GERD is an unpleasant ailment from the digestive system. It manifests itself as heartburn, flatulence, nausea, constipation, regurgitation of the acidic contents of the stomach and a burning sensation behind the breastbone. If you have such ailments, you should definitely change your diet.
Irregular meals, constant rush, stress, alcohol, smoking … It could behyperaciditythat is excess secretion of gastric juices, especially hydrochloric acid. It plays an important role in the digestive process, but is highly corrosive. When you are he althy, you do not need to worry about it, because the stomach is covered with a thick layer of mucus that neutralizes the effects of acids. However, when this natural protective barrier is damaged, and you also produce a lot of gastric juices, symptoms of hyperacidity appear: acid regurgitation, nausea, vomiting, burning behind the breastbone,flatulence ,constipationand heartburn. In this case, usually antacids or inhibitors of their secretion are used. But your diet plays a key role in treating these ailments. Food should provide all the necessary nutrients, reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid, neutralize digestive juice and not irritate the stomach.
Basis of the diet: regular meals
Eat meals regularly at least 5 times a day. Food should be fresh, neither too cold, nor too hot, crumbled, preferably mushy. Then they stay in the stomach for a shorter time, which means that less hydrochloric acid is released. You can season them with mild herbal spices that aid digestion (e.g. dill, parsley, lemon balm). Puréed soups and sauces seasoned with a suspension of flour and cream or flour and milk are recommended. Don't overeat. Eating too much causes stretching of the stomach walls, and this stimulates the secretion of gastrin - a hormone that increases the production of hydrochloric acid.
ImportantA diet for acid reflux that inhibits gastric acid secretion and neutralizes bile s alts may be beneficial if you suffer fromacid reflux .
Diet rich in protein
When there is too much hydrochloric acid in the stomach, wholesome protein comes to the rescue. It binds up excess hydrochloric acid. Protein sources can be lean meat, fish and dairy products, and eggs. You need to eat about 85 g of protein a day.Spread over several meals, this amount is provided by the following products: 3.5 cups of milk (1.5% fat), 2 cups of plain yogurt, 50 g of lean curd, 80 g of cooked meat, 25 g of lean ham or sirloin, 20 g of cooked fish and one egg.
You must do itSample menu for one day
Breakfast : stale wheat roll with 2 tablespoons of banana paste (recipe above), cereal coffee with skim milk
2nd breakfast : carrot pudding (recipe on the next page)
Lunch : soup vegetable cream with croutons, 2 meatballs with dill sauce, 2 tablespoons of mashed potatoes, 2 tablespoons of finely grated boiled beetroot sprinkled with lemon juice, slightly sweetened fruit compote (no fruit!)
Afternoon tea: cottage cheese, a glass of juice diluted with milk
Dinner : 2 tablespoons of thread noodles with crushed lean cottage cheese, baked apple, weak tea with milk
The effect of fat on the inhibition of gastric acid secretion
It is necessary for the absorption of beta-carotene, vitamins A, D, E and K from meals. Moreover, a small amount of fat inhibits the secretion of gastric juice and at the same time slows down the movement of the stomach. A good source of fat is butter (2 teaspoons maximum), cream and oils (up to 2 tablespoons): soybean, sunflower, corn, rapeseed, linseed and olive oils.
Low-fiber diet
High-fiber meals remain in the stomach, stimulate the secretion of juices and mechanically irritate the mucosa. Therefore, exclude wholemeal and whole grain bread, thick groats and raw vegetables and fruits from your diet. It is best to cook and mix vegetables and fruits, and dilute fruit and vegetable juices with milk.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreEffect of sweets on inhibiting the secretion of digestive juices
In the daily menu, you can also include small amounts of sugar, real honey, homemade marmalade (a total of no more than 4-5 teaspoons). Weak sugar solutions inhibit the secretion of digestive juices by the stomach.
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