Bone tumors are a group of cancer that occurs either in children and adolescents, or in adults between the ages of 50 and 60. Ewing's sarcoma is usually diagnosed in the youngest (it is mistakenly considered a type of bone cancer). Another bone cancer that is often diagnosed in both children and adults is multiple myeloma. Find out what types of bone cancer are and how to recognize their symptoms.
Bone tumorsare divided into benign and malignant (however,bone canceris not distinguished, as in this case it is an incorrect term) . The former are called tumors of adolescents and young adults, as they usually appear during the period of intensive bone growth. They are much more common than malignant bone tumors. The latter account for about 0.2 percent. all malignant tumors in our country. According to the data of the National Cancer Registry, the number of cases of malignant neoplasms of bones and articular cartilage in 2010 was 294, of which 166 in men and 128 in women (cases in men are about 2 times more frequent than in women). The report of the National Cancer Registry also shows that the most cases of malignant neoplasms of bones and articular cartilages occur around the age of 20 and between the ages of 50 and 60. These neoplasms may be primary changes (similarly to benign neoplasms) or result from tumor metastasis from another organ - most often from the breast, lung, prostate gland, kidney and thyroid gland.
Benign bone tumors
1. Chondroma - is a cancer of the cartilage tissue, which most often occurs in people under 30 years of age:
- osteochondroma;
- intraosseous chondroma (enchondroma);
- periosteal chondroma;
2. Giant cell tumor - accounts for 4-5 percent. primary bone tumors and 20 percent. benign tumors of this tissue. It most often develops between the ages of 20 and 40, with a slightly higher frequency in women.
3. Osteoma - is a benign tumor made of bone tissue, which usually develops in the bones of the skull, pelvis, scapula, in the epiphyses of long bones, in the phalanges.
Other benign benign neoplasms classified as costa is osteoma, otherwisealso osteoid osteoma, which occurs from 5 to 40 years of age, more often in boys, and also osteoblastoma, which is also most often diagnosed in young people, between the ages of 10 and 30, twice more often in men. Cancer in 30-40 percent. cases is located in the spine.
4. Aneurysmal cyst (cystis aneurysmatica) - most often develops in the thoracic spine, mainly in young people, most often before the age of 20. The observations show that women get sick more often.
5. Spinal hemangioma (hemangioma) is a benign vascular tumor which accounts for over 50% of all bone hemangiomas.
6. Fibrous dysplasia of bone is a rare, cancer-like lesion in the bone.
7. It has developed osteochondritis.
Malignant bone tumors
1. Bone sarcoma (osteosarcoma) is a cancer whose cells produce the so-called callus. It is the most common bone cancer in children, as well as in adolescents and young adults - the peak incidence is 15-19. year of life (during the so-called puberty jump). Its most common location is the knee joint.
Bone neoplasms account for 7% of all cancers in children.
2. Ewing's sarcoma (tumor) - most often affects children (it accounts for 1-3% of all childhood cancers) and is the second most common bone cancer in the youngest (after osteosarcoma). The peak incidence is found in the age range of 10-14 years for boys and 5-9 years for girls. It is usually located in the pelvic bones and legs.
This will be useful to youBone tumors - symptoms
Bone cancer is most often manifested by bone pain that occurs where the tumor grows (it can sometimes be palpable). In addition, other symptoms such as a thickening on the bone and swelling may be seen. Bone cancer is also characterized by weakening of the bone tissue, which results in frequent fractures.
In addition, there are general symptoms that accompany most cancers, such as: weakness, rapid weight loss, fever or anemia.
3. Chondrosarcoma (chondrosarcoma, chondrosarcoma) - accounts for about 10 percent. all primary bone tumors. It most often develops in the 5th and 6th decade of life in the bones of the trunk and the upper (proximal) sections of the humerus and femurs.
4. Fibrosarcoma (fibrosarcoma) - accounts for about 4 percent. all bone sarcomas. Usually attacks people from 20 to 60 years of age. Its most common location is the epiphysis of long bones,especially the shinbones and femurs.
GOOD TO KNOW>>Sarcomas. Diagnosis and treatment of sarcomas - rare neoplasms
5. Struniak (chordoma) - accounts for only 2-4 percent. primary malignant bone tumors, on the other hand, is the most common primary malignant neoplasm of the spine in adults (usually diagnosed between 30 and 60 years of age, 2-3 times more often in men than in women). In half of the cases it develops in the sacro-caudal area, the least frequently in the cervical and thoracic spine. 6. Ameloblastoma is a rare bone cancer (less than 1% of cases) that usually develops around the molars at the back of the mandible. Changes originating in the lymphatic system are a separate group of malignant neoplasms that can locate in the bones: Cancer is one of the malignant neoplasms that develops from epidermal cells or epithelial cells from various organs of the body, such as the skin, gland, mucosa, lining of the digestive system, thyroid gland and pancreas. The terms "brain cancer" and "bone cancer" are incorrect as there is no epithelial tissue present.Malignant bone tumors originating in the lymphatic system
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