A broken nose is more serious than it seems. The injuries can affect not only the nose, but also the adjacent structures - the eye socket, eyeball, sinuses, mouth and ear. Even the brain can be damaged. What are the symptoms of a nasal fracture (with and without displacement)? How is the treatment going? What are the complications after this type of injury?

A broken noseis a common injury in ER. The nose is a delicate structure that gets damaged very easily. All its components are exposed to mechanical injuries, i.e. soft tissues (skin of the outer nose), cartilage (the cartilage part of the nasal septum) and bone (bones that build the nose and bones of the nasal septum).

Broken nose - how does this happen?

A broken nose is usually the result of an injury that can occur in a traffic accident or a fall. Breaking the nose is also a common result of fights. However, this type of injury most often occurs during contact sports, especially boxing.

Broken nose - symptoms

With a closed nose fracture, the wound is practically invisible, only the displacement of the bones in the nose is noticeable.Open nose fractureis characterized by noticeable distortion of the nose, displacement to the side or the formation of a depression ("saddle") in its upper part. In this case, bone or cartilage fragments pierce the skin and are visible. The accompanying symptoms are:

  • severe pain in the nose and the surrounding area, and even in the head;
  • nose bleed, which is the result of damage to the blood vessels (the mucosa lining the nasal cavity is very supplied with blood);
  • hematoma around the nose and under the eyes. This symptom should not be taken lightly, as it may indicate a fracture of the base of the skull;
  • swelling that causes breathing problems and a disturbed sense of smell;
  • watery eyes;

A broken nose can injure the brain!

A broken nose can damage the brain. So if after the injury (even after 7-10 days) symptoms that indicate a brain injury appear:

  • discharge of clear fluid from the nose;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • memory impairment;

belongs likesee a doctor as soon as possible!

Broken nose - first aid

In case of minor injuries, without bleeding, just put ice wrapped in a towel to your nose and see a doctor. If a nosebleed occurs, it should be stopped as soon as possible. Very profuse nosebleeds can lead to hemorrhagic shock, which is life-threatening. First, sit the injured person in a chair with their head tilted forward (never backwards, as the blood flowing down the throat may choke). Then apply pressure to the nose (for about 10 minutes) and instruct the victim to breathe gently through the mouth. A cold compress on the bridge of the nose is also helpful, as it constricts the blood vessels on the skin and thus reduces the flow of blood to the nose. In this case, you should go to the emergency room as soon as possible.

Broken nose - diagnosis

Diagnosis is made on the basis of an X-ray of the nose, which visualizes the fracture and displacement of the bones and crunchiness of the nose. Depending on the circumstances of the accident, the doctor may decide to perform an X-ray of the spine. If damage to the skull base is suspected, a computerized tomography of the head is also performed.

Broken nose - treatment

If the nose isbroken, no displacement , deformation and impaired patency of the nose, it is usually enough to manually adjust the bone and insert a tamponade to immobilize the set structures.

Nose fracture with displacementrequires adjustment during the procedure. However, it is best to postpone it until the swelling subsides, which blur the image of the fracture and prevent the correct positioning of the nose. It usually takes place 7-14 days after the injury for adults and up to 7 days for children. After this time, bone adhesions form, which prevent the proper conduct of the procedure. Then only septoplasty or plastic surgery of the nose can be performed.

Positioning the nosecan be done using the closed method. Then the doctor anesthetizes the nose from the inside and uses the tools to put the bones in place. If, as a result of the injury, bone fragments are wedged, or the septum of the nose is broken / distorted, it is advisable to open the nose. Displaced fracture of the nose also requires surgical correction under general anesthesia. After adjusting the nasal bones, it is necessary to stabilize the fractured fragments by inserting the anterior tamponade (it is removed 3-5 days after the procedure) and external immobilization.

Your doctor will often prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection, as well as medications to reduce swelling and pain medications.In addition, after the procedure, avoid contact with patients with upper respiratory tract infection.

Broken nose - complications

If there is abnormal fusion of the bones, complications such as a curvature of the nasal septum may develop, resulting in breathing problems and an impaired sense of smell. Complication after a nasal fracture may also be an infected hematoma and abscess. As a result of facial bones injuries, damage to nearby sinuses is also possible. Late complications include distortions and deformities of the nasal pyramid or nasal septum.