Swollen eyes are a condition that can have many causes. Swollen eyes, red and swollen eyelids are usually the first symptom of an allergy, but they can also indicate serious diseases, not only of the eyes. What are the causes of puffy eyes?
Swollen eyesis a condition for whichcausesare multifactorial. The most common causes ofeyelid edemaare allergic diseases. Swollen eyes can also be a symptom of numerous eye diseases, as well as general diseases, such as heart rhythm disturbances, overactive thyroid gland, diabetes or sinusitis.
Swollen eyes: local allergic reaction
If you experience pale flesh-colored swelling of the eyes, and also a troublesome itching, it may be assumed that the cause of the swollen eyes is a local allergic reaction.
Swollen eyes: eye inflammation
- Eyelid margin inflammationis a disease that manifests itself as itching, burning, redness and ulceration of the eyelid margins. The swelling of the eyes is also accompanied by lacrimation.
- Gradówka , which is chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland, is characterized by local redness and pain in only one eyelid. A painless swelling of the eye appears at a distance from the edge of the eyelid.
- Infectious conjunctivitis- symptoms of the disease include unilateral or bilateral conjunctivitis, redness (injection) of the conjunctiva, discharge (mucopurulent or purulent), sometimes enlargement of the parotid nodes.
Swollen eyes: eye shingles
Ocular shinglesis a type of shingles that affects the cornea of the eye. Symptoms of the disease are eyelid edema, conjunctival vessels congestion, and corneal erosions and infiltrates. There is also severe pain in the eye.
Swollen eyes: eye barley
Barley on the eyeis a bacterial disease whose symptoms are local redness and pain in only one eyelid. The disease also develops swelling of the edge of the eyelid, sometimes with purulent discharge.
Swollen eyes: insect bite
An insect bite can also cause swollen eyes. This is when itching and redness of the eyes appear, as well as lumps on the eyelids.
Swelling of the eyes: disorderswithin the eye socket
- Cavernous sinus thrombosisis a disease caused by clots in the veins of the brain and in the dura mater sinuses. Swollen eyes are only an accompanying symptom of the disease. The characteristic symptoms of the disease are exophthalmos, paralysis of eyeball mobility, drooping eyelid and reduced visual acuity. In addition, there is a fever and symptoms of sinusitis. The disease is diagnosed very rarely.
- Orbital inflammationis a disease that causes not only swollen eyes, but also exophthalmos and redness. There is also pain during eye movements and reduced visual acuity. Sometimes the disease is preceded by symptoms of infection (usually the sinuses).
- Preparticular orbital inflammationis manifested by swelling without protruding eyes, redness, sometimes pain in the eyes and fever. Visual acuity and eye mobility are normal. The disease is usually preceded by symptoms of infection (most often local skin infection).
Swollen eyelids: general allergic reaction
Swelling of the eyes, their itching, and extra-ocular allergy symptoms (e.g. hives, wheezing heard while breathing, runny nose) may be symptoms of a general allergic reaction.
Swollen eyes: general ailments
- Hyperthyroidism
Puffy eyes are just one of the many symptoms of an overproduction of thyroid hormone. In the course of the disease, there are also widened eyelid fissures, protruding eyes, disturbed eye mobility and dryness of the eye. The accompanying symptoms are tachycardia (increased heart rate), agitation, weight loss and poor heat tolerance (constant heat).
- Hypothyroidism
Thyroid hormone deficiency causes not only puffy eyes, but also bilateral diffuse facial swelling. In addition, there is dry, flaky skin, brittle hair and an intolerance to cold.
Other causes of puffy eyes are:
- chronic kidney disease
- liver failure
- problems with the circulatory system
- diabetes
- pre-eclampsia
The causes of eyelid edema include diseases in which the swelling occurs, although it is not the dominant symptom, e.g. fracture of the skull base, burns, trauma (especially after ophthalmic surgery).
These can also be conditions affecting the eyelid, but causing swelling only in the advanced stage of the disease (e.g. eyelid tumors, including cancersquamous cell and melanoma).
In turn, disorders causing eye puffiness, starting and having the greatest intensity in the organs located around the eyelids, include inflammation of the lacrimal sac and inflammation of the tear ducts.
Certain medications, such as ACE inhibitors (often used in hypertensive patients), can also cause swelling around the eyes.
References:The Merck manual. Clinical Symptoms: A Practical Guide to Diagnostics and Therapy , pp. ed. Porter R., Kaplan J., Homeier B., Wrocław 2010