What is the sexual life of Poles like? Stress is the biggest obstacle in making love for us, we love each other shorter and shorter, but we admit to masturbating more often. We invite you to read the results of the report "Sexuality of Poles 2022", prepared by prof. dr. hab. Zbigniew Izdebski in cooperation with Polpharma.
Report on thesexual life of Poleswas conducted by the IQS Group on a sample of 2,500 people aged 18+ (for some questions only among people aged 18-49) in December 2016 and January 2022. What can we learn from it?
How important is sex for Poles?
The basic question that was asked of the surveyed Poles was about the role of sex in their lives. It turned out that making love is moderately important to us. 40 percent of Poles say sex is important to them, including 48 percent of men and 34 percent of women. It is worth looking at the answers to this question in terms of the age of the respondents - sex is an important part of life for 60 percent of people aged 30-49, while only 21 percent of respondents gave a similar answer among people 50+. Sex plays an important role in 49 percent of the youngest respondents, aged 18-29.
Isthe sexual life of Polessatisfying? Yes, 52 percent of the time, and 33 percent of the time we're neither satisfied nor disappointed. 55 percent of men are satisfied with sex, and just a little less - 49 percent - of women. The most satisfied - 70% - are people aged 30-49, 21% of people at this age could not define their satisfaction with sex life, and only 9% unambiguously answered that they are not satisfied with their own sex life. People over 50 enjoy sex 36 percent of the time, and 44 percent are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with their erotic life. 17 percent of them do not enjoy their sexual activity. Slightly more than half of the youngest respondents (people aged 18-29) - 53 percent - have satisfying sex, and another 30 percent of them have an ambivalent attitude towards it.
source: Sexuality of Poles 2022. Research by Zbigniew Izdebski and Polpharma

Sexual activity of Poles
Speaking of Poles' sex, it is worth asking how often we practice it. It is different with this. Overall, 76 percent of us engage in sex, which is 10 percent less than in 1997. Not only has our sexual activity decreased, but also the duration of intercourse is shortened. Without foreplay, it lasts 14.3 minutes (compared to 18.6 minutes in 2001), and we spend 15.1 minutes on foreplay alone (it was 20.6 minutes in 2005).
What influences our less sexual activity? First of all, fatigue and stress. In previous editions of the report, prof. Izdebski's "Sexuality of Poles" was always topped by the fear of pregnancy, today 21 percent of men and 31 percent of women are unable to make love because they are too tired. It was only in the second place among our fears that an unwanted pregnancy was found, followed by illness / malaise and intoxication of our partner / partner. Men are more afraid of not checking in bed (16 percent versus 6 percent of women), while women are afraid that their body isn't attractive enough (12 percent versus 3 percent of men). Guilt / sin is the least disturbing factor in having sex - this is the case for 2 percent of men and 3 percent of ladies.
It also turns out that not only women, but also men sometimes have sex, even though their head hurts. 22 percent of Poles happen to make love with a partner, although they do not want to at the moment (15 percent of men and 28 percent of women do), but more often - in the case of 58 percent of men and 38 percent of women - we refuse to have sex if at a certain point in time there is a factor that prevents us from growing it.
source: Sexuality of Poles 2022. Research by Zbigniew Izdebski and Polpharma

Still 40 percent of men believe that a partner who has trouble maintaining an erection is deficient. 31 percent of women share a view, and 30 percent of both genders neither agree nor disagree with this statement. Perhaps this is the reason why 71 percent of Poles believe that there is nothing wrong with using drugs to improve sexual performance. What about women? 20 percent of respondents answered that a partner who has difficulty achieving orgasm is deficient - this opinion is shared by 24 percent of men and 17 percent of women.
Poles and masturbation
According to a 2016 study by the US women's magazine "Bustle", 81 percent of Americans and 95 percentAmericans admit to masturbating. It is different with Poles - only 36 percent of us admit to masturbating, but there was a big change compared to the results of the report by prof. Izdebski from 20 years ago, when this ratio was 19 percent. Men are more likely to masturbate - 47 percent, and women - 23 percent less often. On the other hand, more people agree with the statement: "masturbation allows you to get to know your body better and enjoy more, experience the satisfaction of your sexual needs" - 49 percent of respondents, including 55 percent of men and 43 percent of women, agree.
There is a clear difference in the approach to this aspect of the sexual life of Poles and the age of the respondents. People from 18 to 49 years of age agree that masturbation can be beneficial for sexuality in 57 percent, while in the 50+ age group this ratio is much lower - it amounts to 39 percent.
source: Sexuality of Poles 2022. Research by Zbigniew Izdebski and Polpharma

How do Poles betray?
As part of the "Sexuality of Poles" report, the respondents were also asked to what extent they agreed with the statement that being in a long-term relationship you can also be in a second - also permanent - relationship, that is, have an affair. 17 percent of the respondents agreed with this opinion, and 18 percent of them said they neither agreed nor disagreed, while 37 percent of respondents did not think so.
In turn, 71 percent of people who cheated on their partner said that they had never admitted being unfaithful, 20 percent told their partner about it themselves, and in 8 percent of cases, the cheated person learned about the other person's infidelity from someone else . What were the consequences of treason? Relationships of people who confessed to having a lover 35 percent of the time, they broke up, 25 percent of couples had a relationship that deteriorated, 20 percent had no relationship change, and 20 percent had a stronger relationship. The situation is different in the relationships of people who have not told their partner about the betrayal. In 57 percent of the cases, their relationship did not change, in 13 percent - it deteriorated, and in 12 percent, the relationship broke up. 9 percent of people in such a situation stated that their relationship with their partner had strengthened.
Under what circumstances do Poles cheat? Usually after consuming a large dose of alcohol - 26 percent, during holidays without a partner - 24 percent, during business trips - 17 percent and in the office / workplace - 15 percent.
Women's sexual awareness has increased significantly - see how prof. Izdebski comments on his report
source: X-news (Dzień Dobry TVN)