Reye's syndrome is a potentially fatal disease that can be caused by taking medications that contain acetylsalicylic acid, called aspirin. Reye's syndrome most often occurs in children who took salicylates during an infection. What are the symptoms of Reye's syndrome? What is the treatment?

Reye's syndromeis a rare but severe and potentially fatal disease (around 20% of patients die) that leads to acute encephalopathy and liver failure, and to cerebral edema. Reye's syndrome is most often diagnosed in children aged 4-12 (but it can also affect newborns and adults), in the autumn-winter period, when the number of viral diseases increases.

Reye's syndrome - symptoms

Symptoms of Reye's syndrome usually appear 1-2 days after a viral illness, e.g. upper respiratory tract infections (colds, flu), diarrhea, chickenpox, and result from damage to the nervous system and hepatic encephalopathy:

  • violent profuse vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • sleepiness
  • irritability and tearfulness
  • trouble with eyesight and hearing
  • speech disorder
  • entanglement
  • convulsions
  • abnormal breathing (i.e. deep breaths and exhalations), which later subsides and the breathing becomes very shallow)
  • loss of consciousness

The symptoms of Reye's syndrome are usually not accompanied by a fever.

Reye's syndrome - diagnosis

In order to diagnose Reye's syndrome, blood tests are carried out, which show, among others, increase in liver enzymes, increase in ammonia, decreased glucose levels and increased levels of leukocytes.

The histopathological examination of the previously collected liver sample (fatty liver is found) and the cerebrospinal fluid are also performed.

During the diagnostic procedure, the doctor should exclude other diseases that give symptoms similar to Reye's syndrome, such as meningitis, encephalitis, hepatitis, drug and toxin poisoning, metabolic diseases.


Don't give your baby aspirin!

The use of preparations with acetylsalicylic acid is contraindicated in children and adolescents. They must not be treated with aspirin and other salicylateschicken pox, influenza and other viral diseases. Remember that many over-the-counter medications contain salicylates, so be sure to read the package leaflet carefully before giving them to your child. If in doubt, go to the doctor and ask if the drug is safe for the child.

Instead of aspirin, it is recommended to give the child paracetamol, which also has antipyretic and analgesic properties and is safer than aspirin.

Reye's syndrome - causes and risk factors

It is not known what causes Reye's syndrome. It is known that the disease is most often diagnosed in children who, during viral infections, were treated with preparations containing acetylsalicylic acid, i.e. popular aspirin or polopyrin. It is this relationship that is considered to be the main risk factor for the development of the disease.

The likelihood of Reye's syndrome is also increased by the presence of specific diseases: influenza, parainfluenza, smallpox, rubella, mumps and infections caused by rhinoviruses, reoviruses and adenoviruses. The doctors' observations show that these are the diseases that most often precede the occurrence of Reye's syndrome.

In some cases, Reye's syndrome can be triggered by exposure to toxins such as insecticides, herbicides, and paint thinner.

Reye's syndrome - treatment

Hospitalization is necessary. Treatment is symptomatic and aims to rehydrate the baby and support his vital functions.
