Neoplasm of the salivary glands belongs to the group of neoplasms originating from the cells of the salivary glands. Salivary gland cancer accounts for about 1 percent. human cancers and 5-10 percent. all head and neck tumors. What are the causes and symptoms of bib cancer? What is the treatment?
Salivary gland canceraround 70-80 percent cases is located in the parotid gland. Rarely doesflipto other structures. In the case of cancer of the submandibular gland, about 50 percent. the changes aremalicious .
Salivary gland cancer - causes
The causes are unknown in most cases of salivary gland cancer. It is known that the risk of this type of cancer increases with age - the older the patient, the greater the risk of salivary gland cancer. It is suspected that the Epstein Barr virus (EBV) may be responsible for this tumor. In addition, radiotherapy of the head and neck and contact with certain chemical compounds in workplaces are a contributing factor.
Salivary gland cancer - symptoms
A growing tumor of the parotid gland can paralyze the facial nerve, the plexus of which is located inside the diseased gland. As a result of nerve paralysis, the facial muscles are not supplied with motor, which results in their paralysis.
Other symptoms of salivary gland cancer are: a lump in the area of the salivary glands, ear, jaw, mandible, mouth or inside the mouth, oozing fluid from the ear, difficulty opening the mouth wide.
Other symptoms of a parotid gland tumor are neurological symptoms, such as:
- inability to fully tighten the eyelid gap muscles (white sclera visible - Bell's symptom),
- unable to wrinkle your brow
- disappearance of nasolabial fold
- difficulty swallowing
- hanging cheek that can be bitten during a meal
- inadequate when shifting food into the proper cavity
- pendulous corner of the mouth, which becomes an outlet for saliva, which is a significant discomfort when eating food and makes the facial expression grotesque
The most serious symptom is the paralysis of the eye muscle, which leads to dryness and clouding of the cornea and the formation of inflammation within it. Symptomsmay lead to the need to remove the eyeball.
In addition, a characteristic symptom of salivary gland cancer are metastases to the lymph nodes, which become enlarged. Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic.
Salivary gland cancer - diagnosis and treatment
Salivary gland cancer is sometimes detected during a visit to the dentist or during a routine medical examination. The diagnosis includes physical examination, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, endoscopy and positron emission tomography. Very important information is provided by the fine needle aspiration biopsy, from which the material is subjected to histopathological examination.
Salivary gland cancer - treatment
Treatment of salivary gland cancer involves surgical removal of all or part of the affected salivary gland. Lymph nodes are removed during surgery. In the case of malignant tumors, radiation therapy is usually necessary after surgery.