. In addition, the testicle is clearly enlarged (this is a hallmark). There is also swelling and hardening of the testicle. The weight in the scrotum and the discomfort in the lower abdomen are also characteristic;
- testicular torsion- manifests itself with severe, continuous, one-sided pain of sudden onset that may radiate to the groin and lower abdomen. In addition, swelling and redness of the scrotum are characteristic, as well as the disappearance of the levator testis muscle reflex (when lightly touching the medial upper part of the thigh, the levator testis muscle contracts, pulling the scrotum and testicle on the affected side). On the affected side, the testicle is asymmetrical, transverse and high. There is also fever and nausea. The disease most often affects newborns and boys in adolescence. It hardly occurs in elderly men;
- epididymitischaracterizes the acute or subacute onset of epididymal pain, and sometimes the testes as well. Often there is an inflammatory infiltration of the scrotum, and hence - swelling and redness of the testicles. Testicular levator reflex is present. Sometimes there are problems with the urinary system: pollakiuria or painful urination, and alsoleakage from the urethra. It usually has an infectious background, with the most common sexually transmitted infections in sexually active men. In more rare cases, epididymitis may be the result of urinary reflux into the ejaculatory tubules;
- testicular inflammation- it can occur in the course of mumps, rubella, infection withCoxsackieviruses, echovirus or parvovirus B19. Inflammation causes pain and swelling of the testicle, which is hard, and of the abdominal cavity. In addition, swelling and hyperemia of the spermatic cord appear. There are also general symptoms typical of inflammation in the body - fever, chills and sweating, weakness, nausea;
- scrotal hernia- the tumor that forms within the scrotum is usually large, soft, non-removable and causes an unpleasant "pulling" sensation. Sometimes perist altic tones are heard;
Testicular pain - causes. Varicose veins of the spermatic cord
Varicose veins rarely give bothersome symptoms. However, when it does, it's a feeling of heaviness and a dull pain in the area that is mainly worsening when standing, lying down or when an erection. In addition, the testicles feel "burning". You may also feel soft lumps above the testicle on one side, mostly on the left side.
The disease most often affects young men, but it can manifest itself at any age.
Testicular pain - causes. Condition after vasectomy
Post-vasectomy pain syndrome (syndrome) may develop after ligating or cutting the vas or vas deferens . Testicular pain during intercourse, ejaculation (or both) is characteristic of this syndrome. In addition, pain occurs during physical exertion. In addition, the epididymis is tender or overcrowded.
Testicular pain - causes. Testicular Injury
A testicular injury, which is most often the result of physical activity or beating, is followed by swelling and a hematoma. It is worth knowing that the pain of the testicle after even minor trauma may suggest a torsion of this organ.
Testicular pain - causes. Schoenlein-Henoch purpura
Plamica Schoenlein-Henoch, or allergic vasculitis, involves small blood vessels. Its characteristic symptom is a maculopapular rash that appears around the ankles, on the erect parts of the thighs and lower legs, and on the buttocks. Symptoms of genitourinary organs in a man may be pain in the testicles.
The disease most often affects boys aged 3-15.
Testicular pain - causes. Nodular arteritis
In the course of polyarteritis nodosa, testicular pain, fever, weight loss, abdominal pain, hypertension, edema, as well as skin lesions in the form of elevated purpura and subcutaneous nodules occur. The disease can lead to ischemia or testicular infarction.
The disease is most often diagnosed in men aged 40-50.
Testicular pain - causes. Fournier's gangrene
Fournier's gangrene (distressing fasciitis of the perineum) is one type of necrotizing fasciitis. Severe pain, fever, redness, blistering or necrotic lesions on the scrotum appear in the course of the disease. Sometimes the presence of gas in the subcutaneous tissue is felt. The general condition of the patient is serious.
The disease affects more often older men with diabetes, peripheral vascular diseases or both.
Testicular pain - causes. Granted (projected) pain
Granted pain is pain that radiates from the internal organs to the pieces of skin that are innervated from the same section of the spinal cord as that internal organ. In this case, the real cause of the pain may be the abdominal aortic aneurysm mentioned above, as well as urolithiasis, pressure on the nerve roots in the lower lumbar or sacral region, appendicitis, retroperitoneal tumor, pain after hernia surgery.
Sometimes testicular pain is accompanied by tenderness in the abdominal cavity.