Foot pain is a condition that may be caused not only locally, but related to the foot itself. Foot pain may also indicate a disease of another organ or a systemic disease. Some of them are really dangerous as they can lead to limb amputation and even death. Find out what pain in the foot means.
Foot painis a condition whosecausesmay be local, related to the foot itself. In this case, the pain may appear after a whole day spent in high-heeled shoes, because they put a lot of pressure on the toes, or in shoes that were not fitted, e.g. too small. Foot pain can also be a symptom of diseases affecting the foot, distant organs or systemic diseases.
Foot pain - local causes
1. Toe pain
- corns- these are hardening of the joints of the toes, resulting from prolonged pressure, causing pain when trying to walk;
- ingrown toenail- initially there is only slight discomfort, but as the nail grows ingrown, the pain in the toe is so strong that it makes walking impossible;
- halluksy(hallux valgus) - when walking there is pain on the backs of the deformed smaller fingers. At an advanced stage, the entire front part of the foot is deformed. In addition, there is pain in the middle of the foot, on the sole;
- runner's toe(injuries of the first metatarsophalangeal joint) - pain, most often accompanied by swelling, occurs when weight is transferred to the affected limb;
- hammer fingeris a flexion contracture of a finger (usually the second one). There is an imprint on its tip that causes pain when you try to walk and can even radiate to the metatarsus;
- interdigital mycosis(athlete's foot / athlete's foot) - begins between the fourth and fifth toes of the foot and manifests itself, among others, itchy rash, reddening and peeling of the skin between the toes, a burning or even "burning" sensation and an unpleasant smell to the feet;
2. Metatarsal pain
- hollow foot- characteristic is excessive arching inthe area between the heel tumor and the heads of the metatarsal bones and a general shortening of the foot, accompanied by pain in the foot (most often in the area of the main support points);
- Morton's metatarsalgia- burning pain occurs in the plantar area of the foot, mainly under the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones;
- flat feetis a deformation of the foot consisting in the disappearance or reduction of its roof. The foot becomes flat, which causes pain in the feet that worsens as you walk;
Read also: How overweight and obesity affect feet?
- athlete's foot- numerous tiny bubbles appear on the soles of the feet and red discoloration of the skin. It may even lead to hyperkeratosis and peeling of the epidermis of the entire foot;
3. Heel Pain
- heel spur(plantar fasciitis) - initially heel pain occurs only when walking, then it accompanies all the time. It is most intense in the morning, after getting out of bed, and after a period of prolonged sitting or lying down (the first few steps after the rest period cause the greatest pain for the patient);
- Haglund heel(Haglund-Sever disease - sterile calcaneus necrosis) - severe, pulsating heel pain, damage or thickening of the skin in the painful area;
- calluses- these are quite large, yellow, plaque-shaped growths of thickened skin that are formed on the sole of the feet. They cause the greatest pain when under pressure, i.e. when trying to walk. Most often they are formed on the heel, although they can also be located under the toe;
Pain in the foot - pressure on the nerves
In the course of diseases such as sciatica or herniated intervertebral disc (disc prolapse), there is pressure on the nerves responsible for sensation in the lower limbs. Then pain and numbness can radiate all the way down the leg to the foot.
Foot pain - chronic venous insufficiency
Chronic venous insufficiency is manifested by a feeling of "heaviness" in the legs at the end of the day, as well as swelling of the feet and ankles, burning and cramping of the feet and calves. Characteristic is also the widening of the veins on the skin or the appearance of varicose veins.
Foot pain - atherosclerosis of the lower limbs
Atherosclerotic plaques narrow the lumen of the arteries and lead to chronic ischemia of the legs. The first symptom of the disease is pale and cold feet. Intermittent claudication is also characteristic. It is pain in the calf, less often in the foot, thigh or buttock while walking, which disappearsafter rest and relapses after trying to walk again.
This will be useful to youFoot pain in pregnancy
The pain in the feet, which occurs most often in the last weeks of pregnancy, may be caused by the load resulting from weight gain and edema due to water retention in the body. In addition, there is more blood circulating, on average by a liter, which strains the veins and can cause pain in the feet.
Foot pain - gout
Gout is a disease in which excessive amounts of uric acid are produced, which crystallize, deposit and grow in the joints and periarticular tissue. Of the joints in the foot, gout most frequently affects the first metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe. The first symptom is usually a sudden, sharp pain in the joint that occurs at night or in the early morning. It grows in waves and is more and more severe each day, until it finally becomes excruciating. Additionally, the diseased joint is swollen and red, and the skin above it is taut and shiny.
Foot pain - joint degeneration
Degeneration of the joints in the feet is manifested by twitching, crackling, grinding in the joints of the feet, as well as severe pain when loaded, e.g. when climbing stairs or while standing.
Foot pain - diabetes
Diabetes may damage blood vessels or peripheral nerves in the lower limbs (diabetic foot). The problem usually affects patients with type 2 diabetes. Symptoms of this serious complication of diabetes are: pain in the limbs that worsens at night, painful muscle spasms, tingling and stinging sensations in the leg, disturbances in pain, temperature and touch.
Foot pain - neuropathies
- in chronic renal failure- apart from sensory disturbances and pain in feet and legs, swelling around the ankles appears;
- alcoholic neuropathy -there are burning pain in the lower limbs and sensory disturbances combined with numbness or tingling of the legs, resembling electricity flow;
- B-vitamin deficiency neuropathy -there are tremors and convulsions, imbalances, and burning pain in the limbs;

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