A large amount of artificial food and drugs causes our bodies to lose the ability to cleanse themselves of toxins. Therefore, in this process, you need to help yourself by following a proper diet and restoring the biological balance of the intestinal flora. One of the best methods of removing toxins is the body detox treatment, developed by the English doctor Mary Staggs.
- Cleansing the body of toxins: take care of the liver
- Proven help in getting rid of toxins, i.e. body detox
Toxins in the bodycome from everything we eat and breathe. We are unable to protect ourselves from them. Therefore, it is important to help the body get rid of toxins. Most of the food we eat is highly processed, full of preservatives, artificial flavors and colorings. Moreover, the widespread abuse of drugs does not have a positive effect on the biological balance of the intestinal flora. This leads to disturbances in the balance of the internal human microecosystem. That is why our body loses its natural ability to cleanse itself of toxins and it is worth supporting it regularly in this process.
Cleansing the body of toxins: take care of the liver
The neutralization of toxins in the liver is related to the processes of their oxidation and combination with various organic substances. The idea is to allow them to pass into bile or urine. Oxidation of toxins is a process that generates additional free radicals. Hence the greater need to consume antioxidants. An additional factor increasing the need for antioxidants in the liver with increased detoxification is the increased consumption of glutathione and its reduction in the amount in the cell. Glutathione is used up for coupling with toxins and is irretrievably lost. So it has to be synthesized anew. It is a very important molecule in the process of removing free radicals. The increase in the level of free radicals slows down the energy production process needed for detoxification processes, including for the regeneration of glutathione. Therefore, in order to detoxify the liver, you need to get the right amount of glutathione. Glutathione itself practically cannot be supplemented. It must be synthesized in the cell.
Proven help in getting rid of toxins, i.e. body detox
One of the better methods of removing toxinsis a body detox treatment, developed by the English doctor Mary Staggs. This method is based on the Chinese philosophy of energy as the essence of life and water. The Detox System device invented by Staggs uses the principle of using controlled electric currents in the treatment of various diseases and has a wide range of applications. Thanks to special programs, it produces an appropriately modulated current of variable polarity, which causes the water ionization. The feet are immersed in water and through the pores - approx. 2000 on each foot - a quick and effective process of energizing the body takes place. Cells stimulated in this way begin to work properly, which translates into the immediate, intensive release of toxins and other harmful substances into the blood. These substances are then carried and excreted through the pores of the feet into the water. Intensive excretion of toxins and heavy metals occurs mainly through physiological fluids, which continues for some time after the completion of the series of treatments. A properly functioning organism simultaneously takes the necessary substances and microelements from the water much better.