Vulvitis can occur when the natural defenses of the epithelium are damaged, which is not common. The weakening or damage to the vulva epithelium makes the task easier for bacteria, viruses and fungi. Vulvitis must be treated as it can lead to secondary vaginosis, urethral and bladder infections.
Vulvitisis an extremely bothersome condition that, fortunately, is very rare. It is also relatively easy to avoid - just follow the rules of intimate hygiene, wear clean, natural underwear and take care of the natural resistance of the vagina by using vaginal globules.
Vulvitis: causes
- injuries (abrasions of the epidermis, mucosa damage, skin maceration)
- chemical-thermal factors (e.g. washing with hot or irritating disinfectants)
- hormonal disorders (mainly in the period of menopause and old age due to estrogen deficiency)
- general diseases (diabetes, uremia, jaundice, nephritis, anemia)
- bacteria - staphylococcus, streptococcus, coliform bacteria, fungi and viruses that become active under the influence of the factors mentioned above
Vulvitis: risk factors
- obesity
- diabetes
- urinary incontinence
Symptoms of vulvitis
- baking
- itching
- pain
- reddening of the skin with whitish deposits
- swelling
- increased temperature in the inflamed area
Vulvitis: treatment
The doctor decides about the course of treatment based on a vaginal smear. It all depends on what the causes of the inflammation are. Painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic drugs, antibacterial or antifungal ointments selected on the basis of the smear results are given. Relief can be provided by sitz baths made of potassium permanganate solution of herbs containing tannins (oak bark), compresses made of Burow's liquid, boric acid solution or chamomile infusion, or by brushing with 1% gentian solution